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Becas para ti en Hong Kong, Seúl, España y México

martes 8 de mayo de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

Número 27, Año 3, 02 de mayo 2012




En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Convocatorias Nacionales

Events next week at USMEX

martes 8 de mayo de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

Event Announcement 

Ricardo Raphael: Mexico 2012 Election Outlook

Date: Wednesday, May 9
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: UC San Diego, Institute of the Americas Complex, Weaver Center
Open to the public

Reception following

Ricardo Raphael is a journalist and political analyst at the news Informational 40 and Focus, host of Spiral of Once TV Mexico, and a columnist for El Universal and the website sinembargo.mx. He is the author of The Other Mexico (2011), To Understand the Public Institution (Nostra Editions, 2007), Elba Esther partners (Planeta, 2007), coordinator of Mexico Outraged (Destiny, 2011) and coauthor of The Untouchables (Focus Today, 2008) and The Sighing 2012 (Topics of Today, 2011).

He is a professor at CIDE (Mexico City) in the Division of Public Administration Research and Teaching in Economics and Coordinator of the Master in Journalism and Public Affairs at the same institution. He obtained his law degree from UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). He received a masters in political science from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, France (Sciences Po), and a masters in public administration from the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA) of the French Republic. His doctoral studies were in Political Economy and Comparative Politics from the graduate school in Claremont, California, United States. He has published several papers on issues related to the transition to democracy, the public, the party system, rights, economic development and citizenship.

For more information and to register, please click here.

Decolonization and Indigenous Resistance in Transnational Mexico: Workshop and Celebration – Descolonización y Resistencia Indígena en el México Transnacional: Taller y Celebración  

Indigenous Workshop

Date: Friday, May 11
Time: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Location: UC San Diego, Institute of the Americas Complex, Weaver Center
Open to the public

This bilingual event brings together leading U.S. and Mexican intellectuals and activists to think about the ways that historical and contemporary processes of indigenous resistance and decolonization are in conversation with one another. This workshop will begin with an examination of pre-Hispanic and colonial codices and move to contemporary movements for indigenous autonomy and rights with an emphasis on territory, gender, the right not to migrate, justice and security, and the construction of transnational indigenous communities and political organizations and strategies. The workshop will be followed by a public celebration with the Frente Indígena de Organizaciones Binacionales (FIOB) in recognition of their 20th anniversary. The celebration will feature music, dance, poetry, and short interventions from FIOB leaders from southern California and Tijuana.

For more information and to register, please click here.

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Latín Jazz

martes 8 de mayo de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Eventos

Discussing International Drug Policy and Border Cooperation

martes 8 de mayo de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

Discussing International Drug Policy and Border Cooperation 


Tuesday, May 8, 2012 

9.30 am – 11:00 am

Institute for Peace and Justice, Room 253

University of San Diego


Please join Freerk Boedeltje, Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Institute for Regional Studies of the Californias at SDSU, and Constanza Sanchez Aviles, USD’s Trans-Border Institute’s visiting scholar, in a conversation about the international drug control regime and the San Diego-Tijuana Border.

Ms. Sanchez will be discussing her research as part of her dissertation «The International Drug Control Regime & the Global Drug ‘Problem’: alternative policies and resistance to change» while Mr. Boedeltje will present his work titled «Where is the Border? Making Sense of Cross Border Cooperation Between San Diego and Tijuana». 


As a political geographer and border scholar, Dr. Freek Boedeltje participated in large scale European Framework projects on cross border cooperation and geopolitics on the external borders of the European Union, in particular the Mediterranean. His research interest includes globalization, geopolitics, global city regions, and border research. At San Diego State University, Freerk is extending his research interests on to the San Diego-Tijuana region as well as the urban centers in Southern California. Originally from the Netherlands, his PhD in Human Geography is from the University of Eastern Finland where he worked as a researcher at the Karelian Institute and the department of Geography. Before appointment as post-doctoral researcher, Freerk was a visiting adjunct professor at San Diego State University from 2010. 


Constanza Sánchez Avilés is a PhD candidate in International Relations at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and received her LL.M. at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and M.A. in International Relations at the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI). Since 2007 she has worked as Teaching Assistant at the Department of Public International Law and International Relations at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, where she completed her master thesis, entitled «The US war on drugs in Latin America. A study of new forms of hegemonic action». Her research interests focus on political economy of illicit drugs, transnational organized crime and national and international drug control policies. She recently attended the 54th UN Commission on Narcotics Drugs Session, Vienna (2011), and the 4th Meeting of the Observatory of Organized Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean, San José de Costa Rica (2010). She has been visiting scholar at the University of Miami (2010) and did fieldwork on drug policies in Peru (2009). Among her recent publications: «Transnational organized crime and illegal drugs. Beyond the traditional conceptions of international security», and «Illicit drug trafficking as a new threat to international security. Linking theory and policy”, both included in collective works published by the Instituto Universitario General Gutiérrez Mellado, Ministry of Defense.  Ms. Sánchez will be with the Trans-Border Institute until July 2012.

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Eventos

Research Conference IBEC France January 2013

martes 8 de mayo de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

France, January 9-12, 2013

Université de Caen –Hosting Institution


Referred Submissions

You are invited to submit either an Extended Abstract or a Completed Manuscript of research articles or teaching case studies for presentation in the conference. An extended abstract should contain: a. Background & Problem Statement, b. Objectives, c. Methods / Procedures, and d. [Expected or Preliminary] Results & Conclusions.  No specific format is provided for complete papers.

Proposals should be written in English, Spanishor in French(refer to the Spanish/French section for details).

Submissions will be dual-blind reviewed, acceptance being based on quality and relevance. Reviews are estimated to be sent within 30 days of submission.

Authors of accepted proposals will have up to 30 minutes (q&a included) to present in the conference.

Proposals should be submitted via the conference web site: http://www.ibec-info.org/2013/. To submit, you need to “Register for IBEC 2013” in the website.  Please contact Carlos Trejo-Pech (ctrejo@up.edu.mx) if you have any questions about submission or deadline.


Proposals in Spanish or French: (Continuing an innovation introduced two years ago)

Proposals written in Spanish or French will be accepted for review.  All proposals will also be subject to a dual-blind review process. Accepted papers written in Spanish or French are expected to be presented / discussed in English either by the author, a coauthor, or a colleague. Proposals in French should be submitted to Ameeta Jaiswal-Dale (a9jaiswal@stthomas.edu) and in Spanish to Robert Manley (manleyr@dowling.edu and rjmanley@optonline.net).

Conference Proceedings

Accepted papers and cases presented in the conference will be published, at the discretion of authors, in the conference proceedings with the U.S. Library of Congress number 1537-2316.  Authors will retain copyright of their works. Proceedings will be posted on the conference web site and published on CD.  Only conference participants will have access to the conference proceeding in the website (For detail on proceedings refer to the “Proceedings Instructions” document posted in the “Conference Proceedings” section of the web site).

Detail of Activities & Dates

Jan 9: Registration at Hotel Mercure and welcome reception at Abbey aux Hommes after a short tour of the Abbey and St. Etienne Church.

Jan 10 & Jan 11: Presentations, award lunch, gala dinner.

Jan 12: IBEC 2014 Mid morning planning committee meeting & Organized tour of Mont. St. Michel (additional cost).

Jan 13: Possibility of small group organized visit to the surroundings.

More details and costs will be announced as the date of the conference approaches.

Relevant Dates

While we have submission deadlines, proposals will be reviewed on a continuous basis so we can have acceptance (or not) answers to the authors as they are reviewed. We will try to answer faster to those submitting before the early submission deadline. 

Early Submission Deadline: August 15th, 2012

Regular Submission Deadline: September 15th, 2012

Conference: January 9-12, 2013

Executive Committee for IBEC 2013

Conference Co-Chair: John Manley, Iona College, USA, jmanley@iona.edu

Conference Co-Chair: Ameeta Jaiswal-Dale, University of St. Thomas, USA, a9jaiswal@stthomas.edu

Program Chair & Editor: Carlos Trejo Pech, Universidad Panamericana Guadalajara, Mexico, ctrejo@up.edu.mx

Arrangements Co-Chair: Jay Kang, San Francisco State University, USA, jkang@sfsu.edu

Arrangements Co-Chair: Christian Deleuze, University of Caen, France, Christian.deleuze@unicaen.fr

Membership Chair: Pavel Strach, Skoda Auto University, Czech Republic, pavel.strach@gmail.com

Web Page Chair: Tomas Kincl, University of Economics-Prague, Czech Republic, kincol.thomas@gmail.com

Proceedings Chair: Vin Calluzzo, Iona College, USA, vcalluzzo@iona.edu


IBEC 2013 Sponsoring Institutions


CIBER – UCONN (University of Connecticut), USA

Iona College, Hagan School of Business, USA

Korea Business Institute, SFSU, California, USA

San Francisco State University, School of Business, USA

University of Caen, Centre Franco-Americain of the Business School, France

Universidad Panamericana at Guadalajara, Mexico

University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Eventos