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CILAS Conference: Call for Papers and Pre-organized Panels

martes, 17 mayo, 2011

Call for Papers and Pre-organized Panels: Second Conference on Ethnicity, Race, and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean

Date: November 3-5, 2011

Location: University of California, San Diego
Open to: Public

Conference website: http://cilas.ucsd.edu/erip/index.html


ERIP: LASA Section on Ethnicity, Race, and Indigenous Peoples

LACES: Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, a Taylor & Francis journal

CILAS-UCSD: Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies, University of California, San Diego

CLAS-SDSU: Center for Latin American Studies, San Diego State University

Individual papers and organized panel proposals are invited for the Second Conference on Ethnicity, Race, and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean, November 3-5, 2011, at the University of California, San Diego.

Panels and individual papers on topics relating to all aspects of ethnicity, race relations, Indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and other ethnic or racial groups in Latin America and the Caribbean will be considered. Scholars, graduate students and practitioners in all humanities and social science disciplines with an interest in these areas of research are encouraged to participate. Presentations can be in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Submissions of pre-organized panels are strongly encouraged and will be given preference in the selection process. For advice or consultation regarding potential panel submissions, please contact the conference organizers.

Individual papers are also welcome and will be assigned by the Program Committee to an appropriate panel with a chair and a discussant.

The First ERIP conference, which took place in May 2008 at the University of California, San Diego, brought together more than 300 participants and attendees. Because of the high level of interest and the existence of space, time and budget constraints, we urge prospective participants to submit their Panel Proposal Forms and Individual Paper Proposal Forms as early as possible in order to improve their chances of securing a place in the program. For the relevant forms and additional information about the event, please visit the conference’s website.


ERIP and LACES have established a fund to help subsidize, on a competitive basis, the travel costs of a limited number of participants coming from Latin American and Caribbean countries. For more information visit: <http://cilas.ucsd.edu/erip/travel-grants.html>.


Graduate students are invited to enter the competition for the ERIP-LACES award to the best graduate student paper presented at the conference, which carries a prize of $500. For more information, visit: http://cilas.ucsd.edu/erip/student-award.html.

ERIP Conference Program Committee:

Shannon Speed, Chair ERIP

Leon Zamosc, Chief Editor LACES

David Mares, Director CILAS-UCSD

Ramona Perez, Director CLAS-SDSU

David Carruthers, Associate Director CLAS-SDSU

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