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Think Tanks & Civil Societies Program | The University of Pennsylvania

martes, 9 julio, 2019

Provided below is the 2019-2020 Think Tank Summit and Forum Schedule.

Please use the link for each Summit and Forum to indicate that you plan to attend.  Please note that all of the Summits and Forums were oversubscribed last year so please respond at your earliest convenience.

As you know, this is a cooperative effort and we are seeking support for the following segments of the Summit Programs: 1. Host a Summit; 2. Host a Dinner $10,000-12,000; 3. Host a Lunch $8,000-10,000; 4. Underwrite the Production and Distribution of the Summit Report $10,000 per Summit.

Finally, in reviewing the over 800 respondents to the Assessment of the TTCSP Survey I noted that many of you have not responded. Since you have attended many of the Summits, we would welcome your comments and suggestions for how we can enhance the programs and publications we provided for the global think tank community.

Please take a few minutes to complete the Survey. You can access the Survey by using this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TTCSPweneedyourinput

All the best, Jim McGann 

2019 Summit and Forum Schedule

September 23-25 2019

Latin America Think Tank Summit, Bogota, Colombia

TTCSP Partner: Fedesarrollo


October 2019 MENA Think Tank Summit

November 10-12, 2019 Asia Think Tank Summit, Bangkok, Thailand

TTCSP Partner: Trade, Investment and Innovation Division UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific                                               


December 5, 2019 Euro-Med Think Tank Forum, Rome, Italy

TTCSP Partner: Institute for International Political Studies ISPI                


December 12-13, 2019

Global Think Tank Summit, Rio de Janeiro

TTCSP Partner: Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV)


2020 Tentative Summit and Fora Schedule

January 30, 2020 Think Tank and Civil Societies: Catalyst for Ideas, Innovation and Action 2020 Why Think Tanks Matter in Washington, DC and 150 cities around the world.                                             


February 2020 Artificial Intelligence and Think Tanks Forum, Palo Alto, California or another venue


February 2020 Africa Think Tank Summit, Capetown, South Africa


March 2020 North America Think Tank Summit, Washington, DC


April 2020 Europe Think Tank Summit, Marseilles, France


Global Food and Water Security Summit (Date and location to be determined)


En: 1 Avisos y Eventos Generales