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El Magonista | The California-Mexico Studies Center

martes, 31 marzo, 2020

Mexico braces for late response to pandemia, and remembering Archbishop Oscar Romero,
Cesar Chavez Day and Benito Juarez


Mexico’s Coronavirus Fight Has Just Begun. Doctors Say They’re Already Running out of Masks

By: Katie Linthicum ~ Los Angeles Times ~ March 25, 2020
As the novel coronavirus spreads in Mexico, doctors and nurses at public hospitals have begun protesting a shortage of personnel and basic supplies such as masks and gloves.
Medical staff held strikes and walkouts across the country this week, warning that a lack of resources increases the risk for them and their families as well as for patients.
“We can’t work without equipment,” implored a nurse in Tabasco state in a widely viewed video on Twitter. “We also have families — children and parents.”
The federal government says that $150 million in additional medical supplies is on the way and that it is rushing to fill roughly 42,000 job openings for doctors, nurses and other medical professionals that predate the coronavirus crisis.

Read Full Article Here 

Watch the following Stanford Medicine’s animated video on Coronavirus pandemia and prevention:

In Memory of Archbishop Oscar Romero
from San Salvador 

On March 24, 1980, Oscar Romero, the archbishop of San Salvador, was assassinated, sparking El Salvador’s 12-year civil war.

Romero was appointed San Salvador’s archbishop three years before, in 1977, at a time when violence in El Salvador was rapidly escalating. The conflict was largely one of class warfare: the landed wealthy — who were aligned with the rightist government and paramilitary death squads (supported by the u.s.) — against the impoverished farm workers and other laborers who had begun to ally themselves with leftist guerrilla groups looking to overthrow the government… Read Full Article Here

The Core Values of Cesar Chavez 

“The California Cesar Chavez Day celebration is critically important to keep alive and deserving of a renaissance, as a day of service and teaching at all levels of education about his 10 Core Values, the principles required to be taught in schools by the law that established March 31 as a holiday to recognize his legacy”
– Profe Armando Vazquez-Ramos 

Contribuyentes indocumentados no recibirán el cheque de ayuda federal por el coronavirus

Por: Ana B. Nieto  La Opinión ~ 26 de Marzo 2020
El histórico programa de ayudas para paliar los efectos económicos en la economía del coronavirus deja fuera a millones de inmigrantes indocumentados, familias con estatus mixtos además de beneficiados por el TPS y DACA que carecen de los recursos que esta ley pone a disposición del resto de los contribuyentes.
El paquete de ayudas Cares Act, valorado en $2 billones ($2,000,000,000,000), que debe ser aprobado el viernes por la Cámara de Representantes, contempla, entre otras medidas, un envío de dinero a casi todos los contribuyentes del país. Se quedan fuera quienes no hayan presentado sus taxes con un número válido de Seguro Social.
Leer Artículo Completo Aquí

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales