Lanzan convocatoria del Premio México de Ciencia y Tecnología
Comunicado de Prensa 36/11
México, D.F. a 20 de abril de 2011.- El Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt) invita a participar a las instituciones científicas y tecnológicas de Centroamérica, Sudamérica, el Caribe, España y Portugal, para que presenten candidatos al Premio México de Ciencia Y Tecnología en su edición 2011.
El galardón fue creado en 1990 por el gobierno mexicano y reconoce el trabajo de científicos y tecnólogos de Iberoamérica. Se concede anualmente a una persona de reconocido prestigio profesional que haya contribuido de manera significativa al conocimiento científico universal o al avance tecnológico, cuya obra científica sea de gran impacto internacional y que haya formado una escuela, o recursos humanos significativos, en instituciones localizadas en los países de su ámbito.
El premio incluye una medalla, diploma y un incentivo económico de $624,600.00 (Seiscientos veinticuatro mil seiscientos pesos 00/100 M. N.). El plazo para recepción de candidaturas y de la documentación correspondiente, vence el día 1 de octubre de 2011.
El año pasado este reconocimiento fue otorgado al académico portugués, Boaventura de Sousa, experto en el campo de las ciencias sociales, particularmente en las áreas transdisciplinarias del derecho, la sociología, la economía y la epistemología.
También han recibido esta distinción el Dr. Miguel Ángel Alario y Franco, la Dra. Mayana Zatz, y Ramón Latorre de la Cruz, entre otros distinguidos investigadores.
Las instituciones que presenten candidaturas deberán dirigir su carta de postulación y la documentación pertinente, a la Secretaría Ejecutiva del Consejo Consultivo de Ciencias de la Presidencia de la República Mexicana. El Consejo Consultivo de Ciencias de la Presidencia de la República es un órgano asesor de aspectos relativos a la planeación nacional y a la formulación de política y programas para el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología del país.

Movie Screening: The Two Escobars
Colombia-U.S./2010/Spanish+English/Color and b&w/100 min.
Conversation with film director and refreshments
May 4, 2011
6:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
Hojel Hall of the Americas Auditorium, Institute of the Americas | Get Directions
No charge to attend. Register
Synopsis: While the narco cartels were fighting on the streets and the murder rate was becoming the highest in the world, the Colombian national soccer team made a startling ascend thanks to two men with the last name of Escobar: Andres, the team’s captain, and Pablo, the head of the narcotraffickers who started the phenomenon called “narco-soccer.” When Colombia was expected to win the World Cup 1994 and clean-up its international image, the murder of Andrea crushes the country’s hope. The Two Escobars shows the link between delinquency and sports and reveals the surprising connections between the murders of Andres and Pablo. AMBULANTE is a private non-profit organization focused on the production … Read more
In collaboration with

May 10, 2011
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Institute of the Americas Complex | Get Directions
The Institute of the Americas’ Business Leadership in the Americas Award will be presented to Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal, President of Jose Cuervo S.A. de C.V. The award ceremony and Mr. Beckmann’s presentation on Branding Mexico: Jose Cuervo’s Experience and Vision of the Future will be followed by a tequila tasting. Reservations are necessary. Must be at least 21 years old to attend.
Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal received the reigns of Casa Cuervo in 1972 when he was 32. His first challenge was to professionalize and internationalize the company. He succeeded not only in this challenge but in turning Jose Cuervo into a symbol of distinction in Mexico and globally. The company today produces and markets Jose Cuervo tequilas and distributes other spirits worldwide. Juan Beckmann’s talents extend beyond this transformation. He says his is a rural industry, and he dreams of integrating the 30 million Mexicans who live in rural areas into the global economy. Beckman is considered a formidable promoter of the agave-producing region (the Tequila Route is among the 10 most important tourist destinations in Mexico), of philanthropic activities, and of Mexico in the world arena. He will share how he and Jose Cuervo succeeded in the world stage and his vision of Mexico’s competitiveness in the future.
10111 North Torrey Pines Road | La Jolla, CA 92037
Telephone: (858) 453-5560 | Fax: (858) 453-2165 | http://www.iamericas.org/
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Somos Muchos: Population Politics and Social Distinctions in Mexican Fertility Clinics
Research Seminar

Lara Braff
USMEX Visiting Fellow
Date: April 27, 2011
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: UCSD, Institute of the Americas Complex, Deutz Conference Room
Open to: Public
Discussant: Valerie Hartouni, Associate Professor of Communications, UC San Diego
Lara Braff is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies. Lara received her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in Comparative Human Development, specializing in cultural anthropology. She received her B.A. with honors in Anthropology and Spanish from the University of California at Berkeley. Her dissertation research, based in Mexico City, was funded by Fulbright-Hays and University of Chicago’s Center for Latin American Studies grants. Currently, she is revising her dissertation for publication as a monograph and journal articles.
Click here to see event post on USMEX website
The Phenomenon of International Migration: The Case of Mexico
Public Lecture

Carlos García de Alba
Date: April 28, 2011
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: UCSD, Institute of the Americas Complex, Weaver Center
Open to: Public
This talk will be held off the record. Reception to follow talk.
Discussant: Kathy Kopinak, Joint Guest Scholar with the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies and the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies
Ambassador Carlos García de Alba, is member of the Foreign Service for Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has served as Executive Director of the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (IME by its Spanish acronym); as Mexico’s Alternate Representative to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development; as Consul General of Mexico in Dallas, Texas; as Trade Advisor at Mexico’s Embassy in Italy; and as Advisor and Permanent Delegate of Mexico to the Food and Agricultural Organization. He also served as Director General of International Affairs at Mexico’s Ministry of Public Education. Additionally, he served as Director General responsible for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ regional offices throughout Mexico, and as Director of Multilateral Affairs in the Pacific Region.
Click here to see event post on USMEX website
There is no cost of admission. Events are open to the public. For driving directions, please click here.

CLAS E-Bulletin: April 21, 2011
To be added to the E-Bulletin email list, send a message to Elizabeth Sáenz at esaenz@mail.sdsu.edu
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You can view the E-Bulletin online at: http://latinamericanstudies.sdsu.edu/ebulletin.html.
1-CLAS and Other Events at SDSU
CLAS internship informational meeting
Arts and Letters 379
Monday, April 25th 7:00 pm
Come learn more about our internship programs-be prepared for fall!
We have several internships for the fall semester -earn academic credit while gaining field experience, giving back to the community, and building your resume.
Thesis Deadlines
April 5th-May 24th: thesis accepted on at-risk basis.
Photographs from Haiti: 2008-2010. By Robert «Bear» Guerra
Arts and Letters 377
Thursday, April 7, 2011.
7:00 pm
Exhibit will run April 7-May 13.
Bear Guerra is a photographer who focuses on humanitarian, environmental, and social issues. His award-winning images, photo essays, and multimedia stories have been published widely in the United States and abroad; and he works frequently with indigenous and immigrant populations, as well as with progressive non-profit organizations working for human rights and the environment. A native of San Antonio, TX, Bear has traveled extensively, and is currently based in Southern California.
Student Fulbright Workshops
April 26 3:00 – 4:30 pm PSFA 200
April 27 3:30 – 5:00 pm AL 110
May 2 12:00 – 1:30 pm AH 3110
May 9 4:00 – 5:30 pm PSFA 200
U.S. State Department Student Fulbright Grants send nearly 1,500 students to more than 150 countries for a year of study, research, to teach English, or to study International Business. Applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree by August 2012, and be U.S. citizens. Graduate students at any stage and recent alumni may also apply.
Reserve a space at: http://oip.sdsu.edu/
SDSU’s 4th Annual Diversity Conference Aztec Center
April 28-May 1
Faculty, staff or students involved/interested in the healthcare and social work profession are encouraged to share the best ways to work with clients and patients from a diverse background. One area we intend to focus on will be cross-cultural issues and diverse beliefs. We hope that professional and future professionals in the health and social fields will feel better prepared to work with a diverse population and more confident in cross cultural communication.
For those who wish to explore how diversity has an effect on personal and professional identity and the identity of society, we are looking for research-based workshops exploring the effect of globalization and being multi-cultural/multi-racial on the individual and society.
For more information and to register, please visit http://www.sa.sdsu.edu/intercultural/conference/index.html
Toy Drive for the Dia del Niño
Saturday, April 30
10:00am – 1:00pm
La Perseverancia Altruista, A.C. (Tijuana)
Calle del Chorito, 3631 Colonia 20 de Noviembre
Donations may be left at the Center for Latin American Studies (Arts and Letters 377) before April 25
This event will benefit more than 300 children who live in the streets of various marginalized sectors in the city of Tijuana.
The following donations for the event are being accepted:
1. Canned food
2. Toys (new or lightly used)
3. Clothing (new or lightly used for men, women, and children; adult clothing will be distributed to various shelters around the city)
4. Monetary Donations
We are also seeking volunteers to help us carry out the logistic aspects of the event: Organizing, distributing toys, food, etc. and painting faces and playing with kids.
If you would like to volunteer for the event you can email: lassosdsu@gmail.com with TOY DRIVE in heading or call Marco Ledezma for more information: (818) 486-3219, or MEX (664) 302-4013
Film Maker Needs Your Help!
The film Chunky and Los Alacranes project was recently awarded a Challenge Grant of $25,000 from the Leichtag Family Foundation in Carlsbad, California. However, in order to receive the grant monies, Mark Day and Professor Paul Espinosa have to raise a matching $25,000.
Any contribution to the project is tax-deductible and will be matched 1:1 – doubling the impact of the donation. Contributions can be made to «Media Arts Center, San Diego» or «MACSD» and mailed to:
Espinosa Productions
P.O. Box 1925
Scottsdale, AZ 85252
Dr. Espinosa would be happy to send you additional information about the project as well as a short trailer which includes engaging footage from the film itself.
Chunky and Los Alacranes is an hour-long documentary and educational project on the life of Ramon «Chunky» Sanchez and the musical group he formed in San Diego. Chunky is a charismatic musician who has dedicated his life to using art to promote cultural understanding and tolerance. His life has been a microcosm of the Mexican American experience in the 20th century.
The film explores Sanchez’s life from his rural, farm worker origins to the formation of his community based musical group, from his educational role in the Chicano movement to his influence on the folk music scene in California and beyond.
Beyond the film itself, the project involves educational curriculum plans, outreach materials, and a robust website, all designed to encourage maximum use of the film in classrooms and community centers around the country.
The fiscal agent for the project is the Media Arts Center, San Diego, the annual producer of the San Diego Latino Film Festival. MACSD is a non-profit 501c3 media arts organization promoting media literacy and artistic expression in film, video, audio, and computer-based multi-media.
New Border Angels Chapter at SDSU!
Founded by Enrique Morones in 1986, Border Angels is a non-profit organization supporting humanity. The organization consists of extraordinary volunteers who want to stop unnecessary deaths of individuals traveling through the Imperial Valley desert areas and the mountain areas surrounding San Diego County, as well as the areas located around the United States and Mexican border. The high percentage of unnecessary deaths has been results of extreme heat and cold weather conditions, in addition some have sadly been the results of racial-discrimination crimes.
If you would like to join or help in the upcoming water drive, please contact Corinne (Cory) Burgamy: cburgamy13@gmail.com
For more information on the Border Angels, please visit: http://www.borderangels.org/
Portuguese Bate-Papo
Thursdays from 2:50 to 3:50pm Scripps Cottage Area
Join a group of «Brazilphiles» to learn, improve, and practice your Portuguese!
Portuguese instructor extraordinaire, Nadjla Sahyoun Bowie, is leading this group!
A gente se ve lá! ~ See you there
2 – Events Outside SDSU
Ambulante Traveling Documentaries: The Two Escobars
Hojel Hall of the Americas Auditorium, Institute of the Americas (UCSD)
May 4, 2011. 6:30 pm
While the narco cartels were fighting on the streets and the murder rate was becoming the highest in the world, the Colombian national soccer team made a startling ascend. Among the key factors for this success were two men with the last name of Escobar: Andres, the team’s captain, and Pablo, the head of the narcotraffickers who started the phenomenon called «narco-soccer.» When Colombia was expected to win the World Cup 1994 and clean-up its international image, the murder of Andrea crushes the country’s hope. The Two Escobars shows the link between delinquency and sports and reveals the surprising connections between the murders of Andres and Pablo. Please Register
Business Leadership in the Americas Award Tequila Tasting and Presentation
UCSD Institute of the Americas
May 10, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
The Institute of the Americas’ Business Leadership in the Americas Award will be presented to Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal, President of Jose Cuervo S.A. de C.V. The award ceremony and Mr. Beckmann’s presentation on Branding Mexico: Jose Cuervo’s Experience and Vision of the Future will be followed by a tequila tasting. Reservations are necessary. Must be at least 21 years old to attend.
Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal received the reigns of Casa Cuervo in 1972 when he was 32. His first challenge was to professionalize and internationalize the company. He succeeded not only in this challenge but in turning Jose Cuervo into a symbol of distinction in Mexico and globally. The company today produces and markets Jose Cuervo tequilas and distributes other spirits worldwide. Juan Beckmann’s talents extend beyond this transformation. He says his is a rural industry, and he dreams of integrating the 30 million Mexicans who live in rural areas into the global economy. Beckman is considered a formidable promoter of the agave-producing region (the Tequila Route is among the 10 most important tourist destinations in Mexico), of philanthropic activities, and of Mexico in the world arena. He will share how he and Jose Cuervo succeeded in the world stage and his vision of Mexico’s competitiveness in the future.
Registration is required.
Miercoles Cubano-Atardecer de Danzon, Noche de Salsa y Mas
Todos los miercoles
Danzon de 7:00 a 10:30 p.m.
Salsa de 10:30 a 11:30
$ 50.00 pesos cover
Casa de Cultura Obrera
Calle Granados # 647, Fracc. La Mesa
A una cuadra del Soriana, por la Calle Arboles
Tel 622 42 69
Musica en vivo con California Son baila con las mejores danzoneras de todos los tiempos
Cuban Mondays-Sunset Danzon, Salsa Night, and More
Every Monday
Danzon from 7:00 to 10:30 pm
Salsa from 10:30 to 11:30 pm
$50 pesos cover
Casa de Cultura Obrera
Calle Granados #647, Fracc. La Mesa
One block from Soriana, down Calle Arboles
Tel: 622 42 69
Live Music with California Son Dance with the best danzoneras of all time!
3-Conferences and Calls for Papers
9th International Symposium – Communication in the Millennium
Porto Vista Hotel, San Diego
May 22-25, 2011
Hosted by the School of Journalism and Media Studies, San Diego State University
Register by: April 22, 2011
Symposium will feature research from national and international scholars on topics related to journalism, advertising, film/television, media studies, public relations and more.
For more information to register for the event, contact Prof. Amy Schmitz Weiss at aschmitz@mail.sdsu.edu
Read more on Conferences and Calls for Papers
4-Study Abroad and Summer Programs
Bolivia: Food Sovereignty & Climate Change
Aug 6 – Aug 21, 2011
With Food First & Global Exchange
Bolivia is one of the countries least responsible for global climate change-yet it is one of the most exposed to its effects. By drawing on their ancestral knowledge, Andean farmers are working to adapt their farming systems to the new climate realities. On this Tour, you will travel to the frontlines of global climate change, talk to the people directly affected, and meet key actors working for global climate justice.
For more information, visit www.foodsovereigntytours.org/our-trips/bolivia or contact Tanya at 510-654-4400 ext. 223 or tkerssen@foodfirst.org
Read more on Study Abroad and Summer Programs
5-Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities
UCLA Latin American Institute Library Research Grants 2011
Applications deadline is Monday, May 2, 2011.
Open to non-UCLA faculty and graduate students from institutions of higher learning who do not have access to substantial Latin American research resources.
Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, these grants are designed to allow researchers from other U.S. universities to use the vast resources of the Latin American collection at UCLA for a short-term. Five awards of up to $1000 each will be made to cover lodging, transportation and meals. Grant recipients are expected to spend at least one week in Los Angeles. Upon completion of their stay, grant recipients are asked to provide receipts of all expenses for reimbursement, and a two to three page statement of research findings and of how their work at UCLA enhanced their project.
The UCLA Latin American Institute will award the grants based on relevance of the proposal to the holdings of the UCLA libraries, the merits and significance of the project, and the qualifications of the applicant. Grants are to be used between June 1 and August 14, 2011.
Applicants will be required to submit a Research Proposal, CV, and a budget.
To submit a grant, please visit: http://apply.international.ucla.edu/?lai
For more information please contact:
Cynthia Gomez
LAI Program Representative
(310) 825-4571
Read more on Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities
6-Internships, Volunteer, and Job Opportunities
Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA)
Internships COHA is now accepting applications for summer internships in the field of U.S.-Latin American and Canadian relations. Every summer, COHA awards some 30 internships to applicants from a pool of roughly 300 candidates. COHA accepts applications on a rolling basis, but openings tend to be filled quickly. COHA is always looking for original, exacting scholars who possess an uncluttered writing style. We are looking for resourceful, sharp and motivated applicants who are seeking an opportunity to receive practical experience in the fields of policymaking and communicating with the media, and have a desire to advance progressive development on political, economic, and trade matters throughout Latin America and Canada. As the jockeying for internships can, at times, be rather competitive, in applying for such positions we ask potential applicants to send us the following documents to ensure we are recruiting the most qualified candidates: cover letter, résumé, writing sample, transcripts, 2 letters of recommendation, and a completed COHA internship application form. We look forward to receiving your application, which will be diligently scrutinized.
For application forms and more information, please visit: http://www.coha.org/about-internships/
Read more on Internships, Volunteer, and Job Opportunities
7-Articles, Publications, Books
Semanario Bitácora: Periodismo Cultural Independiente
To view News, Events, and Publications from the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean at York University visit: http://www.yorku.ca/cerlac/publications.htm#bulletins
The latest issue of SD City Beat
El Boletín: IRC Programa de las Américas
Un nuevo mundo de ideas, análisis y opciones en políticas públicas.» El Boletín Américas es un servicio gratuito del International Relations Center (IRC) que anuncia los últimos artículos. Para ver los artículos visita:http://www.ircamericas.org/
Latin American Theatre Review
Now available online! https://journals.ku.edu/index.php/latr