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Lo relevante de la agenda migratoria | Migrantólogos.mx

martes, 13 febrero, 2018

IAUES (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences) invites you to submit your paper abstract between February 8-28, 2018.

We invite you to submit to our open panel on the theme Migration and Displacement (#25), one of 38 themes in the congress.  Papers accepted in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.

Abstract submission for the panels, February 8-28, 2018


Panel coordinated by:

Judith Freidenberg (University of Maryland, USA; jfreiden@umd.edu)

Maria Catarina Chitolina Zanini (Universidade Federale de Santa Maria, Brasil; zanini.ufsm@gmail.com)

Marcia Bebianno Simoes (Organization of American States; MBebianno@oas.org)

Conversatorio: La política migratoria en la era Trump, las deportaciones y las migración de retorno.

16 de febrero
de 2017, a las 16:30 hrs.

Auditorio del Edificio Anexo del IGg-UNAM.

Moderador: Guillermo Castillo Ramírez, IGg

Investigadoras invitadas:

Dra. Liliana Rivera Sánchez, COLMEX
Dra. Leticia Calderón Chelius, Instituto Mora
Dra. Magdalena Barros Nock, CIESAS – Cd. De México

Conferencia: Trump y el caos del sistema geopolítico mundial.
Prof. Dr. Christof Parnreiter, Universidad de Hamburgo
Viernes 16 de febrero de 18:40 a 20:15,
Auditorio del Edificio Anexo, IGg UNAM.

Latino Mass Mobilization: Immigration, Racialization, and Activism
Description of the book: In the spring of 2006, millions of Latinos across the country participated in the largest civil rights demonstrations in American history. In this timely and highly anticipated book, Chris Zepeda-Millán analyzes the background, course, and impacts of this unprecedented wave of protests, highlighting their unique local, national, and demographic dynamics. He finds that because of the particular ways the issue of immigrant illegality was racialized, federally proposed anti-immigrant legislation (H.R. 4437) helped transform Latinos’ sense of latent group membership into the racial group consciousness that incited their engagement in large-scale collective action. Zepeda-Millán shows how nativist policy threats against disenfranchised undocumented immigrants can provoke a political backlash – on the streets and at the ballot box – from not only ‘people without papers’, but also naturalized and US-born citizens. Latino Mass Mobilization is an important intervention into contemporary debates regarding immigration policy, social movements, and racial politics in the United States. (from the Cambridge University Press website, to read more click here)

Notas de Población – Convocatoria – CEPAL

Información: http://ow.ly/mJUS30ib0Tz

En: Boletines de difusión