El Muro, Boletín Interno de El Colef header image 1

Presentación del libro «Mi Paso por la vida»- Sociedad de Historia de Tijuana

martes 7 de diciembre de 2010 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)


En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Eventos

Invitación al Debate: LA REVOLUCIÓN MEXICANA.

martes 7 de diciembre de 2010 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)


En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Eventos

Mexico Moving Forward – Symposium

martes 7 de diciembre de 2010 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)


Save the Date

Mexico Moving Forward
February 10, 2011

«He who doesn’t look ahead, remains behind»
«El que no mira hacia adelante se queda atrás»

Come hear the voices of some of the most important and talented people in Mexico share their vision of the future of Mexico.

  • Eugenia León, singer, instrumentalist, and songwriter
  • Ricardo Legorreta, visionary architect
  • Rodolfo Dirzo, cutting edge Biologist/ecologist from Stanford
  • Roberto Servitje Sendra, Chairman of Bimbo, the world’s largest bread manufacturing company

50th Anniversary Logo

These are but a few of the most important thinkers in Mexico who will discuss the impact of culture and society and debate what it means to be Mexican and focus on the hope and strengths of Mexico Moving Forward. It’s an all-day symposium that you won’t want to miss.

Click here for more information

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CLAS E-Bulletin 12.03.10

martes 7 de diciembre de 2010 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)


To be added to the E-Bulletin email list, send a message to Elizabeth Sáenz at esaenz@mail.sdsu.edu

Having trouble viewing this email?
You can view the E-Bulletin online at: http://latinamericanstudies.sdsu.edu/ebulletin.html.

1-CLAS and Other Events at SDSU

LASSO Christmas Party

Thursday, December 16th.

7:00 – ???.

El Rancho (in North Park)

3910 30th st. San Diego, CA 92104

The idea is that it will be like a «company» Christmas party, except for students and professors. So come join us in the Holliday/end of finals spirit for good food and good drinks.

Weekly Meetings for Colectivo Zapatista Tzajalek 32


1:00pm-2:00pm at AL 379

Become a member of Colectivo Zapatista Tzajalek 32, a San Diego State University student activist organization fighting for peace, dignity, and respect for Mexico’s indigenous peoples.

For more information, email: tzajalek32@mail.sdsu.edu or visit: www.myspace.com/tzajalek32

Thesis Deadlines


November 2nd – December 30th – Thesis accepted on at-risk basis. By submitting your completed thesis for review to Montezuma Publishing during the at risk deadline, you are not guaranteed your thesis will be reviewed in time to be published by the final noon deadline on December 17th.

December 17th (noon) is the deadline to submit thesis for final clearance by Montezuma Publishing assuring fall 2010 graduation. If this deadline is not met, you will need to reapply for spring 2011 graduation.

December 30th – Noon deadline – This is the final day to submit thesis to Montezuma Publishing for review, without having to reenroll in Thesis 799B the following semester. However, you will need to reapply for spring 2011 graduation.

December 30, 2010 – The official graduation date to appear on diploma and transcript.

Semester-Long Law School Application Workshop

A.I.M. for Law’s mission is to prepare diverse SDSU sophomores for the law school application process and the first year of law school. As part of the program, real attorneys will teach you: how to study for the LSAT, how to get into the best law schools, how to write a good personal statement, how to pay for law school, what to expect the first year of law school, how to argue like a lawyer, how to brief a legal case, and how the American legal system really works

Only 10 students will be admitted to the spring 2011 A.I.M. for Law program, so act fast.

The deadline to apply is November 30th.

To apply, email Program Manager Drew Lautemann, Esq. at dlautemann@projects.sdsu.edu or join the “A.I.M. for Law” Facebook group and send him a message.

Brown Bag Bate Papo (BBBP)

Mondays from 12:30 to 1:30pm Scripps Cottage Area

Join a group of «Brazilphiles» to learn, improve, and practice your Portuguese!

Portuguese instructor extraordinaire, Nadjla Sahyoun Bowie, is leading this group!

A gente se ve lá! ~ See you there

Zapotec Language Course

Our very own Zapotec language course was recently featured on KPBS news. To read the article, please visit the KPBS website.

News reporting about Zapotec class aired at KQED in San Francisco.

2 – Events Outside SDSU

Derechos humanos y vulnerabilidad de los migrantes y repatriados

02-03 de diciembre de 2010

9:00 horas, Aula Magna (Colef, Tijuana)

El coloquio inicia con el panel: Derechos humanos e inseguridad en la frontera norte. Experiencias desde las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil; posteriormente se realizarán la mesas de trabajo: Inseguridad y condiciones de vulnerabilidad de las personas migrantes y Violaciones a Derechos Humanos y agresiones cometidas contra personas migrantes y repatriadas.

El viernes 3 de diciembre, a partir de las 15:00 horas, en la sala Mario Ojeda, se retoman los paneles y mesas de trabajo con los temas: Programas e instituciones de apoyo a las personas migrantes y repatriadas y finalmente,se presentará el tema: Políticas migratorias, violencia y seguridad en la frontera.

Más información:


+ 52 (664) 631-6300 ext. 1155

Human rights and vulnerability of migrants and repatriated people

Thursday December 2-3, 2010

9:00, Grand Lecture Hall (Colef, Tijuana)

The colloquium will begin with the panel: Human rights and insecurity on the Northern Border: Experiences from civil society organizations. Following will be the workshops: insecurity and conditions of vulnerability of migrant persons and violations of human rights and aggressions committed against migrant and repatriated people.

Friday, December 3 at 3 pm in the Mario Ojeda room, the panels and workshop will regather to discuss the themes: supporting programs and institutions for migrants and repatriated people. Finally, migratory policies, violence, and security on the border will be discussed.

For more information, please contact:


+ 52 (664) 631-6300 ext. 1155

Michael Kearney y los Estudios sobre Migración

viernes, 03 de diciembre de 2010

aula magna Raúl Rangel de El Colef, Tijuana (El Colef, Tijuana)


En esta ocasión, la sesión se titula Michael Kearney y los Estudios sobre Migración Internacional, y presentan Carole Nagengast, profesora emérita de la Universidad de Nuevo México, quien presenta: Trabajadores migrantes, derechos humanos y cosmopolitismo, y Federico Besserer, de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa con el tema: Transnacionalismo práctico. Presentación en memoria de Michael Kearney.

Más información:


+ 52 (664) 631-6300 ext. 1155

Michael Kearney and Migration Studies

Friday December 3, 210

Raul Rangel grand lecture hall (El Colef, Tijuana)

9:30 am

In memory of Michael Kearney, professor emeritus of the University of New Mexico Carole Nagengast, will present: Migrant workers, human rights and cosmopolitism. Frederico Besser of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa will present: Practical transnationalism.

For more information, please contact:


+ 52 (664) 631-6300 ext. 1155

International Christmas Festival

Friday, December 3, 2-10pm

Saturday, December 4, 10 am -10 pm

Balboa Park

Presented by the House of Peru, the festival will serve Peruvian food and drinks such as Inka Cola and Pisco Sours. There will also be Peruvian dances, Saturday December 4 at 4 pm.

Volunteers are needed! Please contact: info@houseofperu.org

Read more on Events Outside SDSU

3-Conferences and Calls for Papers

2011 Student Research Symposium

March 4-5, 2011

Aztec Center

On behalf of the University Research Council’s Student Research Committee, we are pleased to announce the dates for the 2011 SDSU Student Research Symposium. All SDSU students are invited to participate in this exciting event.

The Student Research Symposium is a two-day event to recognize the outstanding scholarly accomplishments of SDSU students. The SRS provides a public forum where SDSU students will present their research, scholarship, or creative activities.

Presentations will be organized by academic disciplines with divisions for undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students.

SDSU students may submit an application to present either preliminary or completed results from their original research.

Registration opens December 1, 2010 via the Division of Research Affairs web site: http://gra.sdsu.edu/research/srs

Details about the SRS, information on preparing an application, and guidance on presentation format are also available online.

Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies Conference­Possible Panel

April 6-11

Santa Fe, New Mexico

The deadline for panel proposals is December 15, 2010.

The Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies is currently seeking papers on the topic of citizenship and suffrage in Latin America for a panel. Research on any region is welcome.

Please contact Stephanie Mitchell at smitchell@carthage.edu or Patricia Harms at harmsp@brandonu.ca with questions and proposals.

Read more on Conferences and Calls for Papers

4-Study Abroad and Summer Programs

Summer Intensive Mixtec Language Program in Oaxaca

Where: Oaxaca City, Oaxaca, Mexico

When: June 20-July 29, 2011 (tentative dates)

Application deadline: April 4, 2011

Mixtec Program: Language instruction is provided by native Mixtec speakers and scholars Juan Julián Caballero, Marcos Cruz Bautista, and Angelina Trujillo through the Welte Institute in Oaxaca City. The program is coordinated by Dr. Ramona Pérez, Director of the Center for LAS and a scholar in Oaxacan Studies from the Department of Anthropology at SDSU. The course is taught in Spanish and offers 140 hours of instruction plus local weekend fieldtrips over a six-week period.

More information

Summer Intensive Zapotec Language Program in Oaxaca

Where: Juchitán, and Valley of Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico

When: June 20-July 29, 2011 (tentative dates)

Application deadline: April 4, 2011

Zapotec Program, Juchitan: This intensive program is taught by native Isthmus Zapotec speaker and linguist Tomás Villalobos Aquino through the Casa de la Cultura in Juchitán. Professor Villalobos Aquino coordinates the program with Dr. Pérez. The course is taught in Spanish, and offers 140 hours of class instruction plus local weekend fieldtrips over a six-week period. Participants will be fully immersed in the culture and language through homestays with Zapotec speaking families.

Zapotec Program, Oaxaca: Like Isthmus Zapotec, the program is immersion based and taught by native speaker Gabriel Martinez. Taught in Spanish and offering 140 hours of class instruction, the course includes fieldtrips to several different Zapotec communities over the six-week period.

More information

Read more on Study Abroad and Summer Programs

5-Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities

The Chancellors Doctoral Incentive Program

The purpose of this program is to increase the number of promising doctoral students who are interested in applying and competing for future instructional faculty positions at any one of our 23 CSU campuses. The program seeks to accomplish this goal by providing financial aid in the form of loans to doctoral students with the motivation, skills, and experience needed to teach the diverse student body of the CSU.

Loans of up to $10,000 per year up to a total of $30,000 within 5 years are available at a low interest rate If the recipient is hired at a CSU campus as a tenure track faculty member for each year of service 20% of their loan is forgiven

This program requires a CSU faculty mentor sponsor the student New or continuing students who will be in doctoral programs at accredited universities anywhere in the United States during the 2011/2012 academic year may apply Current SDSU faculty lecturers seeking a doctoral degree are also eligible to apply

The deadline for SDSU applications is March 7, 2011.

All details of this loan program as well as an application request can be found at http://www.calstate.edu/hr/cdip/

For more information regarding this program please contact: jrodgers@mail.sdsu.edu

Read more on Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities

6-Internships, Volunteer, and Job Opportunities

Executive Director, Cultural Survival in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Salary: Open

Type: Full Time – Senior

Cultural Survival is a global leader in advancing the world’s Indigenous Peoples’ rights to their lands, languages, and cultures. We seek a new Executive Director who will be the public face of the organization and who will lead us to a significantly higher level of Indigenous inclusiveness, visibility, financial security, and overall effectiveness. The ideal candidate will be experienced, dynamic, mobile, personable, media-savvy, and passionate about partnering with, empowering, and advocating on behalf of Indigenous Peoples. What Cultural Survival Does Most of the world’s 370 million Indigenous Peoples suffer from neglect, discrimination, or outright abuse from governments and/or corporate interests that usurp their power and perpetuate centuries-old patterns of domination. These patterns disregard Indigenous autonomy, control over homelands, and governance. Poverty, isolation, and forced assimilation often go hand in hand with complex issues arising from land claims, degradation of the environment, theft of intellectual property, and loss of language and cultural traditions. Cultural Survival works hand-in-hand with affected communities to ensure that our efforts are in concert with local cultures and decision-making processes. To effectively improve the well-being of diverse peoples across the planet, Cultural Survival selects projects with lasting value that at the same time provide replicable models to others. Cultural Survival partners with Indigenous communities, at their request, to assist them in achieving their goals. Currently, we are partnering with Native American communities­over half of which risk losing their remaining elderly language speakers within the next five years­to find ways to pass their languages on to their children. We are supporting locally-based and run community radio stations to provide educational and empowerment-focused broadcasting for remote Indigenous communities in Guatemala. And, we are working on advocacy campaigns where Indigenous homelands are threatened by large-scale development projects in places like the Philippines, Indonesia, Panama, Brazil, and the United States. Cultural Survival partners with the United Nations and regional human rights bodies, supportive members of the U.S. Congress and Administration, nongovernmental human rights and environmental protection organizations, and, most importantly, national and local Indigenous leaders and communities. The efficacy of Cultural Survival’s work is promoted by transparency and by our accountability to an expert cohort of Indigenous leaders who serve on our Board of Directors and in advisory roles. The Position Cultural Survival’s new Executive Director will have overall responsibility for the organization’s development and continued success.

S/he will:

Be a leading voice for Indigenous Peoples worldwide.

Lead Cultural Survival’s growth and management.

Work with the Board of Directors to set and implement Board policies.

Build, expand, and support an outstanding staff.

Collaborate with other Indigenous, rights-based, and environmental organizations.

Develop effective strategies and initiatives to protect Indigenous Peoples’ rights and cultures.

Inspire and engage philanthropists to support Cultural Survival.

Sustain outstanding publications that inspire, educate, and engage the public and support a growing membership.

Effectively leverage technology to foster Cultural Survival’s work and connections.

To Apply Please send cover letter, resume and salary history to Susan Egmont: segmont@egmontassociates.com, Egmont Associates, 85 East India Row #24F, Boston, MA 02110 Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Cultural Survival is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and actively seeks a diverse pool of candidates. We particularly encourage Indigenous individuals to apply and to identify their Indigenous community, but we welcome applications from all qualified candidates. For more information about Cultural Survival and its programs, please visit: www.cs.org

Read more on Internships, Volunteer, and Job Opportunities

7-Articles, Publications, Books

Programa de Las Américas: Un Nuevo Mundo de Acción Ciudadana, Análisis, y Alternativa Políticas

Articulo: «Catorce años de TLCAN y la crisis de la tortilla»

Ver este artículo y mas: http://www.ircamericas.org/

Semanario Bitácora: Periodismo Cultural Independiente



To view News, Events, and Publications from the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean at York University visit: http://www.yorku.ca/cerlac/publications.htm#bulletins

Read more on Articles, Publications, Books

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Boletines de difusión

Annual International Conference 2011

martes 7 de diciembre de 2010 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

1Annual International Conference 2011

Regional development and policy – challenges, choices and recipients

Sunday 17th – Wednesdayy 20th April 2011: University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

(Excursion, walking tour and evening drinks reception Sunday 17th April)

Abstract submission deadline – 31st January 2011>

This conference will take place at the University of Newcastle and the Civic Centre over four days in April 2011 and will include daily plenary, workshop

and special roundtable sessions.

We welcome papers from all – academics, students and those working in policy and practice. The event is inclusive and offers networking

opportunities for all in our field. The organisers welcome proposals for special sessions, themed workshops and innovative forms of networking and collaboration. If you would like to organise or offer a session to the conference please contact Lisa Bibby-Larsen at

events@rsa-ls.ac.uk and we will assist you.

The challenges for regional development are intensifying. Long-term factors shaping the prospects for cities and regions include the effects of climate

change and new demands on energy, water and food systems. Cities also face significant demographic shifts. Rapid technological changes – captured

in the notion of an emerging Knowledge Economy – will also affect cities and regions. Moreover, we are witnessing significant changes in international

political economy – encapssulated by the term globalisation – but increasingly understood as iincorporating the rise of new economic powers, such as the

BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and, above all, China). The immediate context for thinking about these questions in many parts of the world is the aftermath of a severe economic crisis and a new politics of austerity.

Local, regional, national and international actors continue to search for new policy solutions at a time when traditional forms of governance are being

tested and new forms of regional politics are emerging. In many parts of the world regional disparities are growing as more economic activity becomes

concentrated in global city regions, posing questions about the future of cities and regions beyond the metropolis. In these austere times, some voices

question the need for regional policy itself and public policy debates increasingly focus on these dilemmas.

Gateway themes:

·         Climate change, resource pressures, environment and sustainable regions

Gerd Lintz (g.lintz@ioer.de), Peter Wirth (p.wirth@ioer.de) and Andrew Beer (andrew.beer@flinders.edu.au)

·         Labour markets, migration and regional development

Alessandra Faggian (A.Faggian@soton.ac.uk), Mark Partridge (partridge.27@osu.edu) and Anne Green (a.e.green@warwick.ac.uk)

·         Inequality, diversity and regional development

Irene Hardill (i.hardill@ntu.ac.uk), Solange Villette (solange.villette@orange.fr) and

Lionel Guillemot (l.guillemot@univ-angers.fr)

·         Rurality/peripherality and regional development

Peter de Souza (peter.souza@hihm.no) and Anne Lorentzen (al@plan.aau.dk)

·         Spatial econometrics

Vasillis Monastiriotis (v.monastiriotis@lse.ac.uk) and Bernard Fingleton (bf100@cam.ac.uk)

·         Borders and border regions

Gianluca Spinaci (Gianluca.Spinaci@cor.europa.eu) and Nicola Bellini (nbellini@sssup.it)

·         Competitiveness, competition and cooperation

Gillian Bristow (BristowG1@cardiff.ac.uk)

·         New approaches to regional development policy

Arnoud Lagendijk (a.lagendijk@ru.nl) and Pedro Marques (p.m.marques@newcastle.ac.uk)

·         Social justice and regional development

Gordon Dabinett (g.e.dabinett@sheffield.ac.uk) and Thilo Lang (t_lang@ifl-leipzig.de)

·         The politics and governance of regional and territorial development

Tassilo Herrschel (t.a.herrschel@westminster.ac.uk)

·         Regional identity and regionalism

Pavel Chromy (chromy@natur.cuni.cz)

·         Financing the regions – current and future challenges

Martin Sokol (m.sokol@qmul.ac.uk), Zoltan Gal (galz@rkk,hu) and Ewald Engelen (E.R.Engelen@uva.nl)

·         Regional development and development management in a global context

Ulrich Graute (graute@un.org) and Mikhail Dimitriev (M.Dmitriev@csr.ru)

·         Phoenix industries and innovation

Abdel-Illah Hamdouch (Abdel.Hamdouch@univ-lille1.fr), Stuart Dawley (s.j.dawley@ncl.ac.uk)

·         Enterprise, entrepreneurship and learning in resilient regions

Mark Hart (mark.hart@aston.ac.uk), Roel Rutten (R.P.J.H.Rutten@uvt.nl), Helena Lenihan (helena.lenihan@ul.ie)

·         Creative Industries and regional development

Caroline Chapain (c.a.chapain@bham.ac.uk, Roberta Comunian (r.comunian@soton.ac.uk), Nick Clifton (nclifton@uwic.ac.uk)

·         Cultural and experiential economies

Lisa de Propris (l.de_propris@bham.ac.uk), Anne Lorentzen (al@plan.aau.dk), Olivier Crevoisier (Olivier.crevoisier@unine.ch)

·         Communities, civil society and the role of education and the quadruple helix of regional development

Oto Potluka (potluka@vse.cz) and Peter McGregor (p.mcgregor@strath.ac.uk)

·         EU Policy and practice

John Bachtler (john.bachtler@strath.ac.uk) and Phil McCann (P.McCann@rug.nl)

·         Territorial Cooperation

Kai Boehme (kai.boehme@spatialforesight.eu) and Thiemo Eser (Thiemo.Eser@mat.etat.lu)

·         Spatial planning

Krisztina Varró (k.varro@fm.ru.nl) and Alasdair Rae (a.j.rae@sheffield.ac.uk)

·         Place leadership

Markku Sotarauta (Markku.sotarauta@uta.fi) and John Gibney (J.Gibney@bham.ac.uk)

For more information please go to:


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