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Newsletter CEM (Center for Metropolitan Studies) Nº10, May/2013

martes, 21 mayo, 2013


Newsletter CEM Nº10, May/2013


The Centre for Metropolitan Studies enters new phase integrating RIDC (Research, Innovation, and Dissemination Centers) projects with funding from FAPESP. Remains also as INCT with CNPq and Ministry of Science Technology funding. It continues to develop advanced studies on themes concerning social, economic and political transformations in contemporary metropolises.

This research proposal aims at studying contemporary Brazil to better understand the complex role of public policies and institutions on economic growth, poverty alleviation, and inequality reduction. CEM complete 11 years of research.

The research objective of this proposal comprises four broad dimensions: To measure current and past social inequalities regarding race, migration, labor market, income, urban conditions, education, gender, and political behavior, through the project: How has Brazil changed in the last 50 years?, to understand the independent effect of State policies on social conditions and inequality reduction, to understand and to the role of political institutions on the decision-making of redistributive policies, particularly voting behavior and law-making processmap alternative forms of governance in urban areas and their connections to the State in order to understand «who governs what?


Drawn for easy navigation and to facilitate the visitor location of content available. For the formulation of the new site of the CEM (Centre for Metropolitan Studies) was adopted a format more friendly user and intuitive organization. The new website is now hosted on the FFLCH’s (School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences) Portal.

The new structure of the site includes the contents related to Research lines of the Centre, and on the Home links to the pages of the research coordinators, as well as the highlighted menus and submenus of large content areas of the site. The vistor continues to have free access to Databases, to Studies in partnership with public sector institutions (municipal, from state and federal) and most of the production of researchers from institution, all of that now available in the Publications area.

All contents previously available can still be accessed freely: the Database, the Map Collection, Publications (on line library), the Research Lines, the archives of the news broadcasted, articles and stories on the media and diffusion projects, the research Seminars and the CEM Working Papers. New content will be incorporated soon, both from research results as audiovisual production, among others.

The new website aims as to enable the visitor to easily find what is searching and the pages are more easily accessed (for faster browsing). As a complement is offered  the site map.


Census Project – 50 years of Data. Available now in the Database area a vast set of database of all Demographic Censuses conducted by IBGE for over half a century and also the National Household Sample Survey (PNADs, in Portuguese) containing 35 years of information. The material is part of an already substantial online database on CEM’s website and it serves as a fundamental source of information for one of the newest projects of CMS/CEPID: Census Project: What changes has Brazil experienced over the last fifty years?
The datasets are available in the Database area of the Center for Metropolitan Studies new website and are free to download. Simply fill out the registration, which is free. If you have already registered, simply enter your email in the area shown.


Book by Nadya Araujo Guimaraes on unenployment is launched in France. Être chômeur à Paris, São Paulo, Tokyo – Une méthode de comparaison internationale, authored Didier Demazière, Nadya Araujo Guimarães, Helena Hirata and Kurumi Sugita, Presses de Sciences Po, 2013, 320 p.

The condition of being unemployed is marked by the obligation to seek job, but this definition hides heterogeneous international realities.  The aim of this book is to explore the diversity of meanings of unemployment: how the unemployed live and interpret their situation in Paris, São Paulo and Tokyo? Unemployment has the same meaning everywhere?

The book traces the paths in which unemployment is experienced by men and women of different ages and social media in these three cities. This comparative approach identifies multiple scales of variation: International, with a universe of meanings common to the unemployed in the three countries; national, with the affirmation of reference models specific to each territory; and transnational, with overlap experiences with gender, age and social class, regardless of the country. Outcome of investigations by in depth biographical interviews and a new method of internationimprensa@esmp.sp.gov.bral comparison, this book renews the knowledge on unemployment in a way as unique as exciting.



The experience of job seeking: interactions, experiences and meanings, author Priscila Faria Vieira, Annablume Publisher/CEM; Fapesp/CNPq, 284 pages (in Portuguese). From the investigations carried out by the Centre for Metropolitan Studies (CMS/INCT/CEPID, this book looks into the act of job seeking via institutions of labor intermediation. The author develops an analysis assuming that the act of searching for a job cannot be reduced to an economic phenomenon, based on a rational calculus, which joins suppliers and demanders of jobs nor can be treated as simple strategic indicator of unemployment as certain sociology perspectives assume. On the contrary, the book shows that searching for a job is a social, moral and subjective experience and, in this sense, it becomes fundamental to understand the interactions as well as the everyday experiences lived by job seekers. The analysis was based on an empirical investigation conducted between 2005 and 2009 in downtown São Paulo city, specifically on Barão de Itapetininga Street with the highest spatial concentration of job agencies in the Metropolitan Region, which is the largest market for labor intermediation in Brazil. The analytical techniques included ethnographic observation, interviews with agents involved in the process and the analysis of documentation.


UFSCar professor Gabriel Feltran, and also CEM’s researcher, participates of the book Ilegalisms, City and Politics(Ilegalismos, Cidade e Pólítica in Portuguese), by Vera da Silva Telles, Christian Azais and Gabriel Kessler (ed.) /  Fino Traço Publisher. Feltran is the author of the chapter «Maintaining order in the outskirts of São Paulo: the coexistence of normative devices in the ‘PCC era'». The book puts in the agenda relevant issues to recent developments of cities and metropolises in Latin America. The work is the result of the meeting of two surveys conducted by international teams.



The Centre for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) offers a training course on the GIS software TerraView – Social Policy. It is targeted to non-specialists interested in deepening their knowledge about the software, especially professionals working with social policies. In the training, participants will have an overview of the system, learning how to use basic tools, explore databases and to generate maps and graphs.

Around a thousand students have already completed the training, among technical staff at the municipal administrations and undergraduate and postgraduate students of several courses. The total amount of training hours is 20. The next courses will take place in May (22, 23 and 24) and June (26,27 and 28).

Centre for Metropolitan Studies
Phone number: (55-11) 5574 0399
Email: contato@centrodametropole.org.br
Morgado de Mateus Street, 615 –  Sao Paulo – SP
ZIP CODE (CEP) – 04015-902

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