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Taller de iluminación fotográfica / Espacio Freelance

martes 28 de agosto de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · 2 Talleres

Institute of the Americas

martes 28 de agosto de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

Tequila Talk
Mayors Carlos Bustamante and Jerry Sanders discuss the binational region with Ambassador Shapiro

September 13, 2012
3 pm – 4:30 pm

Lobby of El Cubo at Centro Cultural de Tijuana-CECUT

Register Now

City mayors are increasingly driving economic growth. Mayors Carlos Bustamante (Tijuana) and Jerry Sanders (San Diego) will share their vision of the binational region and its future and discuss:
• Where opportunities, challenges and priorities lie.
• What projects they are promoting and why.
• How they see the future of both cities and what concerns them.
• Where we stands in terms of regional integration.
• Recommendations to future mayors on regional development and integration.

The conversation will take place at Lobby of El Cubo at Centro Cultural de Tijuana-CECUT.
While there is no charge, we request that you register in advance.

Gold Sponsor

El Florido

Silver Sponsor


En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Boletines de difusión

Conoce al Serrano más picante de Tijuana

martes 28 de agosto de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

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El Conservatorio de la Cultura Gastronómica de México

martes 28 de agosto de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

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Estreno Mundial de Ópera

martes 28 de agosto de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

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