Ambulantito y Trinh T. Minh-ha en AMBULANTE 2011

Imágenes de La Entrenadora de Poodles de Vance Malone y La cuarta dimensión de Trinh T. Minh-ha
Comenzamos a presentarles algunas secciones que serán parte de la Gira de Documentales del 11 de febrero al 5 de mayo de 2011:
Es un espacio para que los niños y jóvenes de corazón absorban miradas globales que los transporten a realidades remotas, al mismo tiempo que reflexionen sobre las problemáticas que les rodean a través de pequeños documentales. El programa de Ambulantito estará conformado por siete documentales, reunidos en un programa que se presentará en Cinépolis y en sedes alternas de forma gratuita. Los documentales seleccionados son:
– Entrevista con la tierra de Nicolás Pereda
– Madagascar, diario de viaje de Bastien Dubois
– Tabla de Billy Pols
– Plástico y vidrio de Tessa Joosse
– El rebaño de Ken Wardrop
– La entrenadora de Poodles de Vance Malone
– El proyecto Sapporo de Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre
Con el apoyo de la Embajada de EEUU en México y la Cineteca Nacional se presentará un homenaje a la cineasta, escritora y compositora vietnamita Trinh T. Minh-ha. Sus películas han cuestionado y desafiado la forma «occidental» y comercial de hacer documentales; su trabajo representa una crítica constante al «ojo antropológico» y al documental etnográfico tradicional.
Las obras seleccionadas serán presentadas en la Cineteca Nacional, donde además contaremos con la presencia de la Minh-ha, del 18 al 24 de febrero, para tener un intercambio con el público presente. Un título de esta retrospectiva viajará con el resto de la programación a las demás ciudades que conforman la Gira.
Los títulos confirmados para el programa son:
– Reensamblaje (Reassemblage, 1982)
– Naked spaces: Living is round (1985)
– Apellido Viet Nombre Nam (Sur Name Viet Name Nam, 1989)
– Shoot for the contentes (1991)
– La cuarta dimensión (The fourth dimension, 2001)
– Pasaje nocturno (Night passage, 2005)
Consulta la programación completa a partir del 9 de febrero 2011 en

1-CLAS and Other Events at SDSU
Graduate Student Association and University Leaders Reception
Friday, December 10 1:30 to 3:30
Casa Real in Aztec Center
Presented by the SDSU Graduate Student Association
A buffet of hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be served Come meet your fellow graduate students and university leaders
Please dress in business casual attire
LASSO Christmas Party
Thursday, December 16th.
7:00 – ???.
El Rancho (in North Park)
3910 30th st. San Diego, CA 92104
The idea is that it will be like a «company» Christmas party, except for students and professors. So come join us in the Holliday/end of finals spirit for good food and good drinks.
Weekly Meetings for Colectivo Zapatista Tzajalek 32
1:00pm-2:00pm at AL 379
Become a member of Colectivo Zapatista Tzajalek 32, a San Diego State University student activist organization fighting for peace, dignity, and respect for Mexico’s indigenous peoples.
For more information, email: or visit:
Thesis Deadlines
November 2nd – December 30th – Thesis accepted on at-risk basis. By submitting your completed thesis for review to Montezuma Publishing during the at risk deadline, you are not guaranteed your thesis will be reviewed in time to be published by the final noon deadline on December 17th.
December 17th (noon) is the deadline to submit thesis for final clearance by Montezuma Publishing assuring fall 2010 graduation. If this deadline is not met, you will need to reapply for spring 2011 graduation.
December 30th – Noon deadline – This is the final day to submit thesis to Montezuma Publishing for review, without having to reenroll in Thesis 799B the following semester. However, you will need to reapply for spring 2011 graduation.
December 30, 2010 – The official graduation date to appear on diploma and transcript.
Brown Bag Bate Papo (BBBP)
Mondays from 12:30 to 1:30pm Scripps Cottage Area
Join a group of «Brazilphiles» to learn, improve, and practice your Portuguese!
Portuguese instructor extraordinaire, Nadjla Sahyoun Bowie, is leading this group!
A gente se ve lá! ~ See you there
Zapotec Language Course
Our very own Zapotec language course was recently featured on KPBS news. To read the article, please visit the KPBS website.
News reporting about Zapotec class aired at KQED in San Francisco.
2 – Events Outside SDSU
Meeting of the San Diego Ethnic Studies Consortium
Friday, Dec 10, 12 pm
San Diego City College
Room R-109
The San Diego County Ethnic Studies Consortium is a collaborative of faculty, staff, students, and community members committed to the study of race, ethnicity, and social justice.
Tenate (Palm Weaving) Work Shop
Saturday, December 11. 10 am – 4 pm
Sunday, December 12, 10 am – 4 pm
Access Inc.
2612 Daniel Aenue
San Diego CA 92111
The Familia Indigena Unida invites you to a free tenate (Palm weaving) workshop event. The unique hand made palm tenate is made by Mixtec crafts women and men from Oaxaca.
City Heights Human Rights March and Festival
Saturday, December 11, 2:00 pm
Colina Park, 52nd St. and Orange Ave.
The City Heights Human Rights March and Festival is a day to celebrate peace and unity, including people from many different cultures and backgrounds that have all come to San Diego in search of a new beginning. While celebrating with family, neighbors, and friends, participants will have an opportunity to learn how to advocate for worldwide Human Rights issues and the intersection of all causes of justice. The festival will include an uplifting message of peace in multiple languages, speakers, cultural performances and spoken word, music, art, food, an outdoor film screening, and a candlelight vigil. The march begins at Colina Park at 2pm, and the festival starts at Hoover High School at 4pm and will run until 6pm.
A Zapatista Holiday Celebration!
Sunday, December 12 2:00-6:00 pm
1631 Dale Street, South Park, San Diego, 92102
Join us for a festive afternoon with interesting people, great conversation, Chiapas craft sale, music, and outstanding beer tasting. Meet new friends and catch up with folks you’ve known for years. Hear the latest news from Chiapas.
Participatory cultural activities welcome or just sit back and enjoy! Bring a dish, play an instrument, share a dance, sing a song, read a poem, or play your favorite CD.
Shop while you party! You can support the Mayan craftspeople in the autonomous communities of Chiapas by buying a holiday gift. Beautiful craft items, Zapatista coffee, and indigenous music.
Chiapas: News, slide show, and analysis from the School for Chiapas team who worked in Chiapas during November 2010. Optional presentations will be at 3pm and 5pm.
Drinks: We’ll be brewing up a special holiday corn beer all afternoon and tasting previous batches! Yup, you can see how beer is made and actually help craft a unique beverage for 2011.
For more information, please visit:
Pilgrimage for Justice!
Sunday, December 12 3:00 pm
March against police and ICE deportations.
Begins at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church
4177 Marlborough Ave San Diego, 92105
Ends at 5pm at Midcity Police Station
4310 Landis Street San Diego, 92105
¡Peregrinación por Justicia!
12 de Diciembre, Domingo, 2010
¡Alto a las deportaciones y detenciones de la Poli-Migra!
Empieza: 3 de la tarde Iglesia Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón
4177 Marlborough Ave San Diego, 92105
Llega: 5 pm, estación de policía en MidCity
4310 Landis Street San Diego, 92105
Read more on Events Outside SDSU
3-Conferences and Calls for Papers
ICPSR Research Paper Competition
Deadline: Monday, January 31, 2011
ICPSR is offering two research paper competitions for undergraduates and one for master’s students in 2011.
ICPSR invites undergraduate and master’s papers analyzing any dataset(s) in the ICPSR archive or its Thematic Collections. The other competition, sponsored by the Research Center for Minority Data (RCMD), solicits papers addressing issues relevant to minorities in the United States, including immigrants. These papers must draw on data in the RCMD archive.
The awards are: ICPSR Competition for Undergraduates – First prize – $1,000 and Second prize – $750
ICPSR Competition for Master’s students – First prize – $1,000 and Second prize – $750
RCMD Competition for Undergraduates – First prize – $1,000 and Second prize – $750
For eligibility and submission requirements, please see the paper competition Web site:
Read more on Conferences and Calls for Papers
4-Study Abroad and Summer Programs
Summer Intensive Mixtec Language Program in Oaxaca
Where: Oaxaca City, Oaxaca, Mexico
When: June 20-July 29, 2011 (tentative dates)
Application deadline: April 4, 2011
Mixtec Program: Language instruction is provided by native Mixtec speakers and scholars Juan Julián Caballero, Marcos Cruz Bautista, and Angelina Trujillo through the Welte Institute in Oaxaca City. The program is coordinated by Dr. Ramona Pérez, Director of the Center for LAS and a scholar in Oaxacan Studies from the Department of Anthropology at SDSU. The course is taught in Spanish and offers 140 hours of instruction plus local weekend fieldtrips over a six-week period.
More information
Summer Intensive Zapotec Language Program in Oaxaca
Where: Juchitán, and Valley of Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico
When: June 20-July 29, 2011 (tentative dates)
Application deadline: April 4, 2011
Zapotec Program, Juchitan: This intensive program is taught by native Isthmus Zapotec speaker and linguist Tomás Villalobos Aquino through the Casa de la Cultura in Juchitán. Professor Villalobos Aquino coordinates the program with Dr. Pérez. The course is taught in Spanish, and offers 140 hours of class instruction plus local weekend fieldtrips over a six-week period. Participants will be fully immersed in the culture and language through homestays with Zapotec speaking families.
Zapotec Program, Oaxaca: Like Isthmus Zapotec, the program is immersion based and taught by native speaker Gabriel Martinez. Taught in Spanish and offering 140 hours of class instruction, the course includes fieldtrips to several different Zapotec communities over the six-week period.
More information
Read more on Study Abroad and Summer Programs
5-Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities
Scholars Without Borders
Scholars Without Borders is an honorary society dedicated to promoting international exchange and service and recognizing scholarly achievement in an international context. SCHOLARS WITHOUT BORDERS is an academic, professional, and service society, unique because it is resolutely interdisciplinary and international.
For more information please visit:
Read more on Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities
6-Internships, Volunteer, and Job Opportunities
Internship Opportunities with Sustainable Bolivia
Sustainable Bolivia is a 501(c) 3 non profit organization whose specific goals are to provide Bolivian grass-roots organizations with much needed human and financial resources while providing international students and professionals the opportunity to gain practical work experience through internships and volunteer opportunities in Bolivia.
For more information, please visit: