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Event Announcement- Wednesday, April 13th

martes, 5 abril, 2011

«An Evaluation of Programa Hábitat, Mexico’s Infrastructure Investment Program for Marginalized Urban Neighborhoods»

Programa Habitat Logo

Craig McIntosh Assoc. Professor of Economics, IR/PS

Gerardo Ordóñez Researcher, COLEF

Date: April 13, 2011

Time: 5:00 p.m.

Location: UCSD, Institute of the Americas Complex, Deutz Conference Room
Open to: Public

Programa Hábitat is a major initiative under SEDESOL (the Mexican Ministry of Social Development) to improve the quality of infrastructure in Mexico’s marginalized urban neighborhoods.  The program builds roads, brings in potable piped water, conducts electrification, and builds community centers.  A major randomized evaluation of this program is currently underway, overseen by COLEF and involving surveys in almost 400 distinct urban areas. Craig McIntosh, Associate Professor of Economics at the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies (IR/PS) will present the research design of the project, including a randomized saturation component intended to understand the ways in which municipal governments redistribute spending as federal funds flow into specific neighborhoods. Gerardo Ordóñez of El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF) will then present a summary of information from the baseline survey, along with an index of neighborhood-level human capital that has been constructed for the project. Gerardo’s presentation will be in Spanish.

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