martes 25 de octubre de 2016 por Ana Lara
El Instituto Politécnico Nacional a través de la Unidad de Desarrollo Tecnológico “TechnoPoli” se complace en invitar al seminario
Innovaciones Tecnológicas para los “Procesos de Contabilidad Gubernamental” ,a efectuarse el próximo miércoles 26 de octubre del 2016.

Este seminario se realizará de 9:30 a 14:00 horas en el auditorio de TechnoPoli, del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ubicado en Av. Wilfrido Massieu S/N, Edificio TechnoPoli, Unidad Profesional “Adolfo López Mateos”, Zacatenco, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero, C.P. 07738, Ciudad de México.
Los seminarios no tienen costo, pero hay cupo limitado (máximo 16 personas por dependencia).
Los expositores de estos temas tienen una amplia experiencia y mostrarán casos reales que han sido implementados en México.
Reserve su lugar enviando sus datos (nombre, puesto y el de sus acompañantes), mediante:
Correo electrónico:, o bien
Vía telefónica: ATOPS al (55) 6389 5060 ext. 1014 (9:00 a 18:00 hrs.)
O al IPN (55) 5729 6000 ext. 57645 (9:00 a 13:00 hrs.)
Consulte el mapa de la ubicación en:
Lic. Amina Camelo Hernández
Tel. 6389 5060 Ext.1014
En: Eventos
martes 25 de octubre de 2016 por Ana Lara
El Premio Nacional del Emprendedor es una distinción que otorga la Secretaría de Economía a través del Instituto Nacional del Emprendedor, a los mexicanos que han destacado por sus ideas, empresas y emprendimientos innovadores, así como a las instituciones dedicadas a impulsar el ecosistema emprendedor, para la generación de empleos, el fomento de ideas innovadoras y el impulso de la productividad en beneficio de la competitividad del país.

Para participar debes conocer los lineamientos contenidos en la Convocatoria y en la Guía de participación del Premio Nacional del Emprendedor que está disponible en la sección de “Información relevante y formatos”
Los ganadores recibirán una presea y placa de reconocimiento del Premio Nacional del Emprendedor, además de obtener una evaluación de expertos y su caso de éxito será publicado para fortalecer su proyección a nivel nacional.
Fechas importantes:
16 de noviembre-cierre de convocatoria
En: Convocatorias Nacionales
martes 25 de octubre de 2016 por Ana Lara

Prominent British statistician Sir David Cox has been named the inaugural recipient of the International Prize in Statistics. Susan Ellenberg, chair of the International Prize in Statistics Foundation, made the historic announcement via video statement.
A giant in the field of statistics, Sir David Cox is being recognized by the International Prize in Statistics Foundation specifically for his pioneering 1972 paper in which he developed the proportional hazards model that today bears his name.
The Cox Model is widely used in the analysis of survival data and enables researchers to more easily identify the risks of specific factors for mortality or other survival outcomes among groups of patients with very different characteristics. From disease risk assessment and treatment evaluation to product liability to school dropout, re-incarceration, and AIDS surveillance systems, the Cox Model has been applied essentially in all fields of science, as well as in engineering, that involve discovering and understanding natural or human-induced risk factors on survival.
Interestingly, Cox considers himself to be a scientist who happens to specialize in the use of statistics, a chord that resonates among many statisticians and data scientists. His model has been used in life-changing research breakthroughs, some of which include:
- demonstrating that a major reduction in smoking-related cardiac deaths could be seen within just one year of smoking cessation, not 10 or more years as previously thought
- showing the mortality effects of particulate air pollution, a finding that has changed both industrial practices and air quality regulations worldwide
- identifying risk factors of coronary artery disease and analyzing treatments for lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, obesity, sleep apnea and septic shock.
His mark on research is so great that his 1972 paper is one of the three most cited papers in statistics and is ranked 16th in Nature’s list of the top 100 most cited papers of all time for all fields.
In 2010, he received the Copley Medal, the Royal Society’s highest award that has also been bestowed upon such other world-renowned scientists as Peter Higgs, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Francis Crick, and Ronald Fisher. Knighted in 1985, Cox is a fellow of the Royal Society, an honorary fellow of the British Academy and a foreign associate of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. He has served as President of the Bernoulli Society, the Royal Statistical Society, and the International Statistical Institute.

His 50-year career included technical and research positions in the private and nonprofit sectors as well as numerous academic appointments as professor or department chair at Birkbeck College, Imperial College of London, Nuffield College and Oxford University. He obtained his PhD from the University of Leeds in 1949, and prior to that studied mathematics at St. Johns College. Though he retired in 1994, Sir David Cox remains active in the profession in Oxford, England.
The International Prize in Statistics comes with a monetary award of $75,000 USD, and will formally be presented to Cox at the ISI World Statistics Congress in Marrakech, Morocco next July. Akin to the Fields Medal, Abel Prize, Turing Award and Nobel Prizes, the International Prize in Statistics is considered the highest honor in its field. It will be bestowed every other year to an individual or team for major achievements using statistics to advance science, technology, and human welfare.
En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Boletines de difusión
martes 18 de octubre de 2016 por Ana Lara
En: Boletines de difusión
martes 18 de octubre de 2016 por Ana Lara
En: Eventos · Foro