Casa Arcoiris es una organización grassroots fundada en 2018 por un grupo diverso de activistas con sede en Tijuana para apoyar a los migrantes LGBTQI+ mientras se preparan para solicitar asilo en los Estados Unidos o Canadá, o adaptarse a nuevas vidas en Tijuana u otros partes de México. El equipo de Casa Arcoiris opera un albergue y provee acceso a accesso legal, servicios de salud, y terapia en colaboración con organizaciones locales.
Casa Arcoiris está operando actualmente en una instalación temporal que tiene capacidad para albergar un máximo de 40 migrantes. La intención es asegurar una instalación permanente con capacidad para albergar a más de 100 miembros de la comunidad LGBTQI+ en el 2019.
Se busca el apoyo de la comunidad en general en el esfuerzo por brindar espacio seguro y servicios confiables a las personas LGBTQI+ desplazadas.
Para más información o para hacer un donativo, visite
Convocatoria del Centro de Investigación Transdisciplinar en Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, para participar en el 3er Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Ciencias Humanas, que se desarrollará del 22 al 24 de mayo del 2019 en Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.
Bajo el lema «Salud, Sociedad y Transdisicplina» se llevarán a cabo talleres, conferencias magistrales, simposios y presentación de carteles en los cuales se abordarán temas en torno al lema.
House Democrats presented a broad immigration proposal Tuesday that would allow more than 2 million immigrants to apply for U.S. citizenship, including “dreamers” and those with temporary work permits who could soon face deportation under Trump administration policies.
The Dream and Promise Act of 2019 comes two months after Democrats took control of the House and a day after the White House announced a budget proposal that would put billions of dollars toward a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and would increase immigration enforcement and border security.
The bill would offer green cards and a path to citizenship to undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children or teenagers — those known as “dreamers” — and to people now in the country on temporary permits that prevent them from being deported.
Latinos are America’s economic salvation: An interview with Dr. Hayes-Bautista
By Jenny Manrique, Dallas News ~ March 11, 2019
At almost 58 million and growing, Hispanics make up the largest minority group in the United States. When it comes to the economic power of this group, consider these figures: – Latinos who live and work in the U.S. were responsible for $2.13 trillion of gross domestic product in 2015, almost 12 percent of the country’s $18.04 trillion GDP. – And the projections for 2020 are even higher: Latino GDP will account for almost 25 percent of the nation’s economic growth, according to David E. Hayes-Bautista, director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture at the University of California at Los Angeles. – Hayes-Bautista, who spoke at the State of Hispanic Businesses Forum, hosted by Wells Fargo and the four largest Hispanic chambers of commerce in North Texas. – If the Latino GDP were representative of an independent country, it would be the world’s seventh largest. It would be topped only by U.S., China, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom and France, and it would be bigger than the GDP of India, Italia, Brazil, Canada or Russia.
In an interview, Hayes-Bautista explained his methodology and his projections. READ THE INTERVIEW
Our CMSC Filmmaker, Dario Guerrero, will premiere his film ROCIO at the San Diego Latino Film Festival!
Imagine your mother is diagnosed with cancer and you are faced with the choice to give up a full ride at Harvard so you can come home and take care of her. For some, there’s no looking back. This situation gave birth to ROCIO, the film audiences across the country are calling simply «heartbreaking & beautiful.» Watch the trailer.
Catch a screening of ROCIO at the 26th annual San Diego Latino Film Festival in the AMC Fashion Valley theater!
Dates Thursday, March 14, at 6:30PM Tuesday, March 19, at 10:00AM Friday, March 22, at 4:15PM Tickets
Cesar Chavez Day Celebration & Book Presentation «The Eagle Has Eyes» by Dr. Jose Angel Gutierrez
The Long Beach community is honored to celebrate Cesar Chavez Day with Dr. José Ángel Gutierrez’ lecture and presentation of his new book, The Eagle Has Eyes, at the CSULB Anatol Center on March 20, 2019 at 3pm. In his presentation, Dr. Gutiérrez will discuss how the FBI and the Federal Government conspired to destroy César Chávez, the United Farmworkers Union (UFW) and the Chicano Movement of the 1960’s. Dr. Gutiérrez, is an attorney and professor emeritus at the University of Texas at Arlington. He was a founding member of the Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO) in San Antonio in 1967, and a founding member and past president of the La Raza Unida Party, a Mexican-American third party movement that supported candidates for elective office in Texas, California, and other regions of the Southwestern and Midwestern United States. José Ángel Gutiérrez is a prolific writer who has authored and co-authored 17 other books. Dr. Gutiérrez recently received the National Hispanic Hero Award from the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute in Chicago, Illinois.
El objetivo del boletín interno es compartir información académica, cultural e institucional con la comunidad de El Colef.
El contenido se integra a partir de las solicitudes de apoyo y difusión que se reciben vía correo electrónico o por escrito en las sedes regionales y en la Dirección de Difusión de El Colef Tijuana. Asimismo se incluye información de las sedes y material de divulgación interna.
Los avisos y comunicados son responsabilidad de sus autores y los textos se publican en su idioma original.
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