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Institute of the Américas

martes, 11 enero, 2011


Davidow to retire as president of Institute
of the Americas; search for successor begins

Davidow to retire as president of Institute of the Americas

LA JOLLA – Ambassador Jeffrey Davidow will retire from his position as president of the Institute of the Americas at the end of his second four-year term in May 2011, David Weaver, chairman of the board of directors, said.

In announcing Ambassador Davidow’s decision, Weaver praised him for injecting new vitality into the Institute’s programs, expanding its profile and credibility throughout the Americas and turning it into the premier center for Latin American-focused activities on the West Coast.

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Winners of ECLAC awards recognized during forum on Social Innovation

Winners of ECLAC Awards Meet at the Institute for Program on Social InnovationLA JOLLA – The Institute’s Friend Plaza was transformed into a colorful marketplace of award-winning social innovative projects from Latin America and the Caribbean during the Nov. 17-19 international seminar, «Social innovations in Latin America and the Caribbean.» The projects were identified over five annual cycles of the Experiences in Social Innovation contest organized by the Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean (ECLAC) of the United Nations and the Kellogg Foundation.

Each of the 25 winning projects was judged by ECLAC for innovation, cost-benefit ratio, impact on poverty, social responsibility, sustainability, potential for replication, potential to become public policy and potential to reduce discrimination and exclusion.

The projects were selected from among 4,800 entries from across the region, in a wide variety of thematic areas including reduction of teen violence, improving maternal and child health and the creation of micro cooperatives to produce pasteurized milk. Representatives of the 25 projects shared their experiences during seminar sessions. More than 200 students, faculty members, and community organizers participated in the program, which featured the release of the new book from ECLAC, «From Social Innovation to Public Policy: Success Stories in Latin America and the Caribbean,» written by Nohra Rey de Marulanda and Francisco Tancredi.

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