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Eventos en UCSD

lunes, 18 mayo, 2009

Bilingual Tertulia
Tuesday, May 19th, 6:00pm
Institute of Americas Complex: Deutz Room

Co-Sponsored with the UCSD Department of Literature

Tertulias are social gatherings with literary or artistic overtones.
The Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies’ Bilingual Tertulias are an effort to bring U.S. and Spanish Language writers together to share art and community. Tijuana poet Amaranta Caballero will be reading in Spanish and UCSD poet and musician Alec Venida will be reading in English.

Financial Crisis Incomes and Social Policy: Mexico and Argentina in Retrospect

Wednesday, May 20th, 3:30pm
Deutz Room, IOA Complex, UCSD

Carol Wise, Professor of Political Science, University of Southern California; Visiting Scholar, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies

For more information and driving directions, please visit the Center’s website at usmex.ucsd.edu. For event specific information, please contact Greg Mallinger at (858) 822-1696 or by e-mail at gmallinger@ucsd.edu.

En: 2 Conferencias · 2 El Colef Tijuana