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Borderlife and Religious Imagination – conference

martes, 20 abril, 2010

The USD Trans-Border Institute and Department of Theology and Religious Studies present:

Borderlife and Religious Imagination

Monday, April 26, 2010
Joan B. Kroc Theatre
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Free and open to the public

Daisy Machado, PhD, professor of Church History, Union Theological Seminary (NYC), will explore the intersections of race, religion, and the U.S.-Mexico border to show how these have come together in popular religious beliefs and practices to both respond to and to shape borderlands life for Latino communities in the borderlands.

Attention will be given to the themes of curanderismo and healing as found in traditional curandero figures such as Niño Fidencio, Teresita Urrea, Don Pedro Jaramillo, and also in the more contemporary unorthodox figure of Santa Muerte. Attention will be given to how these religious beliefs and practices also respond to the realities of borderlands life such as poverty, displacement, immigration, invisibility, and violence.

Theology And Religious Studies | michellemorris@sandiego.edu | (619) 260-4525

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · 2 Conferencias · 2 El Colef Tijuana