En días recientes se publicó el no.11 de la revista «Confluencia» de la ANUIES-RCO. En esta edición figuran artículos de divulgación del personal científico del CIO: Edén Morales Narváez, Eduardo Coutiño González, Marco Antonio Meneses Nava, Milvia Alata Tejedo, Pablo Eduardo Cardoso Ávila y Valeria Piazza. Algorithms es una revista de acceso abierto revisada por pares que proporciona un foro avanzado para estudios relacionados con los algoritmos computacionales, Inteligencia Artificial y sus aplicaciones. Algorithms es una publicación mensual en línea de la Editorial MDPI instalada en Basilea, Suiza. Si bien la curiosidad científica es una cualidad instintiva en los seres humanos y el quehacer científico es muy satisfactorio por sí solo, la ciencia toma más relevancia y genera un impacto mucho mayor cuando es compartido con la sociedad, tanto al sector especializado como al público en general. Una de las formas más comunes de comunicar la ciencia es mediante revistas científicas. Estudia un posgrado en el CIO. Consulta nuestras convocatorias dando clic en el banner. Para más información: direccion.academica@cio.mx Inmediatamente después de que Ernest Rutherford descubrió que los átomos están compuestos por núcleos cargados positivamente rodeados de electrones que giran en órbitas planetarias a su alrededor, surgió la pregunta de ¿qué hay en el núcleo atómico? El hidrógeno, que es el más sencillo de los átomos de la naturaleza contiene un protón –con carga positiva- rodeado de un electrón –con carga negativa-. El siguiente átomo más simple y abundante de la naturaleza es el helio el cual contiene dos protones en su núcleo y dos electrones orbitándolo. Nuestro curso está dirigido a: Ingenieros, especialistas y técnicos involucrados con la manufactura y operación de equipos de microscopía óptica. Más informacion: direccion.tecnologica@gmail.com
Presentación El conocimiento tiene entre sus objetivos la construcción de soluciones. Así, a través de la investigación rigurosa, los científicos sociales aportan información precisa, perspectivas diversas y argumentos sustentados, todos útiles para establecer continuidad y viabilidad en el desarrollo de una comunidad. Los resultados de esa laudable labor deben estar a disposición de públicos amplios, […] Leer más
Instituto de Investigaciones Sociológicas de la Universidad Autónoma «Benito Juárez» de Oaxaca 6ta promoción de la Maestría en Sociología El propósito del programa de Maestría es: Formar profesionales con alto nivel académico en habilidades teórico metodológico en el ámbito de la sociología, que les permita analizar, comprender e intervenir científicamente en la realidad social de […] Leer más
Diplomado en Ciencias Políticas y Gobierno 2da edición La Asociación Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero a través del Instituto Internacional de Estudios Políticos Avanzados «Ignacio Manuel Altamirano», Invitan: A la segunda edición del diplomado internacional en Ciencia Política y Gobierno 2022 – 2023 modalidad 100% en línea Presentación El diplomado […] Leer más
1er Congreso Internacional de Ciencia Política y Economía “Gobierno, gobernanza, actores y desarrollo en el ámbito local y regional” El congreso se llevará a cabo de manera virtual del 26 al 28 de octubre de 2022 a través de diversas plataformas digitales en horarios de la Ciudad de México. Presentación El 1er Congreso Internacional de […] Leer más
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Ninety-six years ago, J.W. Guiberson, a San Joaquin Valley cotton grower, explained a primary goal of the country’s biggest agricultural interests. «The class of labor we want,» he said, «is the kind we can send home when we get through with them.»
For 22 years, during the era of the bracero program (1942-64), growers had exactly what Guiberson wanted. According to immigrant rights pioneer Bert Corona, braceros were brought from Mexico «to serve as cheap labor and to be used against the organized labor movement in the fields and the cities.» Growers brought hundreds of thousands of contract laborers from Mexico every year-until Cesar Chavez, Ernesto Galarza, Larry Itliong, Dolores Huerta, and others activists organized to halt the program at the height of the civil rights movement.
More than half a century later, however, little has changed. Not only is the bracero program not dead; President Biden wants to use its modern iteration to channel migration from Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. At the Summit of [some of] the Americas in Los Angeles earlier this month, Biden warned the hundreds of thousands who cross the border with Mexico every year: «We need to halt the dangerous and unlawful ways people are migrating…. Unlawful migration is not acceptable.» Biden’s plan: «to help American farmers bring in seasonal agricultural workers from northern Central America[n] countries under the H-2A visa program to improve conditions for all workers.»
The idea, however, that this modern-day bracero program will improve conditions for workers was contradicted by Biden’s own Labor Department. In November 2021 the US Attorney in Georgia filed a case against 24 growers and labor contractors for abusing H-2A workers. The complaint included two deaths, rape, kidnapping, threatening workers with guns, and growers selling workers to each other as though they were property.
For decades the H-2A program has abused migrants, pitting them against workers in the United States in a vicious system to keep wages low and grower profits high. Its record includes several deaths. In 2007, when Santiago Rafael Cruz was sent by the Farm Labor Organizing Committee to fight corruption in H-2A recruitment in Mexico, he was tortured and murdered in his office, undoubtedly by recruiters. His murderers were never caught. In 2018 Honesto Silva, an H-2A worker, died in a Washington State field as he labored in extreme temperatures, unable to refuse a foreman’s demand that he continue working. When his coworkers protested, they were deported-the fate that hangs over all H-2A workers who assert their rights.
In a nationwide rash of Covid deaths among these euphemistically called «guest» workers, two died at the Gebbers Farm in eastern Washington last year-Juan Carlos Santiago Rincon from Mexico and Earl Edwards from Jamaica. They were victims of crowded barracks that spread the virus. Growers, however, successfully lobbied the state to continue housing workers in rooms with bunkbeds, where they were unable to socially distance.
To fend off challenges that the administration is pumping new workers into a program with a record of abuse, the administration promises «guidelines on recruitment.» These will be drafted in cooperation with Walmart, «which notes the importance of H-2A migrant workers to US agriculture and that the fair recruitment guidance aligns with the company’s own expectations around responsible recruitment. [from a White House Fact Sheet].»
In reality, enforcement of criminally weak protections for H-2A workers is virtually nonexistent. In 2019 the Department of Labor punished only 25 of the 11,000 growers and labor contractors using the program. Last year, growers were certified to bring in 317,619 H-2A workers. That is over 13 percent of the farm workforce in the United States-and a number that has doubled in just five years, and tripled in eight. In states like Georgia and Washington, this program will fill the majority of farm labor jobs in the next year or two. There is no way this program can grow at this rate without forcing from their jobs the farmworkers who already live in the US, over 90 percent of whom are immigrants themselves. In fact, a long string of legal cases documents the supposedly illegal displacement.
During the summit debates, another caravan of migrants from Central America moved through Mexico, dramatically underscoring the reality that migration is a fact of economic life, and will not soon stop. It is a legacy of colonialism, and now empire.
The North American Free Trade Agreement, for instance, allowed Archer Daniels Midland and Walmart to profit by taking over Mexico’s market in corn and other goods. Three million corn farmers in southern Mexico became displaced migrants as a result.
Political intervention reinforces this inequality. Honduran President Miguel Zelaya was ousted and flown out of the country after he proposed mild reforms, like raising the minimum wage. The United States was involved, Hondurans charged. It’s no wonder that Xiomara Castro, newly elected Honduran president and Zelaya’s wife, declined to come to Los Angeles to talk about the waves of migrants that left her country in the coup’s aftermath. Haiti’s former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide, twice elected and twice deposed (once flown out of the country in a US plane) was not in Los Angeles either. Meanwhile, this administration has put over 20,000 desperate Haitians on planes back to Haiti in forced «repatriations.» Now US economic warfare will produce even more migration from the countries excluded from the summit.
Yet thousands of immigrants, settled into communities across the United States, have become active partisans of social and economic change. We celebrate May Day now because huge immigrant marches in 2006 rescued the holiday from its Cold War deep freeze. Many unions are growing after making alliances with this immigrant worker upsurge. And when the pandemic made labor dangerous in lettuce fields and meatpacking plants, Mexican immigrants went to work despite their fears.
Displacing them now is bitter thanks. Growers argue they need H-2A recruitment because they face a shortage of farmworkers, yet resist desperately the obvious step of raising wages for families whose income currently averages less than $25,000 per year. The H-2A program’s supposed wage floor, the «Adverse Effect Wage Rate,» actually functions as a ceiling on farmworker wages. If local workers demand more, they risk replacement.
Ramon Torres, president of Washington State’s new union for farmworkers, Familias Unidas por la Justicia, asks, «Who do growers think was harvesting their fruit all those years before H2-A? They’ve displaced many local people in Yakima who used to work in the apple harvest. But their longtime workers are still here, and would come back, especially if the wages are good and there’s a union.»
The UFW said it was proud to be included in the administration plan «to improve H-2A worker protections in response to vigorous advocacy by the UFW and others,» according to president Teresa Romero. «The UFW fights for every worker, union or non-union, regardless of immigration status-including the H-2A workers currently protected by UFW contracts…. The best way to improve conditions is by covering farm workers under union contracts through bona fide unions such as the UFW, FLOC, and Familias Unidas.»
Some farmworker unions, like Familias Unidas, call for ending the H-2A program entirely, while at the same time helping workers currently on H-2A visas when they go on strike or protest bad conditions. The union won its first contract at Sakuma Farms, in part, by defeating the company’s effort to replace striking members with H-2A workers. To the UFW’s Romero, however, «there is no realistic expectation Congress will end the H-2A program. But reducing H-2A worker abuses through efforts like this pilot program will also raise standards for domestic workers.»
All farmworker unions agree that US farmworkers need higher wages and organizing rights. Today migrant pickers still sleep in cars during the grape harvest, just as they did when Depression-era photographers took pictures of migrant camps. The 1965 Delano grape strike and the organizing drives of the ’60s and ’70s started to attack that poverty. Ending the bracero program was as necessary to winning that fight as ending the H-2A program is to ending farmworker poverty today.
Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador campaigned for office by promising Mexicans he’d defend their right to stay home, to not migrate. In his inaugural speech he praised the 24 million Mexicans living in the United States for sending $30 billion a year home to their families, calling them victims of failed neoliberal economic policies. «We will put aside the neoliberal hypocrisy,» he promised. «Those born poor will not be condemned to die poor…. We want migration to be optional, not mandatory, [to make Mexicans] happy where they were born, where their family members, their customs and their cultures are.»
Yet recently the Mexican government also seems to be buying the labor scarcity story. In February of 2021 President Lopez Obrador announced that he would propose a work visa program to recruit 600,000-800,000 migrants annually from Mexico and Central America to work in the US. «We can regulate and order the flow of migration, because the workforce is needed,» he said in September. While he refused to attend the summit, he will meet Biden in July, bringing with him proposals for restructuring migration from Mexico.
Evy Peña, communications director for the Centro de los Derechos de Migrantes, pointed out that AMLO’s position is contradictory. «One the one hand, he said he would push for a model based on human rights. On the other, he mentioned the bracero program,» she wrote in an editorial for Mexico’s Reforma.
If the Mexican government wants to protect the human rights of migrants, the H-2A visa program is not the solution. An H-2A visa ties migrants to their employers and employment status. Growers recruit them and send them home when the harvest is done-or if they go on strike or protest against mistreatment. Instead, migrants need visas that give them the ability to bring families and belong to the communities around them, that recognize their labor rights, and that provide the benefits their wage deductions pay for, especially Social Security. Visas with rights are much more like the normal residence visa.
Biden and Lopez Obrador both claim concern for the Mexicans already living in the United States, especially the 2 million workers whose labor makes US agriculture possible. Over half, according to the Department of Agriculture, lack legal immigration status. While comprehensive immigration reform bills, with their tortuous paths to legal status and heavy enforcement provisions, have failed repeatedly, many immigrant rights campaigners propose a simpler solution. They advocate changing the so-called «registry date,» which refers to the date of arrival in the US. Undocumented people who have arrived before this date can apply for legal status. If the current date of January 1, 1972, were advanced to the present date, all people without papers would be able to apply.
A bill to abolish the H-2A program and put in place a system providing residence visas to work-seekers, combined with changing the registry date, would need congressional action to modify the 1929 Registry Act. But Democrats still control Congress, and the proposal’s simplicity makes it a better vehicle for campaigning than an expanded bracero program.
Those who doubt its political viability might recall that the civil rights movement didn’t just end the bracero program. It won a better immigration system that didn’t funnel cheap labor to growers but instead gave immigrants residence visas, encouraged family reunification, and ended racial preferences that discriminated against immigrants of color. Ending the bracero program set the stage for the great grape strike and the creation of modern unions for farmworkers.
That solution is as valid today as it was 60 years ago.
More Than a Wall / Mas que Un Muro explores the many aspects of the border region through photographs taken by David Bacon over a period of 30 years. These photographs trace the changes in the border wall itself, and the social movements in border communities, factories and fields. This bilingual book provides a reality check, to allow us to see the border region as its people, with their own history of movements for rights and equality, and develop an alternative vision in which the border can be a region where people can live and work in solidarity with each other. – Gaspar Rivera-Salgado
David Bacon has given us, through his beautiful portraits, the plight of the American migrant worker, and the fierce spirit of those who provide an bringto us comfort and sustenance. — Lila Downs
– a book of photographs by David Bacon and oral histories created during 30 years of covering the people and social movements of the Mexico/U.S. border – a complex, richly textured documentation of a world in newspaper headlines daily, but whose reality, as it’s lived by border residents, is virtually invisible. – 440 pages – 354 duotone black-and-white photographs – a dozen oral histories – incisive journalism and analysis by David Bacon, Don Bartletti, Luis Escala, Guillermo Alonso and Alberto del Castillo. – completely bilingual in English and Spanish – published by El Colegio de la Frontera Norte with support from the UCLA Institute for Labor Research and Education and the Center for Mexican Studies, the Werner Kohlstamm Family Fund, and the Green Library at Stanford University
«The «border» is just a line. It’s the people who matter – their relationships with or without or across that line. The book helps us feel the impact of the border on people living there, and helps us figure out how we talk to each other about it. The germ of the discussion are these wonderful and eye-opening pictures, and the voices that help us understand what these pictures mean.» – JoAnn Intili, director, The Werner-Kohnstamm Family Fund. Letters and Politics – May 19, 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvs6SyXsM-4 Three Decades of Photographing The Border & Border Communities Host Mitch Jeserich interviews David Bacon, a photojournalist, author, broadcaster and former labor organizer. He has reported on immigrant and labor issues for decades. His latest book, More Than A Wall, is a collection of his photographs of the border and border communities spanning three decades. Online Interviews and Presentations Exploitation or Dignity – What Future for Farmworkers UCLA Latin American Institute Based on a new report by the Oakland Institute, journalist and photographer David Bacon documents the systematic abuse of workers in the H-2A program and its impact on the resident farmworker communities, confronted with a race to the bottom in wages and working conditions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXKa2lHJXMs
There’s More Work to be Done Housing Assistance Council and National Endowment for the Arts This exhibition documents the work and impact of the struggle for equitable and affordable housing in rural America, inspired by the work of George “Elfie” Ballis. https://www.thereismoreworktobedone.com/david-bacon
Exhibited throughout the pandemic in the Cecil H. Green Library at Stanford. The online exhibition (https://exhibits.stanford.edu/bacon), which includes additional content not included in the physical show, is accessible to everyone, and is part of an accessible digital spotlight collection that includes significant images from this body of work. For a catalog: (https://web.stanford.edu/dept/spec_coll/NonVendorPubOrderform2017.pdf)
Photographs and text by David Bacon University of California Press / Colegio de la Frontera Norte 302 photographs, 450pp, 9”x9” paperback, $34.95 (in the U.S.) order the book on the UC Press website: ucpress.edu/9780520296077 use source code 16M4197 at checkout, receive a 30% discount En Mexico se puede pedir el libro en el sitio de COLEF: https://www.colef.mx
Los Angeles Times reviews In the Fields of the North / En los Campos del Norte – click here
Recientemente se publicaron los resultados de la beca de educación «2022 Optics and Photonics» que otorga The International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE). Entre los ganadores figura César Guerra Vázquez, estudiante de posgrado del CIO. ¡Enhorabuena a César por este gran logro! Próximamente se publicará el segundo artículo del Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica, A.C. (CIO) que figurará en el portafolio de la revista Nature ( IF: 38.77), dicha publicación es co autoría del Dr. Carmelo Rosales Guzmán, investigador del CIO, en colaboración con investigadores del Reino Unido y de Sudáfrica. El Dr. Fabián Ambriz, investigador del CIO, colabora con la casa editora “Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)” la cual es una editorial de revistas de investigación científica de acceso abierto, tanto como editor invitado de la revista Coatings, como editor del número especial de Fotónica “Optical and Optoelectronic Materials and Applications” «Ocupar un puesto de editor en una revista le permite a uno influir en los debates de las áreas de la ciencia que aborda la revista. También le permite al investigador, poner de relieve investigaciones prometedoras y quizás aumentar su propia visibilidad. Esto conlleva una gran responsabilidad y muchas veces una labor amplia» El Dr. Gerardo Flores Colunga, investigador del CIO, nos cuenta su experiencia como editor asociado de la revista «Mathematical Problems in Engineering EL CIO en colaboración con la Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico (SEDEC) de Aguascalientes, invitan al webinario: «Visión artificial para control de calidad en los procesos», que será impartido por el M.C. Gustavo A. Acevedo Ramírez, Desarrollador de sistemas de visión para control de calidad del CIO Unidad Aguascalientes. Nuestro curso está dirigido a: tintoreros, supervisores técnicos o ingenieros de proceso (producción y mantenimiento), inspectores e ingenieros de calidad, así como a auditores de calidad.
El objetivo del boletín interno es compartir información académica, cultural e institucional con la comunidad de El Colef.
El contenido se integra a partir de las solicitudes de apoyo y difusión que se reciben vía correo electrónico o por escrito en las sedes regionales y en la Dirección de Difusión de El Colef Tijuana. Asimismo se incluye información de las sedes y material de divulgación interna.
Los avisos y comunicados son responsabilidad de sus autores y los textos se publican en su idioma original.
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