lunes 18 de mayo de 2009 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)
Sábado 23 de mayo 2009:
Curso y taller: Aprendiendo a vivir en paz en tiempos de miedo y ansiedad .
En el CECUT-Tijuana
Es un curso de meditación y reflexiones sobre cómo trabajar el miedo y la ansiedad tan profundamente alimentados por la violencia y las enfermedades en estos tiempos.
Por Mtro. Jorge García Montaño
Hora: de 10:00 a 14:00 hrs.
En beneficio al Hospital General de Tijuana.
Informes: Casa Dakini.
Teléfonos: 621 0119 y (664) 628 6485

En: 2 Conferencias · 2 El Colef Tijuana
lunes 18 de mayo de 2009 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)
La Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) Sede México y el Centro de Innovación Social (ZSI) Austria invitan a la
Escuela de Verano:
“El papel de las Ciencias Sociales en la construcción de la sociedad basada en el conocimiento: perspectivas europeas y latinoamericanas”
Dirigido a estudiantes europeos y latinoamericanos de maestría y doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, a jóvenes investigadores orientados al estudio de la sociedad del conocimiento con un enfoque multidisciplinario, a periodistas especializados en temas económicos, industriales y tecnológicos
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En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · 2 Convocatorias · 2 Cursos
lunes 18 de mayo de 2009 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)
Consider taking this Latin American Studies course this Summer 2009.
Non-SDSU students may take this course through SDSU Extended Studies
LATAM 510-Latin America through Primary Sources
Meets: Monday through Thursday
from 12noon to 1:40pm
May 28 to July 9, 2009
Class Schedule: 00220
Location: PSFA 113 at SDSU
This course is intended for upper division and graduate students in the social sciences, fine arts, communication, and public health that have an interest in Latin America.
The focus of the class will be on examining primary sources, broadly defined as articles of information produced during a specific time period that yield valuable insight into the way individuals and institutions
interacted with one another in the past. Students will learn to analyze primary sources as the product of relationships of power between various social actors. Not limited to the written word, we will also examine less commonly taught sources such as paintings and architecture, maps, music, and photography.
Temporally, the class will begin in sixteenth century and will move forward through independence and into the twentieth century. The course is designed to expose the student to a broad range of topics in the history of Latin America across space and time with a particular focus on the way race, class, and gender issues have shaped social and cultural relations. In addition, students will become familiar with conducting research at a major archive or museum and will be expected to participate in at least two field activities during the length of the course.
Please contact the instructor, Alex Hidalgo, at for further information.
Latin American Heritage 101
When: Summer 1
May 27th through July 9
Where: Hepner Hall
Room 128
Days and Times: Mon; Tues; Wed
5:00pm to 7:10pm
Come and learn the history of Latin America through the lens of cinema coupled with interesting and important readings.
More info:
En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · 2 Cursos · 2 El Colef Tijuana
lunes 18 de mayo de 2009 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)
La Embajada de Canadá en México se complace en invitar a las instituciones mexicanas de estudios superiores a participar en el Programa de Financiamiento para Congresos sobre Canadá.
El Programa de Financiamiento para Congresos sobre Canadá apoya a las series de conferencias multidisciplinarias sobre Canadá o conferencias temáticas con contenido canadiense. Aunque aceptamos con gusto solicitudes relacionadas con todas las disciplinas, tendrán prioridad aquellas solicitudes que traten cuestiones importantes y oportunas acerca de Canadá, su relación con México y sus relaciones internacionales.
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En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · 2 Convocatorias
lunes 18 de mayo de 2009 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)
Bilingual Tertulia
Tuesday, May 19th, 6:00pm
Institute of Americas Complex: Deutz Room
Co-Sponsored with the UCSD Department of Literature
Tertulias are social gatherings with literary or artistic overtones.
The Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies’ Bilingual Tertulias are an effort to bring U.S. and Spanish Language writers together to share art and community. Tijuana poet Amaranta Caballero will be reading in Spanish and UCSD poet and musician Alec Venida will be reading in English.
Financial Crisis Incomes and Social Policy: Mexico and Argentina in Retrospect
Wednesday, May 20th, 3:30pm
Deutz Room, IOA Complex, UCSD
Carol Wise, Professor of Political Science, University of Southern California; Visiting Scholar, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies
For more information and driving directions, please visit the Center’s website at For event specific information, please contact Greg Mallinger at (858) 822-1696 or by e-mail at
En: 2 Conferencias · 2 El Colef Tijuana