Special Edition from Washington, DC:
CMSC’s Dreamers delegation advocating for Advance Parole & DACA at Supreme Court
«Soñadores» pediran en Washington el restablecimiento de «Advance Parole»

Por: EFE ~ 9 de Noviembre, 2019
Medio centenar de jóvenes «soñadores», como se conoce a los que llegaron al país de niños de la mano de sus padres, viajarán este sábado a Washington D.C. desde diferentes ciudades para demandar al Gobierno que restablezca el «Advance Parole», que les permite salir del país y regresar.
El permiso «Advance Parole» quedó sin efecto en 2017, cuando la actual Administración anunció el fin del programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA), implementado en 2012.
Según informó a Efe Armando Vázquez Ramos, profesor de la Universidad Estatal de California Long Beach y director del Centro de Estudios California-México (CMSC) de Los Ángeles, cerca de cincuenta jóvenes viajarán este fin de semana hasta Washington D.C..
Estos jóvenes «soñadores» partirán desde California, Texas, Delaware y otros estados del país para, además, estar presentes el martes en la audiencia en la que la Corte Suprema de Justicia escuchará los argumentos a favor y en contra del DACA.
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The fate of my DACA status is now in the hands of the Supreme Court

By: Itzel Hernandez~ AFCS ~ November 1, 2019
AFCS organizer Itzel Hernandez shares her DACA story- and why she and many other DACA recipients are demanding congress stand up for all immigrants.
I didn’t know I was undocumented until I was a senior in high school. My parents told me the news when I started applying for college. My status meant I couldn’t qualify for financial aid, putting my dream of going to a four-year university all but out of reach.
The realization left me feeling defeated. I had moved to the U.S. from Mexico with my mom when I was ten years old so we could reunite with my dad, who had arrived years prior. I worked hard in school and felt I had done everything I could to set myself up for college—but it was all for nothing
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Watch the latest two-minute video on our campaign
The 3rd phase of our National Campaign to Restore DACA’s Advance Parole started Saturday Nov. 9 with a delegation of 40 Dreamers in Washington, DC and will join the mobilization at the Supreme Courts Hearing on DACA tomorrow; and advocate for the restoration of Advance Parole for DACA recipients.
Read the CMSC’s letter address to President Trump and DHS regarding the dire need to restore DACA’s Advance Parole CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES To request expedited approval and advocacy for current Advance Parole cases (from our AP Assistance Program)Secure additional signatures for a bicameral “Dear Colleagues” letter requested from Reps. Zoe Lofgren, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Alan Lowenthal, and Sen. Kamala Harris.To request meetings with the DHS Secretary and USCIS DirectorAsk for an oversight hearing on Advance Parole or at least include AP on the agenda of an oversight hearingParticipate in a forum with CA delegation at their weekly lunch meeting for a couple of Dreamers to share their personal suffering and dire need for Advance Parole (on Wed. Nov. 13)Visit all congressional offices that pertain to the districts of participating Dreamers, and those that we did not visit in the past two advocacy trips. But we need at least $5,000 more to cover our advocacy trip expenses Please donate to our campaign today! This phase of our campaign is essential because the Dream and Promise Act of 2019 is unlikely to be approved by the current Senate, and the U.S. Supreme Court will not rule on the future of DACA until next summer. Therefore, Dreamers remain in limbo and their dire need for humanitarian travel will continue to be denied Advance Parole authorization for an indefinite period. |
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