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Internship Opportunities at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin

martes, 4 septiembre, 2012

Internship Opportunities

At the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin



Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, we are writing to bring to your attention our call for internship applications. We would be grateful if you could forward the information to anyone you feel might be interested in applying.



The ICD Internship Program

The ICD offers internship opportunities to individuals who would like to gain practical experience working for a non-governmental organization in the field of Cultural Diplomacy.


The ICD invites applications from individuals who are coming from the following fields:


  • International Relations
  • The Arts
  • Marketing & PR
  • Business & Economics
  • Communication
  • Journalism
  • Administration
  • Event Management


Intern Responsibilities

Intern responsibilities include the following activities in the framework of supporting our forums and programs below:



The ICD is able to offer internships in the following activities:


  • Research
  • Journalism
  • Raising awareness and marketing for the programs
  • Acquiring speakers and partners for the programs
  • Executing the weeklong seminars and events the ICD organizes
  • Event Documentation – conducting interviews, reporting, and documenting ICD events
  • ICD Human Rights Initiatives – journalism, conducting Interviews with notable figures, and supporting the ICD initiatives


To apply, please click here: http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/index.php?en_internships


En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Eventos