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Call for papers – Labor in the Global South international grad student research

martes, 22 marzo, 2011

Call for papers

Labor in the Global South: A Search for Solutions

A global, interdisciplinary graduate student research conference

May 27-28, 2011

University of California Los Angeles

It is critical to reexamine the position of labor in the global South, in the context of momentous changes underway in the global economic and political order.  Our goal in this conference is to take stock of the state of work and workers in the global South, and to share best practices and critiques of strategies to upgrade jobs and empower workers.  This conference will bring together graduate students from the United States and around the world to bring their own research to bear on these issues. The goal is not just to exchange information, but to advance discussions about strategies and solutions.  To this end, graduate student presentations, which will make up the bulk of conference content, will be supplemented by innovative labor-related practitioners from the South, in addition to senior academics from the United States.  Also, to this end, we ask that paper submissions look toward solutions as well as analyzing current and historical conditions.  We welcome submissions that look at a full range of issues involving labor, work, and employment, including formal employment, informal employment, and household and other uncompensated work.  Submissions are welcome from graduate students in a variety of disciplines, including but not limited to: sociology, political science, history, geography, anthropology, economics, area studies, ethnic and gender studies, public policy, social welfare, and urban planning.

A limited number of travel scholarships (airplane fare only) are available to graduate students outside the United States.  Participants from outside Los Angeles will be housed with UCLA graduate students and faculty at no cost.

Proposals (1 page) are due April 8, 2011. Include your name, institutional affiliation (including graduate program name), and country.  Please indicate whether you wish to be considered for a travel scholarship.  Send to laborintheglobalsouth@gmail.com

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