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Institute of the Americas

martes, 19 junio, 2012

Business Roundtable on
Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations
July 3, 2012 • 9:00 am-1:30 pm

Plan to attend IOA’s Business Roundtable on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. Negotiations for this important free trade agreement are taking place in San Diego, July 2-10. Participants at the July 3rd roundtable will be briefed by USTR Senior Negotiator Barbara Wiesel on the opportunities and challenges facing the U.S. negotiators. Leading scholars and industry leaders will provide information on key issues of importance to U.S. businesses and we will discuss how the TPP is building economic bridges between Asia and the Americas.

Topics include market access, intellectual property, E-commerce, state–owned enterprises, agriculture and food, and foreign investment.

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