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BBVA research

martes 7 de febrero de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

Análisis Económico

For English see below

Flash Migración México

 Le enviamos el vínculo de nuestra publicación “Flash Migración


 En 2011 las remesas hacia México registraron su mayor crecimiento anual de los últimos 5 años

  • En 2011 las remesas registraron un crecimiento anual de 6.9% para situarse en 22,730.9 millones de dólares, 7% por encima de su nivel mínimo tras la crisis en 2009, pero 14.6% por debajo se valor máximo en 2007
  • Las mejoras en la recuperación de empleo de los migrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos y la depreciación del peso ante el dólar en los últimos meses del año, entre los factores que principalmente incentivaron mayores envíos de remesas hacia México
  • Todas las entidades presentaron variaciones positivas. Distrito Federal, Baja California y Sonora son las que registraron los mayores aumentos
  • Para 2012 esperamos que la recuperación de empleos de parte de los migrantes mexicanos continuará, lo que favorecerá mayores envíos de remesas, pudiendo lograrse incrementos en dólares superiores a los de 2011; no obstante, aún no se lograrán los máximos alcanzados en 2007; prevemos que será en 2013 cuando se pueda lograr tal situación



Descargar ¯


Para ver más acerca de México, haga click aquí




In 2011, remittances to Mexico recorded its highest annual growth in the last 5 years

  • In 2011 remittances registered an annual growth of 6.9%, achieving an annual flow of 22,730.9 million dollars, 7% above its minimum level after the crisis in 2009, but 14.6% below the peak in 2007
  • Improvements in the recovery of employment for Mexican migrants in the US and the depreciation of the peso against the dollar in the last months of 2011 are among the factors that encouraged higher remittances to Mexico
  • All the states presented positive changes: Distrito Federal, Baja California and Sonora recorded the biggest increases
  • By 2012 we expect the jobs recovery of Mexican migrants in the U.S will continue, which will promote more remittances so they could be higher than 2011 figures, but below maximum historical levels reached in 2007. We expect that it will be in 2013 when such a situation can be achieved



For more on Mexico, click here

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Boletines de difusión

CLAS E-Bulletin

martes 7 de febrero de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

February 2, 2012

To be added to the E-Bulletin email list, send a message to Elizabeth Sáenz at esaenz@mail.sdsu.edu

Having trouble viewing this email? 

You can view the E-Bulletin online at: http://latinamericanstudies.sdsu.edu/ebulletin.html.

1-CLAS and Other Events at SDSU

Department of Anthropology’s first speaker series event on Friday, February 3rd at 3:30pm.

«The Maya and 2012» by Dr. Mark Van Stone, Professor of Art History, Southwestern College

Dr. Van Stone is a Maya expert specializing in Maya Hieroglyphs and calligraphy. Van Stone’s books include “2012: Science and Prophecy of the Ancient Maya” inspired by Maya inscriptions, astronomical knowledge, math, and myth, and “Reading the Maya Glyphs”. Responding to the upsurge in interest in “the Maya prophecies”, Dr. Van Stone has spent the last several years researching what the Ancient Maya actually said about 2012.

Date: Friday, February 3rd, 2012
Time: 3:30 pm
Location: Arts & Letters, Room 105

Thesis Q & A sessions from Montezuma Publishing

Gradate Affairs set the dates for the Spring Thesis Q&A sessions. They will be doing two weeks worth to start; if they get a lot of interest they could be open to add additional sessions.

Montezuma Publishing is offering Thesis Q&A sessions for Spring on the following dates:

  • Monday, February 6th  – 3:00pm
  • Tuesday, February 7th  – 10:00am
  • Wednesday, February 8th  – 10:00am
  • Thursday, February 9th  – 3:00pm
  • Monday, February 13th  – 3:00pm
  • Tuesday, February 14th  – 10:00am
  • Wednesday, February 15th  – 10:00am
  • Thursday, February 16th  – 3:00pm

Register for a session by calling 619-594-7551 between the hours of 8:30am – 4:00pm, Monday through Friday. Space is limited, students must register to attend.

Graduate Affairs encourage students graduating in Spring or Summer 2012 to attend. These sessions will address deadlines, tips on formatting, the review process, and publishing requirements. Sessions will last approximately 30-45 minutes. Sessions will be held in Montezuma’s office (IT 104).

Important Deadlines for CLAS Mixtec and Zapotec Summer Study Abroad Programs 2012- For more information on how to participate in Mixtec and Zapotec Language and Culture programs please visit us at:


April 2

  • All Summer Abroad Program Applications due (Mixtec, Zapotec)
  • LCTL Scholarship Application due -$100 nonrefundable deposit due

April 9

  • Notification of acceptance to all study abroad programs

April 16

  • Notification of LCTL Scholarship awards

April 23

  • Participant Packets and fees due for ALL programs

Program Dates:

Six-week Program: June 18 – July 27
Four-week Program: June 18 – July 13
Two-week Program: June 18 – June 29

2 – Events Outside SDSU

Presentation of «Water Services in Northern Mexico»

El Colegio de la Frontera Norte and the Northeast Regional Directorate invite the submission of the book «The water services in Northern Mexico,» coordinated by Dr. Ismael Aguilar Benitez researcher Colef Monterrey. The event will take place on Thursday, February 2 at 18:00 central time at Casa Colef, Mexico City.

This publication has two distinct boundaries: one is focused on the analysis of urban water services and water management in general, and two, the boundary of space confined to the northern cities of Mexico. The book is divided into three parts, the first is political and social aspects in the management of water services, in the second section analyzes the economic and financial management of these services, and the third is a focus on the relationship between urban water use and the environment.

The book launch will be headed by: Dr. Judith Dominguez, researcher at El Colegio de Mexico, the MSc. Fernando Reyna Guzman, Coordinator of Communication, Participation and Information of the Mexican Institute of Water Technology, Dr. Cecilia Sheridan Prieto, Professor – Researcher, Centre of Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology, and Dr. Ismael Aguilar Benitez researcher the Northern Border College and coordinator of the book.

WiLDCOAST and The Tijuana River Estuary’s «Meet Your New Underwater Parks»

The event is to introduce San Diego to our new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) or «underwater parks» that were established on January 1st, 2012. http://www.wildcoast.net/media-center/news/454-new-year-brings-new-protections-for-california-coast

The event will also have as a special guest, Octavio Aburto from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography discussing the success story that is Cabo Pulmo Marine Park.

When: Saturday February 4th from 10 AM – 1 PM at theTijuana River Estuary Visitor Center — 301 Caspian Way, Imperial Beach, CA 91932.

What: Learn more about our new Marine Protected Areas in San Diego, and take a guided nature walk through the estuary to better understand its connection to the ocean. Special guest speaker Dr. Octavio Aburto from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography will discuss «Cabo Pulmo: Marine Protected Area Success Story.»

FREE EVENT. Chances to win cool prizes like: surfing lessons, kayak tours and tickets to the Birch Aquarium.

For more information please visit: www.wildcoast.net or contact Diane Castaneda at diane@wildcoast.net


Come to learn about Tijuana communities and workers’ conditions and struggles!


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Citizens returning from Mexico should present an U.S. passport. (Otherwise, they need an official ID, birth certificate, and waiting in line when returning to the U.S. for a period of time to be decided by the border gateofficer.) More information: the U.S. State Dept. web site: http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_970.html#entry_requirements  All tour participants must read the US travel alert to Mexico and sign the tour waiver.

DONATIONS: $30 regular, $20 students, $ 50 solidarity  Donations cover the bus, lunch, and a donation to the workers’ organizations.

To reserve a place, please go to: www.sdmaquila.org

Trans-Border Institute

Trans-Border Institute (TBI) at the University of San Diego (USD) for clear, reliable information and analysis.

TBI Media Roundtable – Feb. 7, 2012. Each year TBI provides briefings and analysis for leading U.S. and Mexican reporters to examine the issues they face in Mexico and the cross-border context;

Read more on Events Outside SDSU

3-Conferences and Calls for Papers

EMRIP: Call for submissions on indigenous peoples’ languages and culture

The Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is calling for submissions on the role of languages and culture in the protection and promotion of the rights and identity of indigenous peoples, its current mandated study in accordance with Human Rights Council Resolution 18/8 (September 2011), from:

  • indigenous individuals and peoples and/or their representatives
  • non-state actors including non-governmental organisations
  • national human rights institutions
  • any other relevant stakeholders

Submissions will need to be submitted by 17 February 2012 to be taken into account in the Expert Mechanism’s study, a draft of which will be finalised in early April 2012 in preparation for the Expert Mechanism’s fifth session in July 2012.

Please email submissions to Claire Charters at ccharters@ohchr.org http://www.iwgia.org/news/search-news?news_id=379 http://www.ohchr.org/SP/Issues/PIndigenas/EMRIP/Paginas/EMRIPIndex.aspx

LAII’s Research Paper Series

The Latin American and Iberian Institute at the University of New Mexico is soliciting submissions by faculty and graduate students for publication in the LAII’s peer-reviewed, electronic Research Paper Series.

The Research Paper Series publishes works in relevant disciplines including the arts, humanities, natural sciences, communications and social sciences. Interdisciplinary research is encouraged.  Submissions should focus on Latin America and/or Iberia (Spain and Portugal). Papers may be written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese and must be between 5,000 and 9,000 words, including notes and bibliography.

Please refer to the submission guidelines at http://laii.unm.edu/node/57

A full‑text archive of previously published titles in the Research Paper Series and Reference Works Series is available online at https://repository.unm.edu/handle/1928/2580

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, February 29, 2012 by 5:00 p.m.

For further information, please contact:

Alexandra Blodget
Graduate Assistant
Latin American & Iberian Institute
MSC02 1690 / 1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

Read more on Conferences and Calls for Papers

4-Study Abroad and Summer Programs


Summer Intensive Mixtec Language Program in Oaxaca

  • Where: Oaxaca City, Oaxaca, Mexico
  • When: June 18 – July 27, 2012
  • Application deadline: April 23, 2012

*It is important to note that credits earned in the Mixtec summer program can be used towards satisfying SDSU foreign language requirements.

Mixtec is an indigenous language of Mexico spoken by people living in the states of Oaxaca, Guerrero, and Puebla, many of whom have migrated and established communities throughout northern Mexico and the United States. This intensive program is taught by native Mixtec speakers and linguists, Juan Julian Caballero of the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) and Marcos Cruz Bautista from Mexico’s Universidad Pedagógica Nacional from the campus at Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca (UPN). Both Profesores Caballero and Bautista received training in ethnolinguistics and second language acquisition pedagogy from Mexico’s Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN) and CIESAS. The course includes five hours of classroom instruction, four days per week, and a minimum of two weekend field trips into the Mixteca, each field trip includes 10 hours more of classroom instruction. Local and visiting scholars whose research focuses on Mixtec culture and history conduct seminars each week. Additional fieldtrips to market centers, archaeological sites, elementary and secondary schools, and other such locations where the language and culture can be experienced within the broader Oaxacan environment are also worked into the weekly schedule.

One of the critical issues of Mixtec is the extreme variation that occurs within the language family. The Summer Intensive Language Program is focused on acquiring sufficient linguistic skills to communicate within the variant taught in the classroom as well as establishing a foundation for understanding dialectic differences that one will encounter as they move among Mixtec speakers.

The program is also designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of the interface between Mixtec culture and the broader mestizo culture of Oaxaca, grassroots movements to preserve Mixtec culture both within Oaxaca and among Mixtec communities in the US, and other such topics that will provide a foundation for understanding Mixtec language and culture. The program is five hours per day, four days per week of intense classroom instruction over a six week period (120 hours). We have two weekends in the Mixteca planned in the communities of San Juan Mixtepec and San Francisco Nieves, which includes a minimum of ten contact hours of instruction per fieldtrip. Thus our students will exceed the 140 contact hours of language instruction.

In addition to language instruction, we have Oaxacan scholars who specialize in issues of the Mixteca present their work in two hour workshops. Although most of these lectures are conducted in Spanish they focus on the Mixtec both in Oaxaca and in the United States.

Summer Intensive Zapotec Language Program in Oaxaca

  • Where: Juchitán, and Valley of Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico
  • When: June 18 – July 27, 2012
  • Application deadline: April 23, 2012

*It is important to note that credits earned in the Zapotec summer program can be used towards satisfying SDSU foreign language requirements.

Zapotec is one of the most widely spoken indigenous languages of Oaxaca, Mexico with some speakers of Isthmus Zapotec in Chiapas and Veracruz. This intensive program is taught by native Isthmus Zapotec speakers and linguists through the Casa de La Cultura in Juchitán. The course, taught in Spanish, includes five hours of classroom instruction, four to five days per week, over a six week period with workshops and fieldtrips to market centers, elementary and secondary schools, hospitals, and other community-based centers of social interaction. Participants will experience a full immersion in Zapotec culture and language through homestays with Zapotec speaking families. Juchitán is located in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and is a coastal marketing center located between Oaxaca City and the state of Chiapas, allowing students to easily travel to both areas. Professor Thomas Villalobos Aguino of Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN) and the administrators of Casa de la Cultura de Juchitan coordinate the program in Oaxaca along with Dr. Ramona Pérez, a Oaxacan scholar from the Department of Anthropology at SDSU.


2012 IDIEZ Summer Nahuatl Institute in Los Angeles

The Zacatecas Institute for Teaching and Research in Ethnology (IDIEZ), Macehualli Educational Research (MER), la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (UAZ) and California State University Los Angeles (CSULA) are partnering to offer the opportunity to study Classical and Modern Nahuatl at the beginning and intermediate-advanced levels in a summer intensive course.

Where: California State University Los Angeles (CSULA).

When: July 2 to August 10, 2012.

Instructors: John Sullivan, Victoriano de la Cruz Cruz, Delfina de la Cruz de la Cruz, Sabina Cruz de la Cruz, Ofelia Cruz Morales, Catalina Cruz de la Cruz, Eduardo de la Cruz Cruz, Abelardo de la Cruz de la Cruz, Ana Delia Cruz de la Cruz.

Objectives: The course seeks to: 1. develop students’ oral comprehension, speaking, reading, writing and knowledge of language structure, as well as their cultural wisdom and sensibility, in order to facilitate their ability to communicate effectively, correctly and creatively in everyday situations; 2. provide students with instruments and experiences that demonstrate the continuity between past and present Nahua culture, through the study of colonial and modern texts, and conversation with native speakers; 3. penetrate into the historical, economic, political, social and cultural aspects of Nahua civilization; and 4. prepare students to take university level humanities courses taught in Nahuatl alongside native speakers.

Contact: This course description is available at http://www.macehualli.org. Please direct all questions to John Sullivan at idiez@me.com, +52 1 492 103-0195 or +52 492 768-6048.

Read more on Study Abroad and Summer Programs

5-Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities

Call for Visiting Fellows Program 2012- 2013 Academic Year

The Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies (USMEX) at the University of California, San Diego invites applications for dissertation fellowships for the 2012-2013 academic year. The Center’s Visiting Fellows Program is the largest residential fellowship program in the United States for research on Mexico. Each year the program brings together scholars from the social sciences, history, and related fields.

Visiting Fellows are expected to be PhD candidates who are ABD and have completed a substantial portion of their dissertations. We in particular encourage University of California graduate students to apply to the program. The majority of the fellowship awards are for residential periods between 4 and 9 months in duration. Fellowships generally start at the beginning of the academic year and are not given over the summer months (July-September). Stipends are determined by UC general policies and funding availability. Priority will be given to proposals on social policy, public health, governance, discrimination and poverty and local development; although, the Center will consider supporting research in other more general studies. For a current list of visiting fellows and their research projects click here. Awards have been given in the past supporting research on contemporary Mexico, Mexican history, and U.S.-Mexican relations. Comparative studies with a substantial Mexico component are also encouraged.

PLEASE NOTE: Applications will ONLY be accepted via the Center’s Online application website. Please click here (http://usmexapp.ucsd.edu/) to begin the application process.

Visiting Scholars Program applicants will need to upload the following supporting documents AS A PDF FILE:

A. A complete and up-to-date curriculum vitae.

B. An abstract of proposed research project (250-word maximum).

C. A research proposal (3000 word maximum) OR a dissertation chapter/job paper if you are applying for the Post Doctoral fellowship.

D. One copy each of no more than 3 of your publications or unpublished papers that relate directly to the proposed research project.

Letters of recommendation (up to three) can be uploaded on the Center’s online application site.

The deadline for receipt of all application materials, including letters of reference, is Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 4pm (PST).

For additional information, please contact: Greg Mallinger Events/ Programs Coordinator Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego Tel: (858) 822-1696, Fax: (858) 534-6447 E-mail: gmallinger@ucsd.edu

Read more on Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities

6-Internships, Volunteer, and Job Opportunities

Communications Director Job Announcement

The Communications Director is responsible for the strategic direction and overall management of internal and external communications to ensure that EHC’s communication strategy is consistent and reflects the organization’s strategic vision. The Director manages contractors and participates in all initiatives and campaigns.

Successful candidates will have a proven track record in implementing and enhancing social media, web technologies and all other forms of media exposure for an organization. The ideal candidate will have a passion for online activism, growing an online supporter base, and building online communities. They will be values driven, self-motivated, detail oriented, and resourceful. They will also be able to work efficiently and with a positive attitude in a fast-paced environment that requires adaptability to shifting priorities, a sense of urgency, and a commitment to excellence.

For more information click here

Grants Coordinator

Interfaith Community Services is a regionally acclaimed, $10 million per year nonprofit organization providing access to food and basic needs, social services, transitional housing, employment services, at-risk youth programs, senior programs, Veterans services, and addiction recovery in North San Diego County.

We currently have an opening for a full time Grants Coordinator. Reporting to the Director of Development and working closely with the Development Team and Executive Team, the Grants Coordinator will have the opportunity to empower vital services to struggling individuals and families in North County by helping to secure funding from foundations, corporations, government agencies, and other grant-making organizations to support the mission of Interfaith Community Services.

Applicants are directed to submit a cover letter, résumé, and salary history via email and U.S. mail to Marcella Stock in the Human Resources Department: careers@interfaithservices.org

Interfaith Community Services 550 W. Washington Ave Escondido CA 92025

Center for World Music Internship

The 45-year-old NEA-supported Center for World Music is now accepting interns in arts and business management.  Located in San Diego, the Center conducts an international concert series of 30 concerts per year, programs abroad (in Asia, Africa, and Latin America), and a world music in the schools program for over 5,000 K-12 students.

Should you or your students wish to learn more about this opportunity, please contact the Center’s Executive Director, Mr. John Gabriel, at the address below.

John Gabriel, Executive Director
Center for World Music
(760) 845-9480

Read more on Internships, Volunteer, and Job Opportunities

7-Articles, Publications, Books


La Voz Community Events Newsletter over the last 12 years has worked towards keeping the San Diego non-profit, Latino, and community at large connected ~
LA VOZ Community Events Newsletter

Schools for Chiapas Newsletter


Council on Hemispheric Affairs Newsletter (COHA) Weekly Press Release


Read more on Articles, Publications, Books

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Boletines de difusión

Posgrado Gestión Cultural y Comunicación (modalidad virtual) 2012

martes 7 de febrero de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Convocatorias Nacionales

Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Superior

martes 7 de febrero de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Superior
Investigación y análisis con enfoque regional
2012, Volumen 3, n°6



En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Boletines de difusión

Abierta la Inscripción – Maestría en Relaciones y Negociaciones internacionales FLACSO/Universidad de San Andrés

martes 7 de febrero de 2012 por Luis (Coordinación de Sistemas)

Si no puede ver correctamente la invitación haga clic aquí





Ciclo 2012-2013
Abierta la Inscripción
Segundo turno de inscripciones:
del martes 20 de diciembre al viernes 2 de marzo

NUESTRO PROGRAMA Un programa innovador de carácter interdisciplinario que pone el foco sobre los procesos económicos y políticos internacionales, combinando de manera equilibrada teoría y práctica.

Mas información en:
www.udesa.edu.ar/mrni o

Para consultas dirigirse a:

Tel: +54-11-5238-9334

Dirección: Ayacucho 555, Ciudad Autónoma
de Buenos Aires

NUESTROS PROFESORES Un grupo de destacados profesores nacionales y extranjeros que son líderes en sus disciplinas, tanto en el plano académico como profesional.

NUESTROS ESTUDIANTES Un grupo altamente motivado con orígenes disciplinarios y profesionales diversos, un interés común por las relaciones internacionales y una composición multicultural que enriquece la experiencia educativa.

En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales · Boletines de difusión