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Public Lecture by 2011-2012 Kirchner Fellows on Brazil and the UNASUR – March 7th – 6 pm

martes, 28 febrero, 2012

The Observatory on Latin America (OLA) of The New School and 

the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM)

are pleased to invite you to: 

President Néstor Kirchner Fellowship 2011-2012

A Public Lecture by


Erika Paredes Sánchez, from Ecuador

   The Union of South American Nations: 

At the Onset of Socio-Regional Integration


Mauricio Santoro Rocha, from Brazil 

Democracy and Foreign Policy in Brazil


Wednesday, March 7th, 2012, 6pm 

Orozco Room / The New School

66 West 12th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY



OLA is pleased to welcome Erika Paredes Sánchez and Mauricio Santoro Rocha, President Néstor Kirchner Fellows for 2011/2012. Both were awarded a Fellowship after demonstrating academic excellence and a commitment to public service.  

Erika Paredes Sánchez holds a Masters in Development Studies from the Graduate Institute of International Development Studies (IHEID), Geneva, and is currently working with the Government of Ecuador where she is focused on the environmental initiative, Yasuní-ITT. 


Mauricio Santoro Rocha is a journalist and holds a PhD in Political Science. He is a Professor at the Getulio Vargas Foundation. Previously, he was a reporter for the newspaper O Globo and worked on issues regarding international cooperation at NGOs and the Brazilian government. 

This Fellowship is inspired by the legacy and achievements of former President Néstor Kirchner during his term as President of Argentina (2003-2007), coupled with his important work as the first Secretary General of UNASUR (2010).

The President Néstor Kirchner Fellowship, focused on the training of young leaders in South America, is organized by The Observatory on Latin America (OLA) of The New School, New York, and the Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina.  

The lecture will be in English.

Admission is free, but seating is limited.

Reservations are required.

Please RSVP by March 5th to ola@newschool.edu


For more information, please visit the OLA website:



The 2012-2013 PNK Call is open.

Learn how to apply.



This program is supported by the JULIEN J. STUDLEY FOUNDATION 


En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales