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Call for papers | The International Conference «Tower of Babel: alterity and stereotypes”-University of Aveiro

martes, 11 febrero, 2020

The organizing committee of the THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Tower of Babel: alterity and stereotypes” is pleased to announce that this transdisciplinary event will take place in the Department of Languages and Cultures of the University of Aveiro (http://babel.web.ua.pt/?page_id=195&lang=en ), Portugal, on  25 and 25 September 2020.

The call for papers is open till the 15th June 2020. The languages of the conference are: Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. Further information is available at: http://babel.web.ua.pt/?page_id=235&lang=en  

Please take the time to explore the website for more details, check on important dates, and keep yourself up to date on recent changes.

We invite the academic community to submit proposals for oral presentations or posters and we thank you, in anticipation, for helping us to publicize the Conference by circulating this call.

Greetings from

The Organizing Committee


En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales