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The Advance Parole Campaign continues | The California-Mexico Studies Center, Inc.

martes, 21 mayo, 2019

USCIS Director Francis Cissna sent a response letter to the 66 congress members and senators that support the Advance Parole Campaign. His superficial response has fueled our campaign and we have confirmed more than 40 dreamers to advocate for Advance Parole in Washington DC next month. The need for the reinstatement of Advance Parole is direly needed. Many DACA recipients have been barred from many opportunities abroad due to the suspension of Advance Parole and the CMSC is dedicated to bring Advance Parole back. Unfortunately, our funds are very limited and we cannot do this without the support of sponsors. With your support we will be able to expand and bring more Dreamers to advocate in Washington, D.C.  

PC: Advance Parole Campaign; Delegation of Dreamers with Rep. Nanette Barragan on January, 2019

Sponsors Direly Needed by no later than June 7th
to support the Advance Parole Campaign’s 2nd phase

To become a sponsor you may fill out the pledge form below and email it to californiamexicocenter@gmail.com or print it and send it to the following address:

The California-Mexico Studies Center, Inc.

1551 N. Studebaker Rd., Long Beach, CA 90815


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