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REMINDER: USMEX Seminar Series: Rainer Enrique Hamel

martes, 13 marzo, 2012

Indigenous Bilingual Education in Mexico:

A Case of Bottom-Up Planning and Implementation

Date: Wednesday, March 14
Time: 3:30PM
Location: UC San Diego, Institute of the Americas Complex,
Deutz Room

Open to the public

Discussant: John Haviland, UCSD Professor of Anthropology

Rainer Enrique Hamel is a Visiting Scholar at the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies and a professor of linguistics in the Department of Anthropology, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), in Mexico City. He obtained his PhD in Romance Linguistics from the University of Frankfurt in 1988. Professor Hamel specializes in sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, discourse analysis, language policy, bilingualism and bilingual education. Over more than 30 years, he has been doing research on language shift, indigenous bilingual education and language policy in Mexico and in other Latin American countries. He is the Director of CIEIB, the inter-institutional Research Program «Indigenous Community and Bilingual Intercultural Education» hosted at UAM and the Director of the Permanent Project Networks «Language Policy in Latin America» of ALFAL, the Association of Linguists and Philologists of Latin America.»

For information about the project and film please click here (in spanish).

For more information and to register, please click here.

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