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CLAS E-Bulletin

martes, 19 abril, 2011

CLAS E-Bulletin: April 14, 2011

To be added to the E-Bulletin email list, send a message to Elizabeth Sáenz at esaenz@mail.sdsu.edu

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1-CLAS and Other Events at SDSU

Thesis Deadlines

April 5th—May 24th: thesis accepted on at-risk basis.


Photographs from Haiti: 2008-2010. By Robert “Bear” Guerra

Arts and Letters 377
Exhibit runs from April 7-May 13.

Bear Guerra is a photographer who focuses on humanitarian, environmental, and social issues. His award-winning images, photo essays, and multimedia stories have been published widely in the United States and abroad; and he works frequently with indigenous and immigrant populations, as well as with progressive non-profit organizations working for human rights and the environment. A native of San Antonio, TX, Bear has traveled extensively, and is currently based in Southern California.

CLAS/LASSO Student Colloquium on Latin America and a Happy Hour

Arts and Letters 377
Saturday, April 16th
1:00-5:00 pm

Happy Hour
South Park Abbey (1946 Fern St, San Diego, CA 92102)
5:30 pm-?

Join LASSO and the Center for Latin American Studies for a student colloquium on Latin America at SDSU followed by the monthly happy hour! The colloquium, “Another American Century” features papers with topics ranging from sports and music, to violence and economic development. Food and refreshments will be provided!

Following the conference, join fellow Latin Americanist students and professors for a happy hour at the South Park Abbey!

Student Fulbright Workshops

April 14 12:00 – 1:30 pm PSFA 200
April 20 3:30 – 5:00 pm EBA 408
April 21 4:00 – 5:30 pm SS 2500
April 26 3:00 – 4:30 pm PSFA 200
April 27 3:30 – 5:00 pm AL 110

May 2 12:00 – 1:30 pm AH 3110
May 9 4:00 – 5:30 pm PSFA 200

U.S. State Department Student Fulbright Grants send nearly 1,500 students to more than 150 countries for a year of study, research, to teach English, or to study International Business. Applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree by August 2012, and be U.S. citizens. Graduate students at any stage and recent alumni may also apply.

Reserve a space at: http://oip.sdsu.edu/

So Far From Mexico City, So Close to God: True Tales of Mexican Immigration. By Sam Quinones

Love Library 430
April 20, 2011.
2 pm

Sam Quinones is a renown journalist and writer. He is a reporter with the LA Times and author of two books of non-fiction stories on Mexico and Mexican Immigration.

The event is free.

Please email clasintr@mail.sdsu.edu to register.

CLAS internship informational meeting

Arts and Letters 379
Monday, April 25th 7:00 pm

Come learn more about our internship programs—be prepared for fall!

Toy Drive for the Dia del Niño

Saturday, April 30
10:00am – 1:00pm
La Perseverancia Altruista, A.C. (Tijuana)
Calle del Chorito, 3631 Colonia 20 de Noviembre

Donations may be left at the Center for Latin American Studies (Arts and Letters 377) before April 25


This event will benefit more than 300 children who live in the streets of various marginalized sectors in the city of Tijuana.

The following donations for the event are being accepted:

1. Canned food
2. Toys (new or lightly used)
3. Clothing (new or lightly used for men, women, and children; adult clothing will be distributed to various shelters around the city)
4. Monetary Donations

We are also seeking volunteers to help us carry out the logistic aspects of the event: Organizing, distributing toys, food, etc. and painting faces and playing with kids.

If you would like to volunteer for the event you can email: lassosdsu@gmail.com with TOY DRIVE in heading or call Marco Ledezma for more information: (818) 486-3219, or MEX (664) 302-4013

Film Maker Needs Your Help!

The film Chunky and Los Alacranes project was recently awarded a Challenge Grant of $25,000 from the Leichtag Family Foundation in Carlsbad, California. However, in order to receive the grant monies, Mark Day and Professor Paul Espinosa have to raise a matching $25,000.

Any contribution to the project is tax-deductible and will be matched 1:1 – doubling the impact of the donation. Contributions can be made to “Media Arts Center, San Diego” or “MACSD” and mailed to:
Espinosa Productions
P.O. Box 1925
Scottsdale, AZ 85252

Dr. Espinosa would be happy to send you additional information about the project as well as a short trailer which includes engaging footage from the film itself.

Chunky and Los Alacranes is an hour-long documentary and educational project on the life of Ramon “Chunky” Sanchez and the musical group he formed in San Diego. Chunky is a charismatic musician who has dedicated his life to using art to promote cultural understanding and tolerance. His life has been a microcosm of the Mexican American experience in the 20th century.

The film explores Sanchez’s life from his rural, farm worker origins to the formation of his community based musical group, from his educational role in the Chicano movement to his influence on the folk music scene in California and beyond.

Beyond the film itself, the project involves educational curriculum plans, outreach materials, and a robust website, all designed to encourage maximum use of the film in classrooms and community centers around the country.

The fiscal agent for the project is the Media Arts Center, San Diego, the annual producer of the San Diego Latino Film Festival. MACSD is a non-profit 501c3 media arts organization promoting media literacy and artistic expression in film, video, audio, and computer-based multi-media.

New Border Angels Chapter at SDSU!

Founded by Enrique Morones in 1986, Border Angels is a non-profit organization supporting humanity. The organization consists of extraordinary volunteers who want to stop unnecessary deaths of individuals traveling through the Imperial Valley desert areas and the mountain areas surrounding San Diego County, as well as the areas located around the United States and Mexican border. The high percentage of unnecessary deaths has been results of extreme heat and cold weather conditions, in addition some have sadly been the results of racial-discrimination crimes.

If you would like to join or help in the upcoming water drive, please contact Corinne (Cory) Burgamy: cburgamy13@gmail.com

For more information on the Border Angels, please visit: http://www.borderangels.org/

Portuguese Bate-Papo

Thursdays from 2:50 to 3:50pm Scripps Cottage Area

Join a group of «Brazilphiles» to learn, improve, and practice your Portuguese!

Portuguese instructor extraordinaire, Nadjla Sahyoun Bowie, is leading this group!

A gente se ve lá! ~ See you there

2 – Events Outside SDSU

MFA thesis show by Lesha Maria Rodriguez

UC San Diego, Visual Arts Facility Gallery
April 11-15 2011, 12:30-4:30 p.m.
Closing reception on April 14th, 7-9pm

Lesha Maria Rodriguez examines her own art form by cross-referencing traditional Mixtec arts. This introspective examination makes possible a series of experimental film processes, one of which is featured in this show. Using the populist photographic device of Holga plastic cameras and expired black and white film, the artist captures a series of images at the Panteón General, one of the oldest cemeteries in the city of Oaxaca, Mexico. The state of Oaxaca is located in the southern part of Mexico and is home to the Mixtec, one of the oldest indigenous communities of Mexico. The Mixtec are one of sixteen officially recognized indigenous cultures in the area. Complimentary food and drink will be served.

For additional information on the artist, please visit: http://ucsdopenstudios.com/2011/artists/lesha-maria-rodriguez/

Gallery location and directions: http://visarts.ucsd.edu/node/view/495/

2011 Pacific Rim Political Analysis Symposium: Cambio en Cuba: Negotiating the Post-Castro Environment

University of California, San Diego, School of International Relations & Pacific Studies, Robinson Auditorium
Saturday, April 16, 9:00 am-4:00 pm

Come take part a day-long event simulating an international political crisis in Cuba. Participants will analyze the situation and work in teams to provide real policy responses. Open to Full-Time graduate students in relevant subject areas

Registration Deadline: Friday, April 8

For more information, please contact PASS@irpsmail.ucsd.edu

Read more on Events Outside SDSU

3-Conferences and Calls for Papers

MALAS Call for Papers 2011

University of Oklahoma
November 17-19

MALAS is interdisciplinary and welcomes papers on a variety of Latin American topics. In addition to the suggested disciplines listed below, because 2011 is the 50th anniversary of the founding of the U.S. Peace Corps, we are also adding to our call scholarly pieces focusing that institution as well.

Literature, Political Change, Democratic Processes, Natural Resources, Environmental Studies, International Relations, Sustainable Development, Free Trade Agreements, Art, Music, Gender Roles, Culture and Identity, Economic Crisis, History & Landscape, Migration Topics, Indigenous and Afro-Latino Peoples, New Technologies, Social Justice, Human Rights, Country Studies, Regional Economic Integration, Caribbean Topics, Other paper topics welcome!

There will also be student paper sessions & prizes

For information on papers write to us at PapersMALAS2011@gmail.com

Read more on Conferences and Calls for Papers

4-Study Abroad and Summer Programs

Summer Intensive Mixtec Language Program in Oaxaca

Where: Oaxaca City, Oaxaca, Mexico
When: June 20-July 29, 2011
NEW! Application deadline: April 18, 2011

Mixtec Program: Language instruction is provided by native Mixtec speakers and linguists, Juan Julian Caballero of the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) and Marcos Cruz Bautista from Mexico’s Universidad Pedagógica Nacional from the campus at Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca (UPN). The program is coordinated by Dr. Ramona Pérez, Director of the Center for LAS and a scholar in Oaxacan Studies from the Department of Anthropology at SDSU. The course is taught in Spanish and offers 140 hours of instruction plus local weekend fieldtrips over a six-week period.

More information

Summer Intensive Zapotec Language Program in Oaxaca

Where: Juchitán, and Valley of Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico
When: June 20-July 29, 2011
NEW! Application deadline: April 18, 2011

Zapotec Program, Juchitan: This intensive program is taught by native Isthmus Zapotec speaker and linguist Tomás Villalobos Aquino through the Casa de la Cultura in Juchitán. Professor Villalobos Aquino coordinates the program with Dr. Pérez. The course is taught in Spanish, and offers 140 hours of class instruction plus local weekend fieldtrips over a six-week period. Participants will be fully immersed in the culture and language through homestays with Zapotec speaking families.

Zapotec Program, Oaxaca: Like Isthmus Zapotec, the program is immersion based and taught by native speaker Gabriel Martinez. Taught in Spanish and offering 140 hours of class instruction, the course includes fieldtrips to several different Zapotec communities over the six-week period.

More information

Read more on Study Abroad and Summer Programs

5-Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities

Graduate Equity Fellowship Program

Application Deadline September 20, 2011.

The Graduate Equity Fellowship is a California grant program administered by Graduate and Research Affairs. Award amounts range from $500 to $4,500 per year for up to four semesters.

Qualification Guidelines: California resident, Enrolled fulltime (minimum 9 units a semester) as a classified, conditionally classified, or certificate-program student, Maintains a 3.00 GPA, Economically disadvantaged – Need to show a minimum of $1000 in financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships, Complete Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and a brief essay

Student awards will be announced October, 2011 for both incoming and continuing students. Students will be notified by the Scholarship office of their awards.

Applications for the Graduate Equity Fellowship are available from the Graduate and Research Office or on-line http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~gra/grad/gef.html

Read more on Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities

6-Internships, Volunteer, and Job Opportunities

SNAP: Feeding America

A National anti-hunger organization called Feeding America. It is a campaign to help connect eligible households with the federal food stamp program (now called SNAP). An overwhelming majority of these households are Latino, many undocumented. Feeding America volunteers help demystify that process, challenge the myths, and encourage eligible families to seek assistance. They do outreach at various food distribution events, schools, clinics, and so forth. They have also successfully challenged rejections, so the interns learn something about the policy process as well as how assistance programs work and so on.

Internship specific requirements: The internship requires a one-semester commitment, availability of 4-5 hours a week to intern. Knowledge of Spanish is preferred but not required.

Read more on Internships, Volunteer, and Job Opportunities

7-Articles, Publications, Books

Recent Publications by LAS Faculty

Pérez, Ramona L. 2010. Narratives from the Other Side: the Revelations and Dynamics of a Binational Penpal Program. Special Edition, Border Spaces and Revolutionary Imaginations: North American Stories of Young People’s Lives. Stuart Aitken, ed. Children’s Geographies. v. 8(4): 353-363. Pérez, Ramona L., Margaret Handley, James I. Grieshop. 2010. Savoring the Taste of Home: The Pervasiveness of Lead Poisoning From Ceramic and its Implications in Transnational Care Packages. Special Issue, Anthropological Perspectives on Migration and Health. Craig Hadley, ed. NAPA Bulletin, v. 34(1):105-125.

Ramirez-Pimienta, Juan Carlos. 2010. Los corridos de Juan Meneses: dos antecedentes tempranos del narcocorrido en la frontera México-Estados Unidos. Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies. 35(2).

Ramirez-Pimienta, Juan Carlos. 2010. Detección pública / detección privada: El periodista como detective en la narrativa policíaca norfronteriza. Revista Iberoamericana. April-June: 377-91.

Ramirez-Pimienta, Juan Carlos. 2010. En torno al primer narcocorrido: arqueología del cancionero de las drogas. A Contracorriente: Journal of Social History and Literature in Latin America. 7(3): 82-99. http://www.ncsu.edu/project/acontracorriente/

Ramirez-Pimienta, Juan Carlos. 2010. Chicago lindo y querido si muero lejos de ti: el pasito duranguense, la onda grupera y las nuevas geografías de la identidad popular mexicana. Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos. 26(1): 31-45.

Read more on Articles, Publications, Books

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Boletines de difusión