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May Day in Oakland 2019 Part One: Longshore and Construction Workers Photographs by David Bacon

martes, 7 mayo, 2019

Dockworkers, members of the Inteernational Longshore and Warehouse Union, and supporters rallied and marched in the Port of Oakland on May Day, to protest the plan to build a ballpark and luxury housing on port land, jeapordizing the port’s operation and dockworker jobs.

Building trades workers in downtown Oakland celebrated May Day for the first time in memory, protesting the growth of non-union construction.  In Oakland, suppossedly a union town, 90% of the many new office and condo buildings are now built without union workers.

To see the complete set of original color images, click here and here.

OAKLAND, CA – 1MAY19 – Dockworkers, members of the Inteernational Longshore and Warehouse Union, and supporters rally and march in the Port of Oakland on May Day, to protest the plan to build a ballpark and luxury housing on port land, jeapordizing the port’s operation and dockworker jobs.Copyright David Bacon

Photographs by David Bacon

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales