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The top statistics of the year – News from the World of Statistics

miércoles 10 de enero de 2018 por Ana Lara

December 28, 2017
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–Ron Wasserstein, on behalf of The World of Statistics Steering Committee


Royal Statistical Society Announces Important Statistics of 2017

Over the past 365 days, statistics have come and statistics have gone. But, none more striking than these important ones of 2017 compiled by the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) in its effort to look back on all that was statistics in the United Kingdom and internationally, as well.

Nominations were made by members of the public as well as RSS members worldwide. The judging panel, chaired by RSS president, David Spiegelhalter, includes former UK National Statistician, Jil Matheson and BBC News home editor Mark Easton.

‘We were delighted with the quality of the nominations for the inaugural ‘Statistic of the Year’, said RSS executive director Hetan Shah. ‘Taken together, the selected statistics tell us a story about important issues in 2017: land use (in the context of debates about housing), pressures on pay, mobile phone usage, teen pregnancies, our environment, and even deaths by lawnmowers.

Special Issue of CHANCE Spotlights Value, Significance of Statistics in Climate Research

The December 2017 issue of CHANCE is entirely dedicated to climate research, specifically the role that statistics play in detecting, attributing and projecting climate change. With the recent spate of devastating natural disasters and extreme weather events like Hurricane Maria that struck Puerto Rico, this edition is a must read for anyone in the statistics community interested in learning how climate models function, their challenges and new research endeavors in the age of Big Data.

Implementation of Statistics in Developing Countries Focus of New Issue of IAOS Journal
The December 2017 issue of the Statistical Journal of the IAOS is now out! With a special theme of «Implementation of Fundamental Principles of Statistics, the edition focuses on implementation in developing countries. Manuscripts address the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development and the implications for official statistics. The program contains 17 goals that aim to fundamentally improve the living conditions of present and future generations and to protect the planet. The agenda is grounded in the principles of international human rights treaties, and nations have made a firm commitment to “leave no one behind” in implementing the SDGs. Included is an interview with Oliver Chinganya, Director of the African Center for Statistics at the UN Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

A timely conversation conducted with Monica Dashen and Rachel Green touches on their experiences on a volunteer project with Statistics without Borders (SwB) in Haiti during the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew (October 2016). In September of this year, the countries and territories of the Caribbean were hit especially hard by a series of hurricanes. The IAOS, the ISI, and SwB are working with regional partners such as Caricom and the Inter-American Statistical Institute (IASI) to identify areas where the NSOs may need help and support. Other manuscripts in this issue deserve mentioning include the winning paper of the 2016 IAOS Prize for Young Statisticians (YSP): “Balancing Input-Output Tables with Bayesian Slave-Raiding Ants,” by Rolando Gonzales Martinez.


New Issue of SERJ on Models of Informal Statistical Inference Now Available

The Statistics Education Research Journal Volume 16, Number 2 is now available! Guest Editors include Rolf Biehler, Daniel Frischemeier and Susanne Podworny, with the assistance of Associate Editor Randall Groth. This special publication focuses on models in the context of informal statistical inference. It also includes regular papers from Editor Maxine Pfannkuch. Please visit the main SERJ page at iase-web.org/Publications.php?p=SERJ for information about submitting manuscripts for review, and to access past issues.

BigSurv18 to Connect Survey Science, Big Data in October 2018

Help solve the challenge of combining Big Data and Survey Science. Meet with experts and exchange ideas about promising technologies and methodologies for using massive datasets and state-of-the-art analytical techniques to improve, supplement or replace data and estimates from complex surveys and censuses. Conducted by RTI International and ESRA, BigSurv18 is the intersection of survey science and Big Data and takes place October 25-27, 2018 at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology, in Barcelona. A call for papers will soon be issued. Learn more about the conference, see who is on the Scientific Committee, and find out about sponsorship opportunities atwww.bigsurv18.org.

Contribute News, Jobs to the World of Statistics

The editorial staff of the World of Statistics relies on you so that we can share newsworthy statistics-related events. Send us details via the links below. In addition, the World of Statistics will feature job listings for statistics and data science positions in this newsletter. There is no cost for this service, but listings are limited to 250 words and must include a link to where more detailed information can be found. Send your job listing to ron@amstat.org.

As always, we look forward to promoting the positive work of the global statistical community to educate the public, grow the profession, expand research and development, and improve the quality of life.


The University of Iowa

Department of Biostatistics

Associate/Assistant Professor

The University of Iowa, Department of Biostatistics is looking to fill a tenured or tenure-track faculty position at the rank of associate professor, with research expertise in the area of clinical trials. Exceptional applicants will also be considered at the rank of assistant professor. The successful candidate will hold a leadership appointment in the Clinical Trials Statistical and Data Management Center (CTSDMC). The position requires a PhD or equivalent in Biostatistics, Statistics, or a related area, as well as evidence of excellent written and verbal communication skills, and a demonstrated ability to work effectively in an interdisciplinary, collaborative academic environment. The successful candidate will have expertise and experience in the design and conduct of clinical trials, and the statistical analyses of data arising from clinical trials. For a tenured appointment, an established record of achievement in research and teaching is expected, along with a record of extramural funding. For a complete position description and application procedures.

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En: Boletines de difusión

New Doctorate in Addiction Research through | SDSU and UCSD

miércoles 10 de enero de 2018 por Ana Lara

Joint Doctoral Program (JDP) Overview

Website: https://chhs.sdsu.edu/irsu/

The PhD degree in Interdisciplinary Research on Substance (IRSU) is awarded jointly by UC San Diego and San Diego State University:

This is a social science research program designed to train researchers to conduct cutting-edge investigation to reduce the national and global burden of substance use and misuse.

The curriculum was designed to prepare the next generation of leaders in substance use research with the knowledge and skills to advance evidence-based and applied substance use interventions, programs and policies. The program has a decidedly global health flavor.

Our program provides advanced education and training specific to the interdisciplinary field of substance use.”

National and global research and policy needs amidst climate of ongoing concern over the impact of substance use disorders and addiction will afford JDP IRSU Program graduates with ongoing job opportunities to offer a highly needed specialization in substance use research.

The program builds on mutual and complementary strengths of faculty in both institutions and will be the most productive doctoral programs in the nation associated with a School of Social Work.


Each year, in the Fall semester, four students will be admitted with funding (tuition and a $20,000 yearly teaching/research stipend) for up to 4 years.  See the Financial Support & Costs page for details.

Admission Requirements

Students are expected to be available for full-time participation in the program.

Applicants must have evidence of foundational research experience (e.g., peer-reviewed publication record, prior coursework in graduate-level statistics and research methodology).

Please note that this degree does not focus on counseling studies.  It seeks to promote substance use reduction through research methodology studies.

See the Admission Requirements page for details.

Program Learning Outcomes

Program graduates will have the skills to:

  1. Apply and build upon extant social science theories and conceptual models related to substance use research
  2. Lead new avenues or research in substance use and addiction prevention and treatment
  3. Develop and evaluate applied prevention programs, broadly defined, related to substance use and misuse and associated health and societal outcomes

En: Convocatorias internacionales

Maestría en Desarrollo Local | UNACH

miércoles 10 de enero de 2018 por Ana Lara

La Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas comparte la convocatoria para la

Maestría en Desarrollo Local

Objetivo general

  • Formar investigadores capaces de analizar y explicar los procesos de desarrollo en el ámbito local, aportando conocimientos y elementos susceptibles de ser utilizados en el diseño de políticas, programas y acciones, que mejoren las condiciones de vida de la población.

Objetivos específicos

  • Analizar los problemas del desarrollo local desde una perspectiva multidimensional y transdisciplinaria, integrando enfoques y herramientas teórico – metodológicas de actualidad.
  • Mantener vínculos académicos con actores locales con la finalidad de generar información que les permita hacer propuestas que respondan a los problemas del desarrollo local.
  • Vincularse con programas de posgrado de prestigio nacional e internacional, afines, al Programa de Maestría en Desarrollo Local con la finalidad de promover la movilidad académica.
  • Difundir los trabajos generados por estudiantes y profesores en revistas especializadas y eventos académicos de prestigio.

Líneas de generación y/o aplicación del conocimiento del programa

Las líneas de investigación del Programa surgieron a partir de la integración temática de las líneas de los CA participantes. Los estudiantes pueden integrarse en alguna de ellas, de acuerdo con su tema:

  • Problemas del desarrollo

Analiza los efectos de la globalización en los ámbitos locales, prestando atención a los flujos migratorios, su relación con las alternativas de desarrollo y los retos del régimen municipal mexicano para proponer opciones jurídicas de solución.

  • Cultura y actores sociales

Analiza las dimensiones del patrimonio cultural, formación de actores  y sus implicaciones en los procesos de desarrollo, así como su conexión con el patrimonio natural, que constituyen elementos de identidad y diferenciación en el contexto de la globalización.

  • Procesos de cambio territorial

Aborda las dinámicas sociales y económicas de los territorios en las diversas escalas, entendidos como espacios complejos en donde se generan y acuerdan los usos de los recursos por parte de actores sociales

El egresado de la Maestría en Desarrollo Local será competente para:

  • Identificar los elementos teórico-conceptuales del desarrollo local y regional en los ámbitos político-institucional, social, económico, cultural o ambiental.
  • Reconocer los problemas del desarrollo local y regional en los ámbitos político-institucional, social, económico, cultural o ambiental.
  • Identificar las estrategias de análisis territorial de la problemática del desarrollo local y regional en los ámbitos político-institucional, social, económico, cultural o ambiental.
  • Reconocer las metodologías de la planeación territorial del desarrollo local y regional en los ámbitos político-institucional, social, económico, cultural o ambiental.
  • Diseñar proyectos de investigación que aborden  alguna problemática del desarrollo local y regional en los ámbitos político-institucional, social, económico, cultural o ambiental.
  • Realizar trabajo de campo que permita la recopilación de información referente a  alguna problemática del desarrollo local y regional en los ámbitos político-institucional, social, económico, cultural o ambiental.
  • Procesar datos e información cualitativa y cuantitativa en relación a las problemáticas  del desarrollo local y regional en los ámbitos político-institucional, social, económico, cultural o ambiental.
  • Analizar e interpretar la información referente a alguna problemática del desarrollo local y regional en los ámbitos político-institucional, social, económico, cultural o ambiental.
  • Redactar documentos académicos que aborden alguna problemática del desarrollo local y regional en los ámbitos político-institucional, social, económico, cultural o ambiental.
  • Difundir y divulgar los resultados de investigación sobre las problemáticas  del desarrollo local y regional en los ámbitos político-institucional, social, económico, cultural o ambiental.

Más información en:



Convocatoria quinta promoción 2018-2020

En: Convocatorias Nacionales

Beca de Disertación Doctoral en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades | El Colegio de Sinaloa

miércoles 10 de enero de 2018 por Ana Lara

El Colegio de Sinaloa ha creado la beca de disertación doctoral en honor a de uno de sus ilustres fundadores, el Dr. Raúl Cervantes Ahumada, para promover una nueva generación de profesores e investigadores provenientes de las distintas áreas de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, coadyuvando a la culminación de su tesis. Además, la Beca Raúl Cervantes Ahumada pretende apoyar a aquellos individuos cuyas investigaciones muestren un potencial fresco, original y constructivo en el campo de su especialidad.

Los solicitantes deberán ser candidatos al grado de doctor en cualquiera de las escuelas de graduados reconocidas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la República Mexicana o del extranjero.

En: Convocatorias Nacionales

Confía en El Jaguar | Información a personas refugiadas y migrantes en México y Centroamérica

miércoles 10 de enero de 2018 por Ana Lara

Confía en El Jaguar es una página de Facebook en la que El Jaguar, un portavoz de la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados (ACNUR), la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), UNICEF México, la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) y la Comisión Mexicana de Ayuda a Refugiados (COMAR), comparte información a personas refugiadas y migrantes en México y Centroamérica, al tiempo que contesta por mensaje privado sus preguntas y consultas.

Conozca quién es El Jaguar a través de este video.

Lo puedes descargar aquí:


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Nos emociona y te agradecemos que apoyes a         El Jaguar a través de tus redes sociales y que, con la suma de la labor de todos, fortalezcamos la comunidad y el trabajo en red de quienes trabajan para y por las personas refugiadas y migrantes.

¡Pasa la voz y Confía en El Jaguar!

En: Boletines de difusión · Convocatorias Nacionales