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Conferencia: Esquirlas de un pasado reciente. La investigación sobre las desapariciones en México

martes 19 de enero de 2021 por Ana Lara

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales

Cursos y talleres de Primavera 2021 en Casa de la Cultura Playas de Tijuana

martes 19 de enero de 2021 por Ana Lara

La imagen puede contener: texto que dice "TIJUANA IMAC TALLERES DE PRIMAVERA 2021 RECONECTAR CON LAS ARTES CLASES EN LÍNEA Casa de la Cultura Playas de Tijuana adultos Niños, adolescentes Casa de la Cultura Playas de Tijuana abre inscripciones sus talleres en línea de: Piano Canto Iniciación Musical Cuerdas Guitarra Pre Ballet Ballet Ritmos Latinos Danzas Polinesias Danza Árabe Manga Comc Pintura Crayolarte Fotografía Joyería Textil Bisutería Narrativa Poesía Tai Chi Yoga Idiomas Inicio: 2 de febrero INSCRIPCIONES ABIERTAS Reserva tu lugar ¡Te Esperamos! INFORMES ASESORÍAS: 664.630.1825 cursosytalleresccpt@gmail.com Comunidad Casa de la Cultura Playas de Tijuana Cartelera Cultural IMAC TURNOS: MATUTINOS VESPERTINOS"

¡Corre la voz, iniciamos los cursos y talleres de Primavera 2021 en Casa Cultura de Playas de Tijuana!

Cursos y Talleres de Primavera 2021 
Fechas de inicio de cursos: 2 de febrero 2021
Concluyen: 30 de junio de 2021
Costo inscripción: $139.28
Costo mensualidad. $415.15

¿Te interesa? Inscríbete en el siguiente enlace:
Ficha de inscripción http://bit.ly/2MYc3jE

Correo electrónico: cursosytalleresccpt@gmail.com

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales

Boletín digital CIAD

martes 19 de enero de 2021 por Ana Lara

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales

El Magonista: Special Edition: Three new programs to give Dreamers the opportunity to travel and study abroad in the summer

martes 19 de enero de 2021 por Ana Lara

The CMSC’s Summer 2021 California-Mexico Dreamers’ Study Abroad Program will offer three 4-week sessions from July 15 to August 22, 2021, with each cohort composed of 40 DACA recipients, who have secured USCIS Advance Parole travel authorization for educational purposes through our program.

During each 4-week travel-study experience, the participating Dreamers will be immersed into a comprehensive language and cultural educational program organized by the CMSC in collaboration with Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF) and hosted by the Centro Internacional de Lenguas, Arte y Cultura Paulo Freire (CILAC Freire), our 20-year partner institution in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. This month-long educational program will consist of historical, cultural, linguistic, and academic lectures (cátedras) on social movements, the Mexican educational, economic and political systems, various museum and archeological visits, with a leadership development focus.  

Moreover, selected participants will have the opportunity to participate in seminars on Chicano Studies and the Mexican Diaspora, Public Policy Planning and Collaboration between California and Mexico and Los Angeles and Mexico City; and the evolving U.S.-Mexico relationship under the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) under the new Joe Biden/Kamala Harris administration.  

Program participants will also have a unique opportunity to conduct independent travel and ethnographic research on their family origins, which will allow Dreamers to visit their birthplace for 2-3 weeks, and will be required to produce a 10-page ethnographic-research paper based on their findings. A selection of these research papers will be published by the CMSC and provide human stories to script narratives for documentaries and academic presentations.

Moreover, we encourage Dreamers from anywhere in the world to apply, as long as they are fluent Spanish-speakers, given that the entire program will be taught in Spanish.
Dreamers living anywhere in the continental U.S.
are welcome to apply.


En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales

Boletín del Consejo Mexicano de Ciencias Sociales

martes 19 de enero de 2021 por Ana Lara

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales