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Annual International Conference 2011

martes, 7 diciembre, 2010

1Annual International Conference 2011

Regional development and policy – challenges, choices and recipients

Sunday 17th – Wednesdayy 20th April 2011: University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

(Excursion, walking tour and evening drinks reception Sunday 17th April)

Abstract submission deadline – 31st January 2011>

This conference will take place at the University of Newcastle and the Civic Centre over four days in April 2011 and will include daily plenary, workshop

and special roundtable sessions.

We welcome papers from all – academics, students and those working in policy and practice. The event is inclusive and offers networking

opportunities for all in our field. The organisers welcome proposals for special sessions, themed workshops and innovative forms of networking and collaboration. If you would like to organise or offer a session to the conference please contact Lisa Bibby-Larsen at

events@rsa-ls.ac.uk and we will assist you.

The challenges for regional development are intensifying. Long-term factors shaping the prospects for cities and regions include the effects of climate

change and new demands on energy, water and food systems. Cities also face significant demographic shifts. Rapid technological changes – captured

in the notion of an emerging Knowledge Economy – will also affect cities and regions. Moreover, we are witnessing significant changes in international

political economy – encapssulated by the term globalisation – but increasingly understood as iincorporating the rise of new economic powers, such as the

BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and, above all, China). The immediate context for thinking about these questions in many parts of the world is the aftermath of a severe economic crisis and a new politics of austerity.

Local, regional, national and international actors continue to search for new policy solutions at a time when traditional forms of governance are being

tested and new forms of regional politics are emerging. In many parts of the world regional disparities are growing as more economic activity becomes

concentrated in global city regions, posing questions about the future of cities and regions beyond the metropolis. In these austere times, some voices

question the need for regional policy itself and public policy debates increasingly focus on these dilemmas.

Gateway themes:

·         Climate change, resource pressures, environment and sustainable regions

Gerd Lintz (g.lintz@ioer.de), Peter Wirth (p.wirth@ioer.de) and Andrew Beer (andrew.beer@flinders.edu.au)

·         Labour markets, migration and regional development

Alessandra Faggian (A.Faggian@soton.ac.uk), Mark Partridge (partridge.27@osu.edu) and Anne Green (a.e.green@warwick.ac.uk)

·         Inequality, diversity and regional development

Irene Hardill (i.hardill@ntu.ac.uk), Solange Villette (solange.villette@orange.fr) and

Lionel Guillemot (l.guillemot@univ-angers.fr)

·         Rurality/peripherality and regional development

Peter de Souza (peter.souza@hihm.no) and Anne Lorentzen (al@plan.aau.dk)

·         Spatial econometrics

Vasillis Monastiriotis (v.monastiriotis@lse.ac.uk) and Bernard Fingleton (bf100@cam.ac.uk)

·         Borders and border regions

Gianluca Spinaci (Gianluca.Spinaci@cor.europa.eu) and Nicola Bellini (nbellini@sssup.it)

·         Competitiveness, competition and cooperation

Gillian Bristow (BristowG1@cardiff.ac.uk)

·         New approaches to regional development policy

Arnoud Lagendijk (a.lagendijk@ru.nl) and Pedro Marques (p.m.marques@newcastle.ac.uk)

·         Social justice and regional development

Gordon Dabinett (g.e.dabinett@sheffield.ac.uk) and Thilo Lang (t_lang@ifl-leipzig.de)

·         The politics and governance of regional and territorial development

Tassilo Herrschel (t.a.herrschel@westminster.ac.uk)

·         Regional identity and regionalism

Pavel Chromy (chromy@natur.cuni.cz)

·         Financing the regions – current and future challenges

Martin Sokol (m.sokol@qmul.ac.uk), Zoltan Gal (galz@rkk,hu) and Ewald Engelen (E.R.Engelen@uva.nl)

·         Regional development and development management in a global context

Ulrich Graute (graute@un.org) and Mikhail Dimitriev (M.Dmitriev@csr.ru)

·         Phoenix industries and innovation

Abdel-Illah Hamdouch (Abdel.Hamdouch@univ-lille1.fr), Stuart Dawley (s.j.dawley@ncl.ac.uk)

·         Enterprise, entrepreneurship and learning in resilient regions

Mark Hart (mark.hart@aston.ac.uk), Roel Rutten (R.P.J.H.Rutten@uvt.nl), Helena Lenihan (helena.lenihan@ul.ie)

·         Creative Industries and regional development

Caroline Chapain (c.a.chapain@bham.ac.uk, Roberta Comunian (r.comunian@soton.ac.uk), Nick Clifton (nclifton@uwic.ac.uk)

·         Cultural and experiential economies

Lisa de Propris (l.de_propris@bham.ac.uk), Anne Lorentzen (al@plan.aau.dk), Olivier Crevoisier (Olivier.crevoisier@unine.ch)

·         Communities, civil society and the role of education and the quadruple helix of regional development

Oto Potluka (potluka@vse.cz) and Peter McGregor (p.mcgregor@strath.ac.uk)

·         EU Policy and practice

John Bachtler (john.bachtler@strath.ac.uk) and Phil McCann (P.McCann@rug.nl)

·         Territorial Cooperation

Kai Boehme (kai.boehme@spatialforesight.eu) and Thiemo Eser (Thiemo.Eser@mat.etat.lu)

·         Spatial planning

Krisztina Varró (k.varro@fm.ru.nl) and Alasdair Rae (a.j.rae@sheffield.ac.uk)

·         Place leadership

Markku Sotarauta (Markku.sotarauta@uta.fi) and John Gibney (J.Gibney@bham.ac.uk)

For more information please go to:


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