Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies / Event Reminders
miércoles, 2 noviembre, 2011
Día De Los Muertos Celebration

Date: Wednesday, November 2nd
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: UCSD, Institute of the Americas Complex, USMEX Reception Area
Open to the public
Come enjoy some pan de muerto and Mexican hot chocolate with colleagues and neighbors. Offerings/ofrendas are welcome to decorate the altar.
The Day of the Dead (El Día de los Muertos or All Souls’ Day) is a holiday celebrated in Mexico and Latin America. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died.
Second Conference on Ethnicity, Race, & Indigenous Peoples in Latin America & the Caribbean

Date: Thursday – Saturday, November 3 – 5
Location: UCSD, Institute of the Americas Complex
Open to the public
The conference will cover topics related to all aspects of ethnicity, race relations, Indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and other ethnic or racial groups in Latin America and the Caribbean. Participants will include a large number of professional scholars and graduate students from a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, as well as activists and practitioners from grassroots organizations and NGOs.
More Upcoming Events
3rd Annual Binational Dialogue
Monday, November 14th
The U.S.-Mexico Security Buildup and its Consequences for the Migrant Population
Tuesday, November 15th
Dean’s Roundtable Breakfast: Special Update: The War on Drugs in Mexico
Wednesday, November 16th
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