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October events: Narcotics & Gangs, Local Politics and China

martes, 25 septiembre, 2012

Saving the Next Generation: Breaking the Cycle
of Narcotics Demand, Gangs and Violence
in the Americas

October 1, 2012 – 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
Institute of the Americas, Hojel Hall of the Americas, UCSD campus
FREE EVENT Open to the Public

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The IOA will host a public seminar on “Gangs, Youth and Demand Reduction” from 9:00 a.m. to noon on Monday, October 1.

San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders will open the session.

Assistant Secretary of State for the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs William R. Brownfield will speak on gangs and violence in Central America and Mexico.

Other speakers include the Deputy Director of Panamanian National Police, Eduardo Serracín, and the Chief of Peruvian National Police, Jesus Rojas Alegría.

Assistant Secretary Brownfield has also served as U.S. ambassador to Colombia, Venezuela and Chile. He will participate from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Simultaneous interpretation in English and Spanish will be provided.

One Voice at a Time
with Sherri Lightner and Ray Ellis

Date : Oct. 4, 2012
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: Institute of the Americas
Hojel Hall of the Americas, UCSD campus

Voice of San Diego, in collaboration with the Institute of the Americas, is organizing a discussion with Sherri Lightner and Ray Ellis, candidates for San Diego City Council in District 1. Voice of San Diego members at the Inside Voice level and above receive free admission. All others are asked to make a $5 donation.

Arrive at 6:30 p.m. to enjoy drinks and light snacks. The conversation starts at 7:00 p.m.

Economic Development New Opportunities for China, Latin America and the Caribbean

 Date : Oct. 15, 2012
Place: Institute of Latin American Studies
No. 3 Zhangzizhong Road, Dongcheng District
Beijing, China

China represents an enormous economic opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean.  The challenge for the region lies in taking advantage of this historic opportunity to make investments in infrastructure, innovation and human resources, as well as finding ways to covert the economic benefits to Latin America and the Caribbean into investments in productivity and competitiveness.

As Latin America and the Caribbean search for ways to increase their value-added exports to China and to stimulate Sino Latin business alliances, Chinese companies are looking for strategic business partnerships in the Western Hemisphere.

The Institute of the Americas, in cooperation with its Chinese partner, the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, is organizing a one-day policy forum in Beijing to focus on these economic issues as China, Latin America and the Caribbean deepen economic ties. This is the third year that the Institute of the Americas and ILAS have collaborated to offer a Beijing conference on pressing issues facing these diverse trade partners .

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