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Conferencia |Libertad Bajo Palabra: Censorship, Satire and the Press in Mexico.

martes 29 de abril de 2014 por Ana Lara



Through conferences, workshops, seminars and cultural events, USMEX connects leaders from government, business and civil society to discuss current issues and challenges in Mexico with our academic community. Complete informaiton is available on each individual event registration page.

A Reporter’s Journey through Mexico’s Drug War
eNews and Event Subscription Registration
Keep up-to-date with the latest news and upcoming events at IR/PS and USMEX. Click here to sign up today!

For event questions, please contact Lisa Lee, Programs Representative, IR/PS

Upcoming Events
«A Reporter’s Journey through Mexico’s Drug War»
Speaker: Alfredo Corchado, Mexico bureau chief, Dallas Morning News and author of «Midnight in Mexico»
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 | Register Here
Alfredo Corchado is a noted expert on immigration, drug violence and foreign policy between the United States and Mexico. Corchado presents the keynote address to the May 1 conference «Libertad Bajo Palabra: Censorship, Satire and the Press in Mexico» (full agenda).

«Libertad Bajo Palabra: Censorship, Satire and the Press in Mexico»
Thursday, May 1, 2014 | Register Here
This daylong conference brings together papers that will enrich our understanding of both the past and the present of Mexican journalism, from the experience of the PRI regime to the process of democratization and the contemporary specter of narcoviolence. Read the full agenda with schedule and speakers.

“The Role of the PRI in Mexico’s Emergence from Feudalism and Mercantilism after the Revolution”
Speaker: Irving Tragen
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 | Register Here
Before being known as a modern-day traveler, Irving Tragen taught courses on comparative labor law, Latin American social and labor history, and development strategies at several colleges and universities. He studied Article 123 and the Mexican Labor Code with Dr. Mario de las Cuevas, the principal drafter of both documents.

“Pesos to Pasos, Dihrams to Dingies: The Role of Export Processing Wages in Migration from Mexico and Morocco”
Speaker: Visiting Scholar Kathy Kopinak, University of Western Ontario
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 | Register Here
Kathy Kopinak is a Canadian sociologist who began formal research on northern Mexico in the early 1980s when North America’s old industrial heartland started to dramatically transfer production to the U.S.-Mexico borderlands.

“Fragile Landscapes of Contemporary Yucatan: Time-share resorts, Pink Flamingos, Colonial Tastes and Pulverized Maquilas”
Speaker: Visiting Fellow Matilde Cordoba Azcarate, Department of Communication, UC San Diego
Wednesday, May 21, 2014 | Register Here
Matilde Cordoba Azcarate’s recent research explores tourism as a neoliberal project, space production and community development in Southern Mexico where she is currently exploring the production of spatially and politically diverse landscapes of consumption and hybrid governance structures from the perspective of those who cater for tourism.

«Structural Reforms and Long-Term Economic Growth in Mexico»
Speaker: Alejandro Diaz-Bautista, professor of International Economics, researcher and economic consultant
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 | Register Here
A former visiting scholar at USMEX, Alejandro Diaz-Bautista will analyze the impacts of President Pena Nieto’s agenda of structural reforms on Mexico’s economy during 2014, 20 years after the passage of the NAFTA agreement.

«A tale of two Mexicos: Growth and prosperity in a two-speed economy»
Speaker: Jaana Remes, McKinsey Global Institute, McKinsey & Company
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 | Register Here
In the 20 years since the North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect, Mexico has become a global manufacturing leader and a prime destination for investors and multinationals around the world. Yet the country’s economic growth continues to disappoint, and the rise in living standards has stalled. The root cause is a chronic productivity problem that stems from the economy’s two-speed nature.

Events Archive
View a listing of past conferences, workshops, public talks, seminars and cultural events arranged by calendar year.

Conferences and Workshops
Read about original and policy-relevant research led by faculty experts at IR/PS and across campus, while often drawing on insights from outside scholars and practitioners.

Mexico Moving Forward
Learn about these day-long symposia where business leaders, scholars and social entrepreneurs provide diverse perspectives on the current challenges, what can and is being done to address them, and how these lessons can be applied globally.

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Convocatorias internacionales

4 Congreso Nacional de Investigación en Cambio Climático

martes 29 de abril de 2014 por Ana Lara



Programa de Investigación en Cambio Climático de la UNAM

Coordinador: Carlos Gay García


Modelación Climática

Modelación Económica

Evidencias Físicas y Biológicas

Aspectos Jurídicos

Cambio Climático y Periodismo Científico

Eventos Extremos

Percepción y comunicación


Seguridad Alimentaria (Agricultura)
Impactos Económicos

Económia Verde en México
Gobernanza y aspectos políticos

Ordenamiento Territorial



      José Clemente Rueda

      Correos: ruedapincc@gmail.com – jcrueda@pincc.unam.mx

      Abril Pérez, Lilly Wence

      Correos: congresopincc@gmail.com – congreso@pincc.unam.mx

Consulta más detalles aquí.

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Convocatorias Nacionales


martes 29 de abril de 2014 por Ana Lara


La Fundación Botín pone en marcha el 17 de marzo de 2014 la V Edición del  “programa parael Fortalecimiento de la Función Pública en América Latina”, un programa que pretende impulsar el desarrollo de la región por medio de UNA RED DE SERVIDORES PÚBLICOS CON ALTA CAPACITACIÓN Y VERDADERO COMPROMISO CON EL INTERÉS GENERAL.

Más información aquí.

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Convocatorias internacionales


martes 29 de abril de 2014 por Ana Lara


En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales

ENCUESTA| III Encuentro de Rectores Universia en Río de Janeiro

martes 29 de abril de 2014 por Ana Lara

En julio de 2014 se celebrará el III Encuentro de Rectores Universia en Río de Janeiro con el lema “La Universidad del siglo XXI. Una reflexión desde Iberoamérica”. De cara a la preparación y la buena marcha de este magno evento, el Comité Académico propuso abrir un canal de participación que permita ainvestigadores, profesores, estudiantes y personal de las universidadesaportar su propia visión sobre el futuro de la universidad iberoamericana. A través de una serie de cuestionarios que están en marcha desde el año pasado.

El cuarto sondeo ya se encuentra en línea y estará disponible hasta el 30 de abril,con el tema «Universidades creativas e innovadoras», está dedicado a las funciones de investigación, innovación y transferencia tecnológica que llevan a cabo las universidades. Pretende conocer algo mejor la valoración de la comunidad universitaria acerca de las mejores condiciones para avanzar hacia el Espacio Iberoamericano del Conocimiento.

Para participar en la encuesta, clic aquí http://participa.universiario2014.com/sondeos

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Convocatorias Nacionales