Conferencia Migración, refugio y configuración territorial de las fronteras | IISUNAM
martes 26 de mayo de 2020 por Ana Lara
En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales
El Magonista | California-México Studies Center
martes 26 de mayo de 2020 por Ana Lara

«El Magonista» | Vol. 8 No. 17 | May 21, 2020

Immigrants without legal status can apply for California Coronavirus $500 grants
By: Matthew Ormseth ~ Los Angeles Times ~ May 18, 2020
Undocumented Californians may begin applying for disaster assistance payments of $500 per person and up to $1,000 per household.
The state government has made available $75 million to help a projected 150,000 undocumented immigrants weather the coronavirus crisis.
To qualify, applicants must show that they are ineligible for federal assistance programs stemming from the coronavirus pandemic, such as the CARES Act or federal unemployment benefits, and that they have endured a hardship from the pandemic. Only adults may apply. A state guide to common questions and answers about the program is posted online.
Twelve nonprofit groups are working with the state government to disburse the aid. The groups help applicants determine if they’re eligible for the assistance, apply for it and deliver payment cards to those who receive it. Applicants must contact the group administering the assistance in their… Read full article here

La deportación de más de 900 niños migrantes en forma exprés
Por: Redacción , La Opinión – 20 de Mayo 2020
Las restricciones en las fronteras de Estados Unidos por la pandemia de coronavirus, le han permitido al Gobierno del presidente Donald Trump implementar algunas de sus medidas migratorias, como la deportación acelerada.
Esto ha afectado a diversos grupos, pero un reciente reporte de The New York Times indica que, según los datos disponibles del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS), entre marzo y abril se deportaron a 915 menores de edad.
Las expulsiones se dieron apenas llegaron a la frontera, en menos de 96 horas, como marca el nuevo protocolo, que en abril permitió la expulsión de 10,000 adultos, según datos de las propias autoridades.
El informe indica que 60 fueron enviados a sus hogares desde el interior de los Estados Unidos… Leer Artículo Completo Aquí

Coronavirus in Tijuana: Paramedics risk their lives to help the sick
By MARCUS YAM, RUBEN VIVES, Los Angeles Times – May 21, 2020
The coronavirus is killing so many people in Tijuana that the morgue has run out of refrigerator space for bodies. As of Tuesday, the Mexican border city had confirmed 392 deaths.
On the front lines of the pandemic in Tijuana is the Mexican Red Cross. Its 13 ambulances handle the majority of emergency calls for the city of 1.8 million people. Lately that has meant as many as 40 coronavirus calls a day.
Read Full Article Here

CMSC-CHRCL to file class-action lawsuit against US Dept. of Education & Secretary Betsy DeVos
The California-Mexico Studies Center (CMSC) is working with the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law (CHRCL) to file a potential class-action lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Education and Secretary Betsy DeVos’ discriminatory exclusion of DACA, TPS, and other immigrant students from the CARES Act benefits for colleges and universities. While the bill does not reflect the exclusion of undocumented students currently enrolled in a higher education institution, the department determined that this population would not be eligible.
Thus, we are calling upon DACA / TPS recipients and Asylum seekers that were denied this benefit to become plaintiffs to file the lawsuit along with the CMSC and CHRCL. We are also calling upon organizations that want to get involved as plaintiffs.
To sign up as an individual, fill out this form:
To sign up as an organization, fill out this form:
Please share these forms and invite others to apply!
Feel free to contact me and/or Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos if you have any questions (562) 430-5541

Supreme Court could allow Trump to end DACA protections for Dreamers
By: Nicole Prchal Svajlenka ~ Center for American Progress ~ May 13, 2020
Any day now, the U.S. Supreme Court will announce its long-awaited decision on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a policy offering work authorization and protection from deportation to hundreds of thousands of immigrants who came to the United States many years ago as children. If the court rules that the Trump administration’s termination of DACA was lawful, it will clear the path for the administration to end DACA and strip protections from these individuals after more than two years of legal challenges. Notwithstanding such a ruling, the administration will likely not have to throw DACA recipients out of the workforce and put them, their families, and communities in jeopardy. However, if the administration does choose to apply the decision in that way, it is hard to imagine a worse time to do so than during a global pandemic, when more than 200,000 DACA recipients are working on the frontlines of the response. Should the Supreme Court rule against DACA, the Trump administration can and should continue to accept and process renewals, giving DACA recipients piece of mind and giving Congress.. Read full article here

For ‘essential’ Latinos, a high price to pay
By: Hailey Branson-Potts, Alejandra Reyes- Velarde, Matt Stiles, Andrew J. Campa ~ Los Angeles Times ~ May 17, 2020
For Lupe Martinez, who does the laundry at a Riverside nursing home, each day presented an agonizing choice: Go to work and risk getting the novel coronavirus or lose the $13.58-an-hour paycheck her family relies upon.
Martinez went to work.
Even after the masks started running low. Even, she said, after a patient whose room she had entered without protective equipment fell ill and was put into isolation.
Martinez, 62, tested positive for COVID-19 last month, followed by her 60-year-old husband, who had to stop working after having a heart attack last year. Her adult son and daughter, who live with them, also tested positive.
“There were many times I didn’t want to go to work,” said Martinez, coughing heavily as she spoke. “I didn’t want to get sick. My husband said, ‘Don’t.’ I said we can’t live. We have these bills. … I had to push myself to go. I had a commitment to my family.” Read Full article here
Major Supreme Court opinions set to be released: DACA, Trump’s taxes, Gay rights, abortion (NBC News)WASHINGTON — Now that oral arguments are over for this Supreme Court term, the attention turns to decisions.As of now, 26 cases remain to be decided. The most significant will answer these questions: … Read more Thousands of DACA recipients work on covid-19 front lines (Cronkite News)PHOENIX – The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything from how most Americans work and shop to how they socialize – even if they can be in the same room. For Maria Leon Peña, it could change her chances of staying in this country… Read More Joe Biden’s failing Latino vote outreach (Politico) Joe Biden won the primary in spite of, not because of, his efforts to turn out Latinos. Two months later, Hispanic leaders are waiting on his campaign to deliver on its promises to do more…Read More Newsom’s proposed budget cuts Higher Ed force difficult choices (Ed Source) Battered by the coronavirus and the related drop in state revenues, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s newly revised proposed budget for 2020-21 would deal California’s public colleges and universities… Read More Arriesgo mi vida por el COVID-19 pero mañana puedo ser deportado (El Universal) La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos está revisando un caso que podría poner en riesgo de deportación a miles de personas que llegaron de forma ilegal al país cuando eran niños…Leer mas |
The California-Mexico Studies Center, Inc.
Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos, President & CEO
1551 N. Studebaker Road, Long Beach, CA 90815
Office: (562) 430-5541 – Cell: (562) 972-0986
En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales
Boletín del Consejo Mexicano de Ciencias Sociales
martes 26 de mayo de 2020 por Ana Lara
La historia y los historiadores post COVID-19

Durante el siglo XX la historia se ha escrito principalmente a partir del análisis de documentos escritos, depositados en archivos institucionales. En el siglo XXI esa condición cambiará radicalmente, pues cada vez son más los testimonios que provienen del ámbito digital. Por otro lado, la historia ha tenido un acercamiento más amplio con las ciencias […]
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Protestas contra la inseguridad en México (variación diaria)

Variación diaria de las protestas contra la inseguridad en México (2013-2019) En México se reportan, en promedio, 11 protestas diarias por temas de inseguridad. Durante 2013. Los días que más protestas hubo fueron el 5 de agosto y el 25 de noviembre. Estos días tuvieron el doble del promedio diario de protestas en el periodo. […]
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Las doce letras de la pospandemia

Ricardo Mansilla Una propiedad distintiva de los sistemas complejos es la de desarrollar actividad en las diferentes escalas espacio-temporales en las que acontecen. La pandemia que hoy azota a la Humanidad es un ejemplo paradigmático de esto. El actor principal de la misma es un objeto cuyas dimensiones son aproximadamente 0.143 Angströms,[1] conocido por los […]
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Polarization and Social Media

Special Issue – Call for Papers: Causes, Symptoms and Consequences of Social Media Induced Polarization (SMIP) Objectives of the Special Issue This special issue seeks to address the conceptualization and issues surrounding SMIP. The overarching objective of this special issue is to present exemplary research that focusses on the development of new theories and artifacts […]
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La importancia de la Economía de la Salud

Cátedra Francisco I. Madero El pasado 12 de mayo la Cátedra Francisco I. Madero llevo a cabo la videoconferencia: La importancia de la Economía de la Salud, impartida por el Dr. Leonardo Lomelí, Secretario General de la UNAM, donde explica la importancia para México de la economía de la salud ante las emergencias sanitarias. ¿Qué […]
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Procesos migratorios en México

Red de Documentación de las Organizaciones Defensoras de Migrantes Procesos migratorios en México nuevos rostros, mismas dinámicas Informe 2018 Introducción Como ha sucedido en los últimos seis años, este Informe ha sido elaborado con base en los esfuerzos cotidianos que realizan las personas que colaboran en las casas, comedores, estancias, albergues y organizaciones integrantes de […]
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Licenciatura en Gestión de la MPyME

Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, y la Red Mexicana de Investigadores en Estudios Organizacionales, A.C. Convocan La Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (UNACH) y la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Azcapotzalco (UAMAzc), en respuesta a la contingencia por el COVID-19, unen esfuerzos para atender con Responsabilidad Social y Solidaria (ejes del quehacer universitario) la […]
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Covid-19. Reflexiones en torno a la pandemia

Ciclo de videoconferencias del Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades. Conoce el micrositio aquí. Conferencias disponibles: Big Data e Inteligencia Artificial en la lucha contra el COVID-19 Conocer, desconocer, reconocer en tiempos de pandemias El trabajo de las mujeres ante la pandemia de COVID-19 ¿Cómo colaborar con las personas adultas mayores en la […]
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Guillermo O’Donnell Democracy Award and Lectureship

COMECSO felicita al Profesor José Woldemberg, profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias políticas y Sociales de la UNAM, por haber recibido el Guillermo O’Donnell Democracy Award and Lectureship 2020 que otorga la Latin American Studies Association (LASA). The Guillermo O’Donnell Democracy Award and Lectureship honors the distinguished career and pioneering intellectual leadership of the late […]
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Espacio Migrante solicita donaciones en especie para apoyo de comunidad migrante que no vive en albergue
martes 19 de mayo de 2020 por Ana Lara
En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales