50th Anniversary Celebration of Católicos por La Raza’s historic protest
National Campaign to Restore DACA’s Advance Parole 2019 Report
The CMSC has decided to initiate in 2020 the Campaign for Immigrants’ Mental Health Services, based on our 5-year experience relying upon group therapy sessions for the participants in our California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program, and the 3 Advance Parole Campaign advocacy trips to Washington, DC in 2019.
The purpose of this campaign will be to inform and educate the public regarding the psychological crisis affecting the immigrant population throughout the U.S., due to a pervasive state of fear generated by the Trump administration since coming into office in 2017, the targeted acts of violence as the August 3, 2019 El Paso, Texas mass shooting at a Walt Mart store, and the hate-crimes aimed against immigrants, Mexicans and Latinos. MAKE YOUR TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION TODAY!
El objetivo del boletín interno es compartir información académica, cultural e institucional con la comunidad de El Colef.
El contenido se integra a partir de las solicitudes de apoyo y difusión que se reciben vía correo electrónico o por escrito en las sedes regionales y en la Dirección de Difusión de El Colef Tijuana. Asimismo se incluye información de las sedes y material de divulgación interna.
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