El Muro, Boletín Interno de El Colef header image 1

«El Muro» with Film Maker Greg Rainoff

martes, 26 octubre, 2010

The Center for Latin American Studies

Chicana/o Studies Department


Foundation for Change

cordially invite you to the view of

El Muro

a documentary film by

Greg Rainoff

Q & A with film maker will follow the screening

Thursday, 10/28/2010 at 7pm



El Muro shows the human and environmental consequences of the border fence between Playas and San Ysidro,
along the way it visits the reasons for the fence and local perspectives on its effectiveness.
Migrants, deportees, minutemen, coyotes, environmentalists, writers, and academics all lend their experience and perspective
in terms of human rights, democracy, NAFTA, globalization, and the destruction of the Tjuana estuary.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Public Transportation: http://bfa.sdsu.edu/fpm/busroutes.htm

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