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TONIGHT: Lost in Detention on PBS

martes, 18 octubre, 2011

Tonight, PBS’s hard hitting expose, «Lost in Detention» premieres and you do NOT want to miss it.  Click here to check your local listings!

Award-winning journalist, Maria Hinojosa, investigates the devastating consequences of our country’s failed immigration system, including the private prison system where immigrants are held under inhumane conditions for profit. 

The shocking footage in this documentary has the power to change how people understand the immigration crisis, starting with the highly criticized S-COMM program (also referred to as «Secure Communities»). That’s why we need to make sure everyone watches tonight–this documentary will show a side of immigration in this country you have never seen before.

Click here to check your local listings.

«Lost in Detention» is coming at a critical moment in the debate. Today, thousands of Presente.org members and our allies are participating in a day of action to demand an end to S-COMM in cities from Atlanta to San Francisco. Tonight, tens of thousands of us will join in by watching this critical documentary. 

Together, we will send an unmistakable message to the media and to the Obama administration: We are watching. 

Click below for more information and to find your local listing.


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