Poesía en Tijuana. Encuentro en el 130 aniversario de la ciudad
martes 9 de julio de 2019 por Ana Lara

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales
Un siglo en busca de identidad: Coloquio Los efectos de la ley seca en la frontera de Tijuana
martes 9 de julio de 2019 por Ana Lara

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales
The year Cesar died: rebuilding the UFW | The social movement photography of David Bacon
martes 9 de julio de 2019 por Ana Lara

We’re delighted to share the fourth of a multi-part series from the archives of photographer David Bacon. This part tells of a march held a year after the death of human rights and labor organizer Cesar Chavez and subsequent rebuilding of the union. Chavez, with Dolores Huerta, Larry Itliong and others, co-founded the United Farm Workers.
A former union organizer, Bacon’s thirty years of photographs and writing capture the courage of people struggling for social and economic justice in countries around the world. His images are now part of Special Collections in Stanford University’s Green Library.
Book talk on California farm workers, California Historical Society, 7/9/19 at 6PM – see below
A year after Cesar died, and we had marched in his memory, I was in Delano again, this time thinking not so much about the UFW’s past as about its future. For a year his death had won some attention for farm workers from mainstream reporters. But always they saw the union as his personal creation, so their endlessly repeated question was, «Will the UFW survive the death of Chavez?»
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March/April, 1994
Photographs and text by David Bacon
The Progressive, 7/2/19
En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales
Encuentro ANUIES-TIC | El papel de las TIC en la Transformación Digital de las Instituciones de Educación Superior
martes 9 de julio de 2019 por Ana Lara
La Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES), a través de su Comité ANUIES-TIC, organiza por cuarto año consecutivo el Encuentro ANUlES-TIC 2019, el cual se llevará a cabo los días 2, 3 y 4 de Octubre, en las instalaciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), con el eje temático: «El papel de las TIC en la Transformación Digital de las Instituciones de Educación Superior”.
Más información y registro en: https://encuentro-tic.anuies.mx/

En este espacio creado especialmente para el intercambio de ideas y experiencias, se busca fomentar la colaboración entre los Responsables de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicaciones de las Instituciones de Educación Superior, en el que podrán expresar sus inquietudes, así como participar en las Conferencias Magistrales, Paneles de Expertos, Entrega de los Reconocimientos ANUIES-TIC, Talleres Especializados y la Expo ANUlES-TIC.
En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales
Think Tanks & Civil Societies Program | The University of Pennsylvania
martes 9 de julio de 2019 por Ana Lara
Provided below is the 2019-2020 Think Tank Summit and Forum Schedule.
Please use the link for each Summit and Forum to indicate that you plan to attend. Please note that all of the Summits and Forums were oversubscribed last year so please respond at your earliest convenience.
As you know, this is a cooperative effort and we are seeking support for the following segments of the Summit Programs: 1. Host a Summit; 2. Host a Dinner $10,000-12,000; 3. Host a Lunch $8,000-10,000; 4. Underwrite the Production and Distribution of the Summit Report $10,000 per Summit.
Finally, in reviewing the over 800 respondents to the Assessment of the TTCSP Survey I noted that many of you have not responded. Since you have attended many of the Summits, we would welcome your comments and suggestions for how we can enhance the programs and publications we provided for the global think tank community.
Please take a few minutes to complete the Survey. You can access the Survey by using this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TTCSPweneedyourinput
All the best, Jim McGann
2019 Summit and Forum Schedule
September 23-25 2019
Latin America Think Tank Summit, Bogota, Colombia
TTCSP Partner: Fedesarrollo
October 2019 MENA Think Tank Summit
November 10-12, 2019 Asia Think Tank Summit, Bangkok, Thailand
TTCSP Partner: Trade, Investment and Innovation Division UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
December 5, 2019 Euro-Med Think Tank Forum, Rome, Italy
TTCSP Partner: Institute for International Political Studies ISPI
December 12-13, 2019
Global Think Tank Summit, Rio de Janeiro
TTCSP Partner: Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV)
2020 Tentative Summit and Fora Schedule
January 30, 2020 Think Tank and Civil Societies: Catalyst for Ideas, Innovation and Action 2020 Why Think Tanks Matter in Washington, DC and 150 cities around the world.
February 2020 Artificial Intelligence and Think Tanks Forum, Palo Alto, California or another venue
February 2020 Africa Think Tank Summit, Capetown, South Africa
March 2020 North America Think Tank Summit, Washington, DC
April 2020 Europe Think Tank Summit, Marseilles, France
Global Food and Water Security Summit (Date and location to be determined)