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“Migración y Familia”

viernes 15 de octubre de 2010 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)


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Upcoming Event

viernes 15 de octubre de 2010 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies


Forging an Integrated ICT Market: Phone, Television, & Internet for North America

Donald Abelson

October 14, 2010

5:00 p.m.
Location: UCSD, Institute of the Americas Complex, Weaver Center
Open to: Public

Event co-sponsored with the IR/PS Global Leadership Institute.

Reception will take place after the event

Donald Abelson is an expert in global communications and international trade strategy. His consulting company, Sudbury International, LLC, serves a global client base, offering advice on such issues as regulatory policy, spectrum  management and communications-related trade strategy. Mr. Abelson worked in U.S. Government for 30 years, most recently serving as the Chief of the International Bureau at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), where he directed the FCC’s international activities. He also managed the FCC’s provision of technical advice to developing countries on regulatory matters and to the U.S. Executive Branch regarding trade negotiations and the activities of the International Telecommunications Union and the OECD.

Mr. Abelson came to the FCC with extensive experience in international communications trade and regulatory issues. In 1998 and 1999, he served as an Assistant U.S. Trade Representative, during which time he led USTR’s effort to facilitate global electronic commerce over the Internet. Prior to that assignment, Abelson was the lead U.S. negotiator of the WTO’s Basic Telecommunications Agreement which resulted in a precedent-setting accord on global local, long-distance and international services delivered by wire, wireless and satellite technologies. In previous assignments at USTR, Abelson led the U.S. team that secured trade deals on telecommunications terminal attachment practices with Japan and Europe.

Click here to see event post on USMEX website.

There is no cost of admission. Event is open to the public. For driving directions, please click here. For additional information, call Mr. Greg Mallinger at (858) 822-1696 or e-mail.

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Disseminate your Research with Progressing Publisher

viernes 15 de octubre de 2010 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

Canadian Journal on Biomedical Engineering & Technology

Canadian Journal on Computing in Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Engineering & Medicine

Canadian Journal on Biomedical Engineering and Technology includes topics but not limited to: biomedical informatics with applications in biomedical sciences such as clinical medicine, healthcare, population health, medical imaging, bioinformatics, BioMEMS, Bio Nanotechnology, etc….
For further details, Contact at

Canadian Journal on Computing in Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Medicine includes topics but not limited to: novel or extension in existing methods in computing and research visualization for all branches of mathematics, natural sciences, engineering and medicine etc…
For further details, Contact at

Canadian Journal on Scientific & Industrial Research

Canadian Journal on Medicine

Canadian Journal on Scientific and Industrial Research includes topics of applied and conceptual research from all fields of Science but not limited to: basic sciences, applied sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, environmental and earth sciences, biology, zoology, medical sciences, chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, statistics, geology, industrial and all other theoretical and applied sciences, etc…
For further details, Contact at

Canadian Journal on Medicine includes topics but not limited to: advancements and innovations in medicine of any area such as anatomy, dermatology, gynecology, immunology, internal medicine, neurology, ophthalmology, pathology, pathophysiology, pediatrics, pharmacology, physiology, psychiatry, radiology, toxicology, urology etc…
For further details, Contact at

CALL FOR PAPERS – DEADLINE: October 15, 2010
Canadian Journal Series

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Encuentro en México 2010: Construyendo Futuros

viernes 15 de octubre de 2010 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)



Encuentro en México 2010: Construyendo Futuros

El Centro de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos en México tiene el gusto de invitarles al Encuentro en México 2010, organizado por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Espacio de Vinculación A.C. (EVAC), la Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE), la Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES) y la World Future Society Capítulo Mexicano (WFS México); así como gobiernos y universidades de diferentes estados de la República Mexicana.

El evento se realizará del 19 al 22 de octubre, en el Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco de la UNAM. Ubicado en: Ricardo Flores Magón 1, col. Nonoalco-Tlatelolco, México, DF.

Registro en línea: http://www.encuentroenmexico.org/page14.html
Programa del evento: http://www.encuentroenmexico.org/page9.html

Con la participación por parte de la OCDE de:
Angel Gurría, Secretario General de la OCDE. El Secretario General estará presente en la inauguración del evento (19 de Octubre del 2010).
Gabriela Ramos, Jefe del Staff del Secretario General de la OCDE
Anthony Gooch, Director de Asuntos Públicos y Comunicaciones de la OCDE
Simon Upton, Director de Medio Ambiente
Charles Heeter, Presidente del Comité Consultivo del Negocio y la Industria
Renato Galvão Flores, Profesor del Comité Consultivo del Negocio y la Industria
Dimitri Ypsilanti, Jefe de la División Política del Consumidor de Información y Comunicaciones
Andreas Schleicher, Jefe de la División de Indicadores y Análisis de la OCDE
Raúl Suárez, Asesor principal del Proyecto de Medición y Fomento del Progreso de la OCDE

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Seminario Permanente -Construcción Social de los Espacios Urbanos y Regionales-

viernes 15 de octubre de 2010 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)


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